Matilda helps out on Motivational Monday

in FreeCompliments5 months ago

Hello Hello to all you wonderful Hivians

It's a Monday in May, and we actually had a glorious weekend weather wise. The sun was out and it even hit 23 degrees. I almost put on a pair of shorts and took off my hoodie!

I was using Warpcast this morning and an interesting question popped up, coupled with one on Sunday.

Question number 1 .... If you are in a supermarket check out line with a trolley or cart full of groceries, would you let someone go in front of you if they had only a couple of items...

Answer number 1 .... First of all I was quite astounded that someone actually answered that. I mean doesn't everyone do it? I chuckled because I was shopping on Sunday and had a few items, not a trolley or cart but one of these dragging baskets you get. Anyway there was a young person with a couple of items, so of course I said do you want to go ahead.

To which she replied aww no it's ok, I am not in a hurry so you just go ahead.

It's the thought that counts right?

Eh no apparently. So I was reading the comments and a couple of 'people' said No they never would!

I just thought you sad fluffers... How pathetic are they... Then I thought I suppose they wouldn't even help an elderly or disabled person cross the road or even open a door for a lady.


Question number 2 .... This was the one I saw yesterday which I thought was interesting a wee bit apt seeing it was Mother's Day in parts of the world yesterday... The question was have you done an act of kindess today?

Answer number 2 .... I call things like this RAOK and I am sure plenty of you know these as Random Acts of Kindness

So I thought about what I did in the same shop. Who says shopping isn't eventful ....

Now then here is a wee clue ...

The clue is Matilda my alter ego and podcaster extraordinaire and of course @craftink trading card ... that card of course is taken from my CraftInk account ... sign up if haven't!

Okay so the clue is not Matilda herself or rather what she personifies a little old grey haired Scottish lady.

The Lidl supermarket I was shopping at has metal shopping trolleys or carts as well as hand baskets. Now the hand baskets are these blue plastic things with black handles, both a black carrying handle and a black pulling handle (yes they are on wheels).

The only problem is that often they are at the tills or checkout line and not at the entrance.

Or the ones left are missing the pulling handle.

And so it was that I was walking along behind this wee old wifey who was carrying a basket as was I, there were none left that you could pull.

The next thing I knew was that Matilda we shall call her dropped her basket and it must have landed on an edge because it tipped out and out fell a box of eggs a grapefruit two apples and a big white onion. These started rolling and Matilda stepped on an escaped apple and was falling, luckily I still had my reflexes from playing many years at silly mid off in cricket and was able to leap her and grab her elbow before she hit that fluffing hard floor.

It was a lucky escape, the eggs were okay and so was the little old lady!


So there we have it, if you can help someone, just do it.

What goes around comes around, you never know when the kindness comes back to you.

So just get into the habit of doing acts of kindness.

This post is for the themed days in FreeCompliments community and today is Motivational Mondays on the FreeCompliments Community!


Thanks for visiting and I wish you all a terrific rest of your week.

All images and ramblings are from me, the mad Scotsman TengoLoTodo unless otherwise stated.


Haste Ye Back!

@tengolotodo May 13th 2024 (5 - May Premium 2 VR)

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


Awwww. Old Eddie and his Teddy ways. You’re so warm even when you can be grumpy at times. I blame that on your period.

Been so long I read about Matilda. This is a warm welcome to her mad Scottish ways. And letting someone cut the line or whatever… no biggie. Well, not to me until someone decides to act like he has the right to.

Remember when I used to hunt for water? I’d carry these big baths and buckets and go to struggle. I had no qualms letting someone with a smaller bucket fetch but the problem was when you don’t wait for my permission and assume that just because you’re older you can take out my bucket. I let that happen twice and then never again. Especially since the lady didn’t have a good mouth on her and always seemed to want to fetch water when it was me at the tap. I turned to a disrespectful brat and I don’t regret it.

Anyway… it was nice seeing Matilda again.

I do remember Deraa you getting the water. That is a bit like people here in the bigger markets especially with larger trolleys who race and barge their way ahead of you. I mean fluffs sake chill out fluffers or grumpy will take his revenge!

Yes Matilda has been caged up for too long.

You’d think they have an appointment with God Himself… 🤌🏾

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Thanks guys

Have often allowed folk through ahead with a couple of items, often it's their lunch break, they need to get going quickly.

Now second question, I would assist if short by a couple of coins as this happens, many realizing they short for a loaf of bread with price rising all the time.

Where the rolling pin would come in handy, those with trolleys overflowing race you to the till, your trolley is half full, couple of items, good idea to arm yourself on shopping day!


If you arrest a mime...
Do you have to tell them they have the right to remain silent?

Credit: marshmellowman
@tengolotodo, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of joanstewart



Yes quite often I will let school kids or workers though on their lunch break, that's a good point.
I know in garages here or petrol stations we often have a take a leave jar for coins if you are caught short.

Hehe thankfully it is only the larger supermarkets that seem to breed the rude racing trolley shopper like that! But yes the rolling pin would come in handy!

Still good to see humans be themselves, get out into shop unlike the many who simply buy online today never entering stores in person.

Question #1- yes ofcourse. I'm like you, I can't believe that they even have to ask...

And Q#2- so she wasn't chasing your around the supermarket trying to smack you on the noggin with a rolling pin? 🤣

Lucky you were there with your hoodie off! The UNhooded crusader to save the day!
Love it! 😃

Haha yes she may well have been trying to muscle me with a rolling pin haha!
The UNhooded crusader hehe oh I love that!

Soo lucky she didn't try to glass you with that rolling pin eh!

I totally would let someone go first if they have only a few items. It's just my habit and sometimes, people let me do the same in similar situation.

Yes I think it is the habit of most normal people. Am glad that you do.

luckily I still had my reflexes from playing many years at silly mid off in cricket. Good you used it well, indeed you really helped out.

About an act of kindness, I sure did involve myself in one but never needed reflexes like you did, lols. Good story telling.

Ah yeah I can see you being a kind person! Good for you and yeah even better when you don't need to use your reflexes hehe.

I would for sure let someone jump ahead if they asked. Very often it gets reciprocated too, so I'm surprised people would say no.

Yes I often pop in for one or two items and get asked to go in front of someone. I guess some people are just plain rude.

We don't really got to the store anymore. We probably would let someone else go first though. We started having our groceries delivered and it is much less stressful!

Oh yes deliveries are awesome and I do every other week for the heavy things, but fresh vegetables etc I like to pick as the ones we get delivered aren't always the best shall we say!

Yeah, that is a good point. Sometimes you have to wonder what the shoppers are thinking when you go through the bags.


Hi @sylvia27 I see you are new on Hive, so my advice is if you are going to comment on a post, then leave a meaningful comment or don't say anything. Leaving an emoji or one word comment will just get you tagged as a spammer and that won't be much fun.

Your reflexes are still working well, Super Ed ;) quite the charming rascal always ready to help a lady (no age mentioned 😆) in distress. Jokes aside, try to do good without looking at whom, right? ;)

And question 1, well, I often let pass up someone who has only a couple of things to pay for at the supermarket, yes I do. Although here the problem is not the quantity of items in the purchase but the method of payment. Maybe the person wants to pay for two things but with a big dollar bill and sometimes (almost always 😄) there is no change and the cashier comes and goes and sometimes the one with the big purchase gets through faster, lol. But if someone in a hurry with a couple of things asks me to let them through, I let them through without a problem.

Have a wonderful week 💙

Yeah my reflexes are pretty damn good, I surprise everyone but always had brilliant reflexes.
Aha the change I hadn't thought about that one. I guess it happens here from time to time but not so much now as it used to!

Here is to a wonderful day Super Eli 💙

Wow! It's common courtesy to let someone with a couple items go first when you have a lot of items... What's the world coming to?

You would have thought so!