Win SECRET tokens and TIPS // The legend tells it's secrets N°115

in FreeCompliments6 months ago

Winners SECRET tokens For Rebloog

@dgi @dynamicgreen @khantaimur @servelle

Winners SECRET tokens For comment or tips

@khantaimur @servelle @thedoc07 @manuvert

All participants win !LOLZ !PIZZA !DOOK !INDEED
Coming Soon !BEER
216 / 240

Nous sommes actuellement en pause dans la suite de notre aventure, mais ne vous inquiétez pas, vous recevrez tout de même des "TIPS" et des "SECRETS" exclusifs de notre jeu. Ce sera l’occasion pour vous de maîtriser les rouages cachés et les stratégies les plus subtiles, tandis que nous, de notre côté, préparons la suite avec soin. Chaque grand récit a besoin de temps pour mûrir, et cette histoire ne fait pas exception. Nous sommes en pleine réflexion sur la prochaine étape de cette épopée, car nous souhaitons vous offrir une expérience encore plus riche et passionnante. Si jamais des idées vous traversent l’esprit, des intrigues que vous aimeriez voir se dérouler, des lieux mystérieux à explorer, ou des personnages intrigants à rencontrer, vos suggestions seront les bienvenues !

Pendant ce temps, notre vieil homme légendaire, le héros de notre aventure, est retourné dans la forêt, ce lieu enchanteur où tout avait commencé. Le chemin qui l'a mené là est jonché de souvenirs, des moments de bravoure, de danger, mais aussi de découverte. La forêt, vaste et majestueuse, l’accueille à nouveau dans un calme apaisant. Le vent murmure à travers les branches, les feuilles se balancent doucement, et la pluie qui tombe en cascade lui offre un réconfort bien mérité. Chaque goutte qui frappe les feuilles semble emporter avec elle les tensions accumulées lors de ses périples. Ce son régulier et rassurant l’aide à apaiser son esprit tourmenté et à remettre de l'ordre dans ses pensées.

Assis au pied d’un arbre centenaire, il ferme les yeux, laisse ses souvenirs refaire surface et médite sur tout ce qu’il a vécu. Chaque bataille, chaque rencontre l’a changé, a fait de lui l'homme qu'il est aujourd'hui. Après toutes ces mésaventures, il ressent le besoin de prendre du recul, de réfléchir à son parcours et de se ressourcer. C'est dans ce moment de tranquillité qu'il décide de coucher par écrit ses aventures. Il veut immortaliser ces récits épiques, ces moments qui l’ont marqué, pour que les générations futures puissent savoir ce qu'il a découvert. Il sait que son histoire ne s'arrête pas là. Quelque part, au-delà des montagnes brumeuses et des mers infinies, il y a encore des terres inconnues, des mystères non résolus, et des mondes qui échappent à la compréhension humaine. Ce repos n'est qu'un chapitre de plus dans sa quête, et bientôt, il sera prêt à reprendre la route.

Mais pour l'instant, il s'accorde une pause bien méritée. Son esprit vagabonde à travers les souvenirs, tandis que le monde autour de lui continue de tourner, immuable et pourtant toujours changeant. Il sait que son repos est temporaire, et que d'autres aventures l'attendent. Les étoiles au-dessus de lui brillent d'une lumière mystérieuse, comme une promesse de découvertes à venir. Et tandis qu'il s'endort, une nouvelle vision prend forme dans ses rêves, un monde encore inexploré, attendant d'être dévoilé.

We are currently taking a break from our adventure, but don’t worry, you will still receive exclusive "TIPS" and "SECRETS" from our game. This is your chance to master the hidden mechanics and the most subtle strategies, while we carefully prepare the next chapter. Every great story needs time to mature, and this one is no exception. We are deep in thought, planning the next step of this epic journey, because we want to offer you an even richer and more exciting experience. If any ideas come to mind—plots you'd like to see unfold, mysterious places to explore, or intriguing characters to meet—your suggestions are more than welcome!

In the meantime, our legendary old man, the hero of our adventure, has returned to the forest, that enchanting place where it all began. The path that led him back is lined with memories—moments of bravery, danger, and discovery. The vast and majestic forest welcomes him once again with calming serenity. The wind whispers through the branches, the leaves gently sway, and the cascading rain provides a well-deserved comfort. Each drop that strikes the leaves seems to wash away the tensions built up during his journeys. This steady, reassuring sound helps soothe his troubled mind and brings order back to his thoughts.

Sitting at the base of an ancient tree, he closes his eyes, letting his memories resurface as he meditates on all that he has experienced. Every battle, every encounter has shaped him into the man he is today. After all these misadventures, he feels the need to step back, reflect on his journey, and recharge. In this moment of tranquility, he decides to write down his adventures. He wants to immortalize these epic tales, those moments that marked him, so that future generations may know what he has discovered. He knows his story doesn’t end here. Somewhere beyond the misty mountains and endless seas, there are still unknown lands, unsolved mysteries, and worlds beyond human comprehension. This rest is merely another chapter in his quest, and soon, he will be ready to continue his journey.

But for now, he allows himself a well-deserved break. His mind drifts through memories, while the world around him continues to turn, unchanged yet ever-evolving. He knows his rest is temporary, and that new adventures await. The stars above him shine with a mysterious light, like a promise of discoveries yet to come. And as he drifts into sleep, a new vision takes shape in his dreams—a world still unexplored, waiting to be unveiled.


Please vote for Ecency proposal👇


What do whales like to eat?
Fish and ships.

Credit: boboman
$LOLZ on behalf of benefice-net



@hive-103505, I sent you an

Merci pour les secrets, bonne journée, je crois qu'ecency a des problèmes, je n'ai pas les notifications ni le feed, grrr

Il sont entrain de faire des MAJ depuis hier soir , pour amélioré la version mobile et pc ainsi que le bot pour les curateurs officiel

I stayed up all night trying to find where the sun was.
Then it dawned on me.

Credit: benthomaswwd
$LOLZ on behalf of servelle



@vote-com, I sent you an


Why was Pavlov's beard so soft?
Because he conditioned it.

Credit: reddit
$LOLZ on behalf of benefice-net

Farm LOLZ tokens when you Delegate Hive or Hive Tokens.
Click to delegate: 10 - 20 - 50 - 100 HP@servelle, I sent you an


What type of fruit is not allowed to get married?

Credit: reddit
$LOLZ on behalf of vote-com

Farm LOLZ tokens when you Delegate Hive or Hive Tokens.
Click to delegate: 10 - 20 - 50 - 100 HP@servelle, I sent you an



I asked my Mom why ADHD runs in our family.
She said because it won't sit still.

Credit: minopoly
$LOLZ on behalf of benefice-net

Farm LOLZ tokens when you Delegate Hive or Hive Tokens.
Click to delegate: 10 - 20 - 50 - 100 HP@itharagaian, I sent you an


I know a woman who owns a taser.
She is stunning.

Credit: reddit
$LOLZ on behalf of vote-com



@itharagaian, I sent you an


What can you serve but not eat?
Divorce papers.

Credit: reddit
$LOLZ on behalf of thedoc07

Delegate Hive Tokens to Farm $LOLZ and earn 110% Rewards. Learn more.@vote-com, I sent you an


Why are cats bad storytellers?
Because they only have one tale.

Credit: marshmellowman
$LOLZ on behalf of benefice-net

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Moses was the first person
to use Control-C as a shortcut.

Credit: marshmellowman
$LOLZ on behalf of vote-com



@thedoc07, I sent you an

Thanks a lot!

I went to the doctors to see him about my memory loss.
But I forgot to mention it to him.

Credit: reddit
$LOLZ on behalf of anonyvoter

Delegate Hive Tokens to Farm $LOLZ and earn 110% Rewards. Learn more.@vote-com, I sent you an


Hotel receptionists are creepy.
They spend all day checking people out.

Credit: reddit
$LOLZ on behalf of benefice-net

Delegate Hive Tokens to Farm $LOLZ and earn 110% Rewards. Learn more.@anonyvoter, I sent you an


What did the Buddhist say at the sandwich shop?
Make me one with everything.

Credit: reddit
$LOLZ on behalf of vote-com

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Who changes the season when Summer is over?
No one, it happens Autumnatically.

Credit: reddit
$LOLZ on behalf of benefice-net



@hive-103505, I sent you an


A dated a ghoul once but I had to break up with her.
She had a mean spirit

Credit: reddit
$LOLZ on behalf of vote-com

Farm LOLZ tokens when you Delegate Hive or Hive Tokens.
Click to delegate: 10 - 20 - 50 - 100 HP@hive-103505, I sent you an

Merci pour les SECRET!
Bonne pause et bon debut de semaine!

Why did the banker quit his job?
He lost interest.

Credit: lofone
$LOLZ on behalf of manuvert

NEW: Join LOLZ's Daily Earn and Burn Contest and win $LOLZ@vote-com, I sent you an


What's the most modern plant?
A courant bush.

Credit: reddit
$LOLZ on behalf of benefice-net

Farm LOLZ tokens when you Delegate Hive or Hive Tokens.
Click to delegate: 10 - 20 - 50 - 100 HP@manuvert, I sent you an


Why did the rooster cross the road?
To prove he wasn’t a chicken.

Credit: marshmellowman
$LOLZ on behalf of vote-com



@manuvert, I sent you an

Breaks are necessary to get rejuvenated and march forward more enthusiastically.


To the person who stole my copy of Microsoft Office
I will find you. You have my word.

Credit: lofone
$LOLZ on behalf of benefice-net



@khantaimur, I sent you an


A rubber band pistol was confiscated from algebra class.
It was a weapon of math disruption.

Credit: reddit
$LOLZ on behalf of vote-com



@khantaimur, I sent you an

BEERHey @vote-com, here is a little bit of from @pixresteemer for you. Enjoy it!

HIVE and on HIVE Engine.If you like BEER and want to support us please consider voting @louis.witness on



What's green and sits in the corner?
A naughty frog.

Credit: fallingforward
$LOLZ on behalf of faustine.books



@vote-com, I sent you an


What's the difference between a cat and a frog?
A cat has nine lives, but a frogs croaks every night.

Credit: reddit
$LOLZ on behalf of benefice-net

Farm LOLZ tokens when you Delegate Hive or Hive Tokens.
Click to delegate: 10 - 20 - 50 - 100 HP@faustine.books, I sent you an


Whom do you ask to catch the killer goose?
The Goosetapo.

Credit: reddit
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