Vibes Music Competition - Week 28 - (Easy Lover - Phil Collins)

in Vibeslast month

Vibes Music Competition

Week 28

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Que tal, Vibes. La virtud a veces viene múltiple, hay personas divergentes entre la virtud y uno de ellos es “Phill Collins” quien es considerado como un virtuoso de la batería y de la voz, pero dicho por él mismo, es un baterista que sabe cantar, pero realmente para quienes hemos seguido de cerca su carrera artística o por lo menos los años que estuvimos cerca de su éxito, podemos decir que es un virtuoso de la batería, de la voz y la composición. Es un baterista que marcó una generación, Phil, cambió las reglas del juego en los 70’s y 80´s, con un sonido de batería único, causado por un incidente en el estudio de grabación y se convirtió rápidamente en el estilo de esos tiempos. También tiene una voz única y una afinación sin miedo a equivocarme, perfecta, ligada a que es un metrónomo humano, mantener una afinación perfecta es algo realmente único. Pero también es un increíble compositor, quien ha logrado hacer varios Hit´s a nivel mundial, realmente un monstruo de la música. Para vibes les traigo un cover de bajo de su tema “Easy Lover” que posee una línea de bajo increíble y aunque compleja en partitura es rica en pasajes sencillos.
Howdy, Vibes. Virtue sometimes comes multiple, there are divergent people between virtue and one of them is “Phill Collins” who is considered a virtuoso drummer and voice, but said by himself, he is a drummer who can sing, but really for those who have closely followed his artistic career or at least the years that we were close to his success, we can say that he is a virtuoso drummer, voice and composition. He is a drummer who marked a generation, Phil, changed the rules of the game in the 70's and 80's, with a unique drum sound, caused by an incident in the recording studio and quickly became the style of those times. He also has a unique voice and an intonation that is without fear of contradiction, perfect, linked to the fact that he is a human metronome, keeping a perfect intonation is something really unique. But he is also an incredible composer, who has managed to make several Hit's worldwide, really a monster of music. For vibes I bring you a bass cover of his song “Easy Lover” which has an incredible bass line and although complex in score is rich in simple passages.

Easy Lover - Phil Collins

Easy lover
She'll get a hold on you, believe it
Like no other
Before you know it you'll be on your knees
She's an easy lover
She'll take your heart but you won't feel it
She's like no other
And I'm just trying to make you see
She's the kind of girl you dream of
Dream of keeping hold of
You'd better forget it
You'll never get it
She will play around and leave you
Leave you and deceive you
Better forget it
Oh, you'll regret it
No, you'll never change her, so leave it, leave it
Get out quick 'cause seeing is believing
It's the only way
You'll ever know, oh
She's an easy lover
She'll get a hold on you, believe it
Like no other
Before you know it you'll be on your knees
She's an easy lover
She'll take your heart but you won't feel it
She's like no other
And I'm just trying to make you see
You're the one that wants to hold her
Hold her and control her
Better forget it
You'll never get it
Oh, she'll say that there's no other
'Til she finds another
Better forget it
Oh, you'll regret it
And don't try to change her, just leave it, leave it
You're not the only one, ooh, seeing is believing
It's the only way
You'll ever know, oh
Now don't try to change her, just leave it, leave it
You're not the only one, 'cause seeing is believing
It's the only way
You'll ever know, oh
She's an easy lover (she's a easy lover)
She'll get a hold on you, believe it (get a hold on you)
She's like no other
Before you know it you'll be on your knees (you'll be down on your knees)
She's an easy lover
She'll take your heart but you won't feel it (you won't feel it)
She's like no other
And I'm just trying to make you see (trying to make you see, yeah)
She's an easy lover
She'll get a hold on you, believe it (get a hold on you)
And like no other
Before you know it you'll be on your knees (you'll be down on your knees)
She's an easy lover
She'll take your heart but you won't feel it (you won't feel it)
She's like no other
And I'm just trying to make you see (trying to make you see)
She's an easy lover
She'll get a hold on you, believe it

Compositores: Nathan East / Phil Collins / Philip James Bailey

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Traducción realizada en DeepL

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oooooooh! excelente... subiendo de nivel. jajaja

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Que tal @arcange, por supuesto. De inmediato. Fuerte abrazo a todos. 😎🤘

Muchas gracias por su apoyo @cesaramos, es muy apreciado. 👍

Brutal hermano esta música nunca muere, es un clásico y los clásicos son precisamente eso, piezas que se mantienen actuales en cualquier tiempo. Tremenda linea y ejecución como siempre fren

Bro, así es esta es una pieza espectacular, Phil es de esos músicos que dejan huella enorme en la música y este es uno de esos temas legendarios. Fuerte abrazo bro

No sabes la nostalgia que me da escuchar estas canciones con este sonido tan característico y melancólico.
Cesar siempre es emocionante escucharte y aprender de ti.

Mi amiga. Muchas gracias por siempes estar por aquí. Phil es de esas leyendas aun vivas que nos han dejado grandes tesoros musicales y uno de ellos es esta pieza. Un fuerte abrazo