Thoughts About Migrating to Space

in FreeCompliments10 hours ago

Outer space is really fascinating to see and to discover because there are lots of things that we might don't know about the outer space that we need to study and also it's one of the best thing that we discover that there is outer space exists aside from Earth.


For our technology now, I don't think that we can go and migrate to outer space because it will need lots of resources and materials to go to outer space and making a space ship is really unimaginable and expensive because we need lots of materials on making one. We are still in a young phase of migrating to outer space and studying more about space and the space ship is needed to make this one possible.

I would think that humans can migrate into outer space in far more future because we are now on a technology that are advancing and with the technology that we currently have, it's still lacking on going to outer space.


I like to witness and become one of the few people who love to go to outer space and live there because it excites me whenever I hear and see about space. Whenever that there is a movie about outer space, I would take time on watching them because it fascinates me.

If you ask me if how long it would take for humans to migrate to the outer space, maybe I would say hundred of thousand of years from now. That, I would say, technologies are far more advance than we have now. Like there were flying cars, holograms, and easily travel into space by space ships like an airplane.

I don't think that the future will be in outer space because there are planets that are lacking of resources and other stuffs than in Earth with stable atmosphere that a human can live. Many says that there are other planets that are similar to our planet but it would take years to go there because it's far from Earth.


Living to other planet is something like a secondary option if there is something unimaginable will happen to Earth just like the movie series that I watch years ago during my college years, that is "The 100" about the living condition about Earth is not livable because of chemicals that has been spreading around Earth that the radiation will slowly kill the people.




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