VIBES WEB3 Music Competition Week 12 || Judika - Aku Yang Tersakiti cover by @donirosayandi

in Vibes10 months ago


This week I want to share about the song from Judika - Aku Yang Tersakiti
For the theme "Pain" this time I specifically sang this song from Judika. Impliedly, this song tells the story of someone who feels disappointed with his lover who has changed since getting to know someone new in his life.
He felt that his partner began to change after his partner became close friends with another man.

Have you ever felt
Distance between us?
Now it feels even more intense
Once you get to know him

This song wants to tell the story of someone who suffers because they are betrayed by their cheating partner.
This made him hurt, he remembered the beautiful memories and promises he made with his partner. In fact, he prayed to God that the pain would be removed.

Have you never realized?
I'm the one you hurt
You left with your broken promise

I think this song fits the theme of the Vibes Web3 music competition week 12, I hope you like it.


link X :
~~~ embed:1795496883764555980?t=qEbcQKSFVvlPBY19CEaBEg&s=19 twitter metadata:ZG9uaV9tdXNpa3x8aHR0cHM6Ly90d2l0dGVyLmNvbS9kb25pX211c2lrL3N0YXR1cy8xNzk1NDk2ODgzNzY0NTU1OTgwfA== ~~~

Pernahkah kau merasa
Jarak antara kita?
Kini s'makin terasa
Setelah kau kenal dia

Aku tiada percaya
Teganya kau putuskan
Indahnya cinta kita
Yang tak ingin kuakhiri

Kau pergi

Tak pernahkah kau sadari?
Akulah yang kau sakiti
Engkau pergi dengan janjimu yang telah kau ingkari

Oh, Tuhan, tolonglah aku
Hapuskan rasa cintaku
Aku pun ingin bahagia walau tak bersama dia

Memang takkan mudah
Bagiku 'tuk lupakan s'galanya
Aku pergi untuk dia

@web3ascend @VibesWeb3


Awnn 😍 this is calm and beautiful voice.