The More Positive Roots of "Friday the 13th"

Today was Friday the 13th of September.

Many people associate negative things with this day, some are even scared of it, and wish they could just stay in bed and not have to deal with this day, at all.


Consider this: You can switch the positions of just one letter, and "scared" becomes "sacred!"

But lets get back to the positive roots of Friday the 13th.

The English word "Friday" actually comes from Scandinavian names for the days of the week, and Friday is named for the Norse Goddess Frejya; Frejya's Day.

Frejya's number is 13, and therefore any Friday the 13th is her day, and actually a reason to celebrate this goddess. Frejya is also associated with Frigg in older texts. Both goddesses are regarded as the Mother of Gods who represent love and light.

The infamous Norse god Loki, who appeared in many legends and had quite a bad and unlucky reputation is believed to be responsible for the bad luck associated with Friday the 13th.

According to Norse legends involving this trickster god, a great banquest was held in Valhalla, the great hall of the Norse Gods. Twelve gods were invited to the feast, but Loki — the 13th God — was excluded from the guest list.

Maybe this sounds familiar to some people. The 13th guest?

Loki went on to cause the death of Baldur, god of love and light. Friday the 13th was actually meant to suppress the "resurrection" of love and light, and replace any memories of faith in a loving goddess.

Even the Templars — who revered the Divine Feminine — were crushed on this date because of their reverence to The Holy Mother.

So, instead of being scared of Friday the 13th, let's instead take a moment to celebrate Frejya's Day, and it's sacred origins!

You are not alone!

Rev. Sarah

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