in FreeCompliments11 months ago

For a long time I time, I heard "do it regardless how you feel".

I tried. I tried to do it but rather than moving forward, I became exhausted. I lost energy, I lost passion and everything just became annoying.

Because I didn't want to be seen as a failure, I kept pushing even when my inner self was tired and wanted to rest. I just couldn't stop.

I kept running and pushing.
I was bleeding! Moving closer to death. I couldn't breathe anymore. But had to keep running.

I didn't want to be seen as a weakling. So, I kept pushing!

I felt the moment I stopped, people will start talking and some will walk away. But what I never realized was, It was okay to take a break.

Sometimes so many of us are faced with several challenges and we at times work our self out all because of what people will say when you stop and end up developing some... Burnout, fatigue, and stress,and these are all related to feeling overwhelmed and exhausted. Burnout is a state of physical and emotional exhaustion caused by prolonged stress or excessive work demands. Fatigue refers to extreme tiredness or lack of energy, often resulting from mental or physical exertion. Stress is a feeling of pressure or strain, often caused by demanding situations.

These conditions can have various effects on our well-being and productivity. Burnout can lead to feelings of cynicism, detachment, and reduced motivation. Fatigue can make it difficult to concentrate, make decisions, and perform tasks effectively. Stress can impact our mood, sleep, and overall health, making it harder to stay focused and productive.

Burnout, fatigue, and stress can really take a toll on productivity. Research shows that when we're constantly pushing ourselves without taking breaks, our performance and overall well-being can suffer. But guess what? Taking breaks is super important! It helps recharge our batteries, reduce stress, and improve focus. So, don't forget to give yourself some well-deserved breaks to boost your productivity and take care of yourself! 😊🌴
However, taking breaks and practicing self-care can help alleviate these effects. By giving ourselves time to rest, relax, and recharge, we can reduce burnout, combat fatigue, and manage stress more effectively. It's important to prioritize self-care and find a healthy work-life balance to maintain our well-being and productivity.

Listen, it's okay to take a break!
You may have to read that again.

It's okay to take a break, break from people, things, social media, etc. It is very okay.

I know you afraid of being seen as weak, you are afraid of what people will say.

But which will you prefer?
To continue living in pretense under the detect of people? Or to live the life Christ has called you to live?

You know deep down it's hurting you.
Deep down you are bleeding.
Deep down you are dying.

If you so much love the people or are really concerned with their feedback why not take a break, heal, re-strategise, shed off the old feather like the eagle and come out stronger.

You may never realize your full potential or what you are capable of until you go away from the public eyes and just spend time yourself and God. There's more to you. Don't allow people's view of you become a stumbling block that keeps you from realizing all there is to you.
📷credit:Joyce mayer

#Abba's baby #madeformore



I think this post was made for me😭😭, I really needed to hear something like this.
Thank you so much😟😊.