Vibes web3 music competition week 22(cover of Whitney houston-I look to you)

in Vibes5 months ago

I’ve been down with sorethroat and cold!!two weeks of torture not being able to sing and today i decided i was going to do it anyways no matter how it sounded😌😌
Here you go
I look to you by whitney houston is a song everyone can connect to

As i lay me down
Heaven hears me now
I’m lost without a cause
After giving it my all

This song is total surrender and end of self
I listened to this song three years ago all through the year!!!
This was my friends go to song when she was battling with depression!!more and more stories

Oldies be saving lives!!!!!

Would you like to share how you connect with this song in the comments?please go ahead


Beautiful lyrics
There's just so much message in the lyrics
You have an amazing voice dear
Keep it up

It's wonderful to know that the song help your friend through tough time. The power of music.
I think the song's theme of hope is universal and comforting.
Lovely falsetto voice
You did a great job with the cover.

My Love for this song Knows no Bound
I'm obsessed with this Song

And you have performed incredibly
Your head voice is Top notch

You have a very lovely voice Esther, and this was a beautiful entry even tho you're not 💯 strong at the moment. Glad you're doing better now.
All the best this week

You have such a lovely voice which shines through despite the circumstances. I totally enjoyed this and look wish you quick recovery so we can hear more beautiful renditions from you. All the best!