in FreeCompliments3 months ago


Pour cette fin d'année nous avons essayer de crée un autre genre de petites histoire , pour le moment nous avons deux ou trois chapitre d'avance et commençons à réfléchir à une suite si ce petit début d'histoire vous à plu , faites nous le savoir et envoyez nous tous votre soutiens ^^

Mais avant cette petites histoire , une petite mise à jours , et le nombre de secret distribuer va changer un peu , ne vous inquiétez pas c'est juste que le prix du token à monter légérement , et qu'il faut que l'on soit aussi rentable .

Pour commencer nous mettons les gains de post en token SECRET , ensuite nous faisons un unstack des token engine gagner , puis les mettons en token SECRET .
( sauf les token PIZZA INDEED et LOLZ avec lesquels nous faisons les TIPS !PIZZA !LOLZ !PIZZA d'autres arriverons dans l'année prochaine mais faut que l'on vois comment nous les financer )

Certain allié nous envoie des délégation de token pour les tag que nous utilisons , chaque participant en commentaire reçois un vote token à défaut d'un vote HIVE , pour ne plus être un vote symbolique

Pour le moment nous faisons gagner des PEPE et des FUN
Nous avons pour le moment en délégation entrante
225 569 PEPE
Ce chiffre augmentera dans l'année 2025
Objectif 1 millions ( sa risque d'être long mais on va y arriver ^^ )

Merci à

Pour la grosse délégation entrante en PEPE @pepetoken


As we approach the end of the year, we've experimented with creating a new kind of short story. At the moment, we have two or three chapters ready and are starting to brainstorm a continuation. If you enjoyed this small beginning, let us know and send us your support! 😊

But before diving into this little story, here’s a quick update: the number of secrets distributed will change slightly. Don’t worry—it’s simply because the token’s value has increased a bit, and we need to stay sustainable.

Here’s how it works:

We’ll distribute post rewards in TOKEN SECRET.
Then, we’ll unstake earned Engine tokens and convert them into TOKEN SECRET.
(Tokens like PIZZA, INDEED, and LOLZ are excluded, as we use those for tipping with commands like !PIZZA and !LOLZ. More tokens might be added next year, depending on how we finance them.)
Some allies delegate tokens to us for tags we use. Each participant in the comments receives a token vote as a fallback, instead of a symbolic HIVE vote.

Currently, we’re giving out PEPE and FUN tokens.

For incoming delegations, here’s where we stand:
225,569 PEPE delegated so far. This number will grow in 2025.
Our goal: 1 million PEPE (It’ll take time, but we’ll get there! 😊)

Special thanks to:

For the massive incoming PEPE delegation! @pepetoken

Thank you all for your continued support! ❤️

Nous avons aussi commencer à avoir des délégation entrante de token FUN
Seulement 549 pour le moment mais nous allons augmenter ce chiffre à 10 000 avant de passer au token suivant pour les future vote à nos participants en commentaires

We’ve also started receiving incoming delegations of FUN tokens.

Currently, we have 549 FUN, but our goal is to increase this number to 10,000 before moving on to the next token for future votes to our participants in the comments.

Quelle sera le prochain token en délégation entrante que nous aurons ?
Normalement sa sera les CENT

Pour le moment le compte @hive103505.cent essaye d'avoir 50 000 CENT POWER avant de nous faire des délégation entrante , donc pas pour de suite , mais le temps qu'on est 1 million de PEPE et 10 000 FUN, il devrais avoir atteint son objectif de CENT POWER

Vous avez du remarquer que quand nous n'avons pas assez de TIPS pour tous le monde un compte du noms de @benefice-net vous en fait , et que ce dernier fait aussi une curation BBH #BBH , ce dernier essaye d'avoir un max de BBHO en stacking , bon il va doucement mais soutiens notre jeux pour être tous gagnant

Alors n'hésitez pas à participer en commentaire pour gagnez des token SECRET .

Sinon on en est la stabilité du token SECRET

The next token we plan to receive as an incoming delegation will likely be CENT.

Currently, the account @hive103505.cent is working to reach 50,000 CENT POWER before delegating to us. This means it won’t happen immediately, but by the time we hit our goals of 1 million PEPE and 10,000 FUN, they should have achieved their CENT POWER target and be ready to support us.

You may have noticed that when we don’t have enough TIPS for everyone, an account named @benefice-net steps in to provide them. This account also curates content under #BBH and is steadily building its BBHO staking. Though progress is slow, it actively supports our game to ensure mutual success for everyone involved.

So don’t hesitate to participate in the comments to earn TOKEN SECRET!

Lastly, here’s where we stand on maintaining the stability of TOKEN SECRET:

Il y'en as 12097.05748370 en circulation ( en comptant ceux que nous avons sur nous pour les distribuer

Nous avons en avons 873.38715554 sur nous et 10 000 mis en vente ( juste pour pas que les bots mettent des prix élevé
tous les prix de vente en dessous de 0.45 ne sont pas de nous .

There are 12,097.05748370 TOKEN SECRET currently in circulation (including the ones we hold for distribution).

We currently have 873.38715554 TOKEN SECRET in reserve for rewards, with an additional 10,000 TOKEN SECRET listed for sale. This listing is primarily to prevent bots from inflating prices artificially.

Important note: Any selling price below 0.45 is not set by us.

Donc il y'as 1223.67033 qui ne sont plus dans notre wallet
détail :
12097.05748370 - 10000 - 873.38715554 = 1223.67033

Nous en rachetons 1248.22902402
Soit 24.558694 de plus que ce que nous avons distribuer
13 serons partager avec les partcipants du dernier jeux SECRET N ° XXX

Le reste sera envoyer à un compte de notre bénéfice pour nous même , jusqu'à maintenant nous n'avons rien pris pour nous , on va changer sa en 2025

So, there are 1,223.67033 TOKEN SECRET that are no longer in our wallet. Here's the breakdown:

12,097.05748370 (total in circulation)

10,000 (listed for sale)
873.38715554 (currently held by us)
= 1,223.67033 (distributed or held by others).
We are repurchasing 1,248.22902402 TOKEN SECRET, which is 24.558694 more than what we have distributed so far.

Allocation of the repurchased tokens:
13 TOKEN SECRET will be shared with participants from the last SECRET game (Game No. XXX).
The remaining amount will be sent to a personal benefits account for ourselves.
Up until now, we’ve taken nothing for personal use, but this will change starting in 2025

Vous gagnerais certain jours un peu moins et parfois un peu plus , tous dépendra de nos résultats de post / curation / trading , au jour le jour

Nous rappelons que nous faisons ce jeux pour rigoler , et prouver qu'un token peux être stable tous en ayant parfois une augmentation de prix sans jamais chuter , grâce à des levier .

Si vous voulez faire connaitre un token que vous avez crée , envoyer le nous pour qu'on en fasse la pub par une petite distribution ^^ .

Le fait de nous faire des délégation entrante sur plusieurs token va nous permettre aussi de stabiliser le token SECRET

Bon sans plus attendre place à l'histoire ^^

Some days, you might earn a little less, and other days a bit more—it all depends on the results of our posts, curation, and trading, which vary daily.

We want to remind everyone that this game is for fun and to demonstrate that a token can remain stable while occasionally increasing in price without ever dropping, thanks to strategic levers.

If you’ve created a token and want to spread the word, feel free to send it to us—we’ll promote it with a small distribution!

Incoming delegations across multiple tokens also help us stabilize TOKEN SECRET, making it more sustainable in the long term.

Without further ado, let’s dive into the story!

The Last Guardian

Le dernier gardien

Chapitre 1 : Le commencement de la fin

Le monde n’était plus qu’un écho de sa grandeur passée, une silhouette déformée par le poids des catastrophes. Les gratte-ciels majestueux, jadis symboles du triomphe de l’humanité sur la nature, n’étaient plus que des squelettes de métal et de béton, engloutis par des vagues de végétation luxuriante. Les forêts avaient repris leurs droits, transformant les avenues autrefois grouillantes en labyrinthes de verdure. L’air portait une odeur âcre, mélange de cendres et de terre humide, vestige d’une planète qui tentait désespérément de se reconstruire.

La fin de ce monde ne s’était pas faite en un instant, mais à travers une succession d’événements cataclysmiques. La troisième guerre mondiale fut la première pierre tombale, marquée par l’usage massif et irréfléchi d’armes nucléaires. Les explosions avaient réduit les grandes cités en cratères fumants et enveloppé le globe d’un voile de poussière, plongeant des milliards d’âmes dans l’obscurité et la mort. Pourtant, l’humanité n’avait pas encore atteint le fond.

La quatrième grande guerre, tristement baptisée la Guerre des Cendres, vit les survivants s’entre-déchirer pour les dernières ressources exploitables. Le pétrole, l’eau potable et même la nourriture en conserve devinrent des trésors pour lesquels on tuait sans scrupule. Les anciennes alliances furent remplacées par des factions, et les villes, transformées en forteresses, abritaient des communautés prêtes à tout pour protéger leurs maigres acquis.

Puis vint l’Ultime Cataclysme, la cinquième et dernière guerre. Cette fois, ce furent les armes chimiques et biologiques qui firent leur entrée, apportant une destruction d’une précision glaçante. Les virus artificiels et les poisons répandus dans l’air anéantirent ce que les bombes n’avaient pas pu détruire. Les populations qui avaient survécu jusque-là tombèrent, une à une, laissant derrière elles des cités fantômes empoisonnées, où même le vent semblait porter la mort.

Dans cette apocalypse, la nature se redéfinissait. La faune, soumise à des doses massives de radiations et d’agents biologiques, évolua rapidement, donnant naissance à des créatures monstrueuses. Les loups devinrent des géants aux crocs acérés ; les oiseaux, des prédateurs silencieux aux ailes immenses, capables d’arracher un homme de la terre. Chaque pas dans ces terres désolées était une danse avec la mort.

Dans cet enfer verdoyant vivait un enfant solitaire, un survivant parmi les ombres du passé. On le connaissait seulement sous le nom de Kai, un prénom murmuré dans les rares refuges humains comme une légende. Ce garçon n’avait ni famille, ni amis, seulement son instinct de survie et un sweat à capuche jaune, trop grand pour lui, dont la couleur vive contrastait avec la désolation environnante.

Chaque matin, Kai s’aventurait dans les ruines d’une métropole oubliée, une jungle de béton et de fer envahie par les plantes grimpantes. Il se faufilait entre les décombres, ses pas légers évitant les plaques instables et les trous béants. Ses yeux scrutaient sans cesse les ombres, guettant les dangers potentiels : une bête affamée, une créature mutante, ou pire encore, d’autres humains.

Dans cette ville morte, le silence était son seul compagnon, un silence oppressant, brisé parfois par le cri strident d’une créature inconnue ou le fracas d’une pierre déplacée. Kai ramassait tout ce qui pouvait être utile : des boîtes de conserve à moitié rouillées, des piles encore fonctionnelles, ou des morceaux de métal qu’il transformait en outils rudimentaires. La vie ici ne laissait aucune place au superflu.

Mais au-delà de sa lutte quotidienne, Kai portait en lui une étincelle, une force silencieuse qui le poussait à avancer. Il ne savait pas pourquoi il continuait, pourquoi il ne se laissait pas tomber comme tant d’autres avant lui. Peut-être était-ce la peur. Peut-être était-ce l’espoir. Ou peut-être était-ce simplement parce qu’il n’avait pas encore trouvé de raison de s’arrêter.

Le soleil commençait à décliner, plongeant les ruines dans une lumière dorée. Kai grimpa sur une colonne effondrée pour observer l’horizon. Les ombres s’étiraient, déformant les contours des bâtiments, et le monde semblait respirer, lourd et menaçant. Une pensée le traversa : "Peut-être que demain sera différent. Peut-être que demain, je trouverai une réponse."

Pourtant, au fond de lui, il savait que ce monde ne faisait pas de place aux rêves. Ce monde ne laissait qu’une seule option : survivre.

Chapter 1: The Beginning of the End

The world was nothing more than an echo of its former grandeur, a distorted silhouette weighed down by the weight of catastrophes. The once-majestic skyscrapers, symbols of humanity's triumph over nature, were now nothing but skeletons of metal and concrete, swallowed by waves of lush vegetation. The forests had reclaimed their rights, turning once-bustling avenues into labyrinths of greenery. The air carried a sharp scent, a mixture of ash and damp earth, a remnant of a planet desperately trying to rebuild itself.

The end of this world did not come in an instant, but through a succession of cataclysmic events. The third World War was the first gravestone, marked by the massive and reckless use of nuclear weapons. Explosions reduced the great cities to smoking craters and enveloped the globe in a veil of dust, plunging billions of souls into darkness and death. Yet, humanity had not yet hit rock bottom.

The fourth great war, tragically named The War of Ashes, saw the survivors tear each other apart for the last remaining resources. Oil, drinking water, and even canned food became treasures for which people killed without hesitation. Former alliances were replaced by factions, and cities, transformed into fortresses, housed communities willing to do anything to protect their meager possessions.

Then came The Final Cataclysm, the fifth and last war. This time, chemical and biological weapons entered the fray, bringing destruction with chilling precision. Artificial viruses and poisons spread through the air wiped out what the bombs had failed to destroy. The populations that had survived until then fell, one by one, leaving behind ghost cities poisoned, where even the wind seemed to carry death.

In this apocalypse, nature was redefining itself. The fauna, subjected to massive doses of radiation and biological agents, evolved rapidly, giving birth to monstrous creatures. Wolves became giants with sharp fangs; birds, silent predators with immense wings, capable of tearing a man from the ground. Every step in these desolate lands was a dance with death.

In this verdant hell lived a solitary child, a survivor among the shadows of the past. He was only known by the name Kai, a name whispered in the rare human refuges like a legend. This boy had no family, no friends, only his survival instinct and a yellow hoodie, too big for him, whose bright color contrasted with the surrounding desolation.

Every morning, Kai ventured into the ruins of a forgotten metropolis, a jungle of concrete and iron overrun by climbing plants. He weaved through the rubble, his light steps avoiding unstable plates and yawning holes. His eyes constantly scanned the shadows, watching for potential dangers: a hungry beast, a mutant creature, or worse still, other humans.

In this dead city, silence was his only companion, an oppressive silence occasionally broken by the shrill cry of an unknown creature or the crash of a displaced stone. Kai collected anything that could be useful: half-rusted cans, still-functional batteries, or pieces of metal he turned into rudimentary tools. Life here allowed no room for excess.

But beyond his daily struggle, Kai carried within him a spark, a silent strength that pushed him to move forward. He didn't know why he kept going, why he didn't fall like so many others before him. Perhaps it was fear. Perhaps it was hope. Or maybe it was simply because he hadn't yet found a reason to stop.

The sun began to decline, casting a golden light over the ruins. Kai climbed onto a collapsed column to observe the horizon. The shadows stretched, distorting the outlines of buildings, and the world seemed to breathe, heavy and threatening. A thought crossed his mind: "Maybe tomorrow will be different. Maybe tomorrow, I will find an answer."

Yet, deep inside, he knew this world made no room for dreams. This world left only one option: survive.



@servelle @tokutaro22 @logen9f @anonyvoter @hatdogsensei @ironshield @itharagaian @lumpiadobo @manuvert


I'm very impressed how stable SECRET token has been. Well done! !BBH

It's tedious—we sell, then convert publication and Hive-Engine trading earnings into SECRET (and make a tiny profit along the way ^^).

Small spoiler for the sequel, just need to translate ^^


What do you call a corrupted IPhone?
A bad apple.

Credit: reddit
$LOLZ on behalf of vote-com

Delegate Hive Tokens to Farm $LOLZ and earn 110% Rewards. Learn more.@ironshield, I sent you an

Hi, @ironshield,

This post has been voted on by @darkcloaks because you are an active member of the Darkcloaks gaming community.

Get started with Darkcloaks today, and follow us on Inleo for the latest updates.

After world destruction we have a dead city and a guy named Kai. Interesting and maybe a warning of what could happen if we don't start being more loving toward our fellow humans and the Earth we all share.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!


View or trade LOH tokens.

@kenny-crane, you successfully shared 0.0100 LOH with @vote-com and you earned 0.0100 LOH as tips. (1/5 calls)

Use !LADY command to share LOH! More details available in this post.

I owe my taylor a lot of money.
But he's agreed to cut me some slacks.

Credit: reddit
$LOLZ on behalf of kenny-crane

Delegate Hive Tokens to Farm $LOLZ and earn 110% Rewards. Learn more.@vote-com, I sent you an


What is a birds favorite thing to watch in tv?
A duckumentary.

Credit: reddit
$LOLZ on behalf of benefice-net

Farm LOLZ tokens when you Delegate Hive or Hive Tokens.
Click to delegate: 10 - 20 - 50 - 100 HP@kenny-crane, I sent you an

Merci pour les SECRET, et la mise a jour!
Bonne journee, !ALIVE

My Mom met my Dad when he came in for an Xray.
I still wonder what she saw in him.

Credit: reddit
$LOLZ on behalf of manuvert

Delegate Hive Tokens to Farm $LOLZ and earn 110% Rewards. Learn more.@vote-com, I sent you an


I would like to thank my fingers.
I can always count on them

Credit: reddit
$LOLZ on behalf of benefice-net

Delegate Hive Tokens to Farm $LOLZ and earn 110% Rewards. Learn more.@manuvert, I sent you an


What do you call a hospital for horses?
A horse-pital.

Credit: reddit
$LOLZ on behalf of benefice-net

Farm LOLZ tokens when you Delegate Hive or Hive Tokens.
Click to delegate: 10 - 20 - 50 - 100 HP@manuvert, I sent you an

Joyeux secret de Noël, avec un peu de retard

What did the shark say when he ate the clownfish?
This tastes a little funny.

Credit: reddit
$LOLZ on behalf of servelle

Farm LOLZ tokens when you Delegate Hive or Hive Tokens.
Click to delegate: 10 - 20 - 50 - 100 HP@vote-com, I sent you an


What’s Forest Gump’s password?

Credit: reddit
$LOLZ on behalf of benefice-net

Farm LOLZ tokens when you Delegate Hive or Hive Tokens.
Click to delegate: 10 - 20 - 50 - 100 HP@servelle, I sent you an


My review for the world’s strongest tape
It’s not tearable.

Credit: reddit
$LOLZ on behalf of benefice-net

Delegate Hive Tokens to Farm $LOLZ and earn 110% Rewards. Learn more.@servelle, I sent you an

Let's get on with more!

Whom do you ask to catch the killer goose?
The Goosetapo.

Credit: reddit
$LOLZ on behalf of

NEW: Join LOLZ's Daily Earn and Burn Contest and win $LOLZ@vote-com, I sent you an


Why was it so easy for the scientist to learn how to make glass from lizards?
It was clear from the gecko.

Credit: reddit
$LOLZ on behalf of benefice-net

NEW: Join LOLZ's Daily Earn and Burn Contest and win $, I sent you an

Thank you.

I used to be addicted to soap
but now I'm clean.

Credit: lofone
$LOLZ on behalf of thedoc07



@vote-com, I sent you an


Apparently to start a zoo you need at least 2 pandas a grizzy and 3 polars.
It’s the bear minimum.

Credit: reddit
$LOLZ on behalf of benefice-net

Farm LOLZ tokens when you Delegate Hive or Hive Tokens.
Click to delegate: 10 - 20 - 50 - 100 HP@thedoc07, I sent you an


Why did Mickey Mouse get a pie on his face?
Because Donald ducked!

Credit: reddit
$LOLZ on behalf of benefice-net

Farm LOLZ tokens when you Delegate Hive or Hive Tokens.
Click to delegate: 10 - 20 - 50 - 100 HP@thedoc07, I sent you an

Maybe delegation rewards in the future?

It would be more focused on HP, to accelerate funding for SECRET through publication and curation rewards. It's still under consideration, but the idea is there—we just need to figure out how to implement it.


Why do ghosts like to hang out in bars?
They enjoy the boos.

Credit: reddit
$LOLZ on behalf of vote-com

Farm LOLZ tokens when you Delegate Hive or Hive Tokens.
Click to delegate: 10 - 20 - 50 - 100 HP@ironshield.pepe, I sent you an


Why did everyone enjoy the volcano?
It was just so lava-able.

Credit: belhaven14
$LOLZ on behalf of tokutaro22

NEW: Join LOLZ's Daily Earn and Burn Contest and win $LOLZ@vote-com, I sent you an

Small spoiler for the sequel, just need to translate ^^


Where do cats go for fun?
An a-mews-ment park

Credit: reddit
$LOLZ on behalf of vote-com

Farm LOLZ tokens when you Delegate Hive or Hive Tokens.
Click to delegate: 10 - 20 - 50 - 100 HP@tokutaro22, I sent you an


I asked my dog what's two minus two.
He said nothing.

Credit: reddit
$LOLZ on behalf of benefice-net



@tokutaro22, I sent you an

Thank you/Merci!

A dated a ghoul once but I had to break up with her.
She had a mean spirit

Credit: reddit
$LOLZ on behalf of anonyvoter

NEW: Join LOLZ's Daily Earn and Burn Contest and win $LOLZ@vote-com, I sent you an

Small spoiler for the sequel, just need to translate ^^


Some people say that I never got over my obsession with Phil Collins.
But take a look at me now.

Credit: reddit
$LOLZ on behalf of vote-com



@anonyvoter, I sent you an


oh no, i missed out on so many days of secrets.


Posted using Tribaldex Blog

Why did the worker get fired from the orange juice factory?
Lack of concentration.

Credit: reddit
$LOLZ on behalf of token-thx

Farm LOLZ tokens when you Delegate Hive or Hive Tokens.
Click to delegate: 10 - 20 - 50 - 100 HP@sgcurate, I sent you an

Small spoiler for the sequel, just need to translate ^^


What did the painter say to the wall?
One more crack like that and I'll plaster you!

Credit: reddit
$LOLZ on behalf of vote-com

NEW: Join LOLZ's Daily Earn and Burn Contest and win $LOLZ@sgcurate, I sent you an



Posted using Tribaldex Blog

My Uncle used to work in a circus as a human cannonball.
They eventually fired him.

Credit: reddit
$LOLZ on behalf of token-thx



@logen9f, I sent you an

Small spoiler for the sequel, just need to translate ^^


No wonder everyone's attracted to the earths center
It is pretty hot

Credit: reddit
$LOLZ on behalf of vote-com

Farm LOLZ tokens when you Delegate Hive or Hive Tokens.
Click to delegate: 10 - 20 - 50 - 100 HP@logen9f, I sent you an



Posted using Tribaldex Blog

What do you call a dead magician?
An abra-cadaver.

Credit: marshmellowman
$LOLZ on behalf of token-thx



@itharagaian, I sent you an

Small spoiler for the sequel, just need to translate ^^


The other day I snuck into the local zoo and spotted an albino Cheetah
It was the least I could do for him.

Credit: reddit
$LOLZ on behalf of vote-com

NEW: Join LOLZ's Daily Earn and Burn Contest and win $LOLZ@itharagaian, I sent you an

include me @lumpiadobo


Posted using Tribaldex Blog

Did you hear about the happy Roman?
He was gladiator.

Credit: reddit
$LOLZ on behalf of token-thx



@lumpiadobo, I sent you an

Small spoiler for the sequel, just need to translate ^^


Want to here a joke about pizza?
It's a little cheesy.

Credit: boboman
$LOLZ on behalf of vote-com

Farm LOLZ tokens when you Delegate Hive or Hive Tokens.
Click to delegate: 10 - 20 - 50 - 100 HP@lumpiadobo, I sent you an

Thank you for the SECRET


Posted using Tribaldex Blog

To err is human.
To arrrgh is pirate.

Credit: reddit
$LOLZ on behalf of token-thx

Delegate Hive Tokens to Farm $LOLZ and earn 110% Rewards. Learn more.@hatdogsensei, I sent you an


My Mom met my Dad when he came in for an Xray.
I still wonder what she saw in him.

Credit: reddit
$LOLZ on behalf of vote-com

Delegate Hive Tokens to Farm $LOLZ and earn 110% Rewards. Learn more.@hatdogsensei, I sent you an

BEERHey @vote-com, here is a little bit of from @pixresteemer for you. Enjoy it!

Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking your BEER.


@logen9f likes your content! so I just sent 1 BBH(5/5)@vote-com! to your account on behalf of @logen9f.

(html comment removed: )


Posted using Tribaldex Blog

How do you make antifreeze?
Steal her blanket.

Credit: reddit
$LOLZ on behalf of token-thx

NEW: Join LOLZ's Daily Earn and Burn Contest and win $LOLZ@vote-com, I sent you an


Posted using Tribaldex Blog

What do sea monsters eat for lunch?
Fish and ships.

Credit: reddit
$LOLZ on behalf of token-thx

NEW: Join LOLZ's Daily Earn and Burn Contest and win $LOLZ@vote-com, I sent you an


You Are Alive so I just staked 0.1 ALIVE@vote-com! to your account on behalf of @anonyvoter.

Alive Banner

@ironshield likes your content! so I just sent 1 BBH(11/100)@vote-com! to your account on behalf of @ironshield.

(html comment removed: )

Small spoiler for the sequel, just need to translate ^^

@kenny-crane likes your content! so I just sent 1 BBH(1/5)@vote-com! to your account on behalf of @kenny-crane.

(html comment removed: )


You Are Alive so I just staked 0.1 ALIVE@vote-com! to your account on behalf of @manuvert.

Alive Banner

@servelle, the HiQ Smart Bot has recognized your request (1/4) and will start the voting trail.

In addition, @vote-com gets !LOL from @hiq.redaktion.

Discord. And don't forget to vote HiQs fucking Witness! 😻For further questions, check out or join our

Why do ghosts like to hang out in bars?
They enjoy the boos.

Credit: reddit
$LOLZ on behalf of hiq.smartbot

Delegate Hive Tokens to Farm $LOLZ and earn 110% Rewards. Learn more.@vote-com, I sent you an


Did you hear about the cat who ate a ball of yarn?
She had mittens.

Credit: marshmellowman
$LOLZ on behalf of benefice-net

NEW: Join LOLZ's Daily Earn and Burn Contest and win $LOLZ@vote-com, I sent you an