VIBES WEB 3, Music competition week 21: La cita (cover) by @eudarcabello [ESP/ENG]

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Me alegra bastante que volvieran las participaciones a esta comunidad, hasta pense que ya no abriria nuevas participaciones, me alegra haber estado equivocado. Sigo con el problema de saber nuevas canciones para mis participaciones en las comunidades musicales, llegue a casa con super buen animo y mas adelante detallo el motivo, supongo que eso hizo que escuchara en la radio la cancion que haria para esta semana.
I'm really glad that the participations came back to this community, I even thought that I wouldn't open new participations, I'm glad I was wrong. I still have the problem of knowing new songs for my participations in the musical communities, I arrived home with super good mood and later I detail the reason, I guess that made me listen on the radio the song that I would do for this week.
Hello people of the community of VIBES WEB 3, I am @eudarcabello this time for the musical competition in the week 21, this time super happy to open the participation here, for the week in the musical communities, to catch me by surprise the participation to this community nor it occurred to me with which to participate, I listened to some of them until I think I found the best option for this week, if I was dedicated to the edition it would surely be worldwide, as I don't have much time I did it this way, this time it's the song called "La cita" popularized by the spanish pop singer Jeremias. I think I ended up enjoying the way I did it, I'm sure I can say that I liked the way it turned out and I respect if you don't think the same.

Sigo sin saber alguna respuesta por parte de los que se encargan del postgrado, lo que si es que decidi no esperar mas y solicitar mis vacaciones, pedi de una vez los 3 años que he trabajado, por lo visto son 48 dias habiles, asi que imagino toca regresar a eso de diciembre, sino la aprovecho con el postgrado ya saldra algo, capaz y un trabajito temporal para ganar dinerito extra que siempre es necesario. Me emociona soltar un poco el estres que ha sido ultimamente el trabajo en mi institucion y hacer otra cosa con mi vida.
I still don't know any answer from the people in charge of the postgraduate course, what I do know is that I decided not to wait any longer and ask for my holidays, I asked for the 3 years that I have worked, apparently they are 48 working days, so I guess I have to go back in December, if I don't take advantage of it with the postgraduate course something will come up, maybe even a temporary job to earn some extra money which is always necessary. I'm excited to let go a little of the stress that has been lately working at my institution and do something else with my life.
Esperemos que sea mas constante las participaciones a esta comunidad y ahora con vacaciones si dedicarme a mejorar mis participaciones en las comunidades musicales para las cuales participo. Debo aclarar que apenas introducire las vacaciones y hasta dicen que puede tomar hasta 11 dias para que ahora si empiencen estas vacaciones, ya en el trabajo esta causando ruido estos 48 dias habiles por los 3 años de servicio, pero si los necesito y asi volver totalmente renovado. Debo resaltar que no seria del todo libre, en la parte de divulgacion a las escuelas o liceo debo seguir asistiendo y esto puede ser hasta dos veces por semana, esto ya que la que esta al frente a esta asignacion esta embarazada, luego de ella le sigo con esta responsabilidad y al haber tantas asignaciones por hacer para mi institucion no se quiere mover a otra persona, dicen que luego me pueden compensar estos dias que toque trabajar, lo dudo, pero igual acepte ir.

Let's hope that the participation in this community will be more constant and now with holidays I can dedicate myself to improve my participation in the musical communities for which I participate. I must clarify that just intruducire the holidays and even say that it can take up to 11 days to now if these holidays begin, and at work is causing noise these 48 working days for the 3 years of service, but if I need them and thus return completely renewed. I must emphasize that I would not be completely free, in the part of divulgation to the schools or high school I must continue attending and this can be up to twice a week, this because the one who is in front of this assignment is pregnant, after her I continue with this responsibility and having so many assignments to do for my institution does not want to move to another person, they say that then they can compensate me these days that I have to work, I doubt it, but I still accepted to go.
I want to take the opportunity to invite to participate in this community to my friend of the classes of Arte&opera @melaniboada17 that we have not chatted recently, but I try to be pending of what he does, he already has a lot that does not upload content, we have not seen although we are usually in very close areas, let's hope and soon it will be given. I hope that everything related to the postgraduate course will be excellent and I think I'm doing my best to make it so, now it's time to hope for the best. Grateful for all the good things that have happened to me and the bad things that I have got rid of, for your support, I hope you also visit my other posts, many successes with your content and see you next week.
Quiero aprovechar de invitar a participar a esta comunidad a mi amigo de las clases de Arte&opera @melaniboada17 que no hemos chateado reciente, pero intento estar pendiente de lo que hace, el ya tiene monton que no sube contenido, no nos hemos visto a pesar que solemos estar en zonas muy cercanas, esperemos y pronto se dé. Tengo la esperanza que este todo lo referente al postgrado resulte excelente y creo estar poniéndole todo de mí para que así sea, ahora toca esperar lo mejor. Agradecido por todas las cosas buenas que me han pasado y de las malas que me he librado, por tu apoyo, espero tambien visites mis otros post, muchos éxitos con tu contenido y hasta la próxima semana.

▶️ 3Speak
Very good song, friend, I liked how you interpreted it, a big hug, brother
thanks so much my friend
It's good that you were able to publish your entry.
You enjoyed yourself while singing, which made it even more beautiful.
I love your confidence too.
Your entry is lovely and your song choice is great too.
I like the danceable beat.
thanks so much sweetie