That's great! Crash diets, fad diets and actually most advertised "diets" are shit and lead to yoyo dieting which sucks. The "breakfast is the most important...blah blah blah, is kind of just a thing people say without anything to back it up, so forget that too, nice! I lost some weight years back by portion control. Sounds easy but it's not for some. I ate mostly low calorie foods but also ate trash like pizza and candy, just in SMALL amounts, and I tracked the calories. I lost about 4.5 kilos this way.
Recently (in May) I stopped eating all processed sugar and most carbs; pasta, bread, and my favorite treat, cookies!!! :(
But I have lost 10+ kg and I feel great.
I say all this not to brag about myself but to say, keep going, you can do whatever you want in this realm of weight loss!
It's a total rip-off.
Credit: reddit
$LOLZ on behalf of summertooth
@stekene, I sent you anThanks for the support!
About the breakfast thing, I believe that as long as I get all my essential nutrients during the day, I think it should all be fine so not worrying too much about that.
Portion control is definitely something I could work on. I am a big eater who really enjoys all his meals. I used to eat until the pots were empty, kind of 'learned' it that way from my parents. Not blaming them, but grew up like that. I am getting more and more conscious that I can just have some leftovers which I can eat the day after.
That's really great! I am not ready to stop eating processed sugars / most carbs. I like bread with meat and cheese so hard. The same with fries, pizza, etc. Thus so far I rather try to eat more conscious than banning them. Although I am definitely aware it would be better to ban...
I definitely wouldn't consider it bragging, rather great that you share your journey as well! 🙌
Yeah, my mom struggled with the "clean plate award" throughout her life. She was taught to always clean her plate as a kid and it continued into adulthood.
I love pizza too!!! Have not had any since April :( it's fine though, I am feeling good about my decisions and about the results.
Keep it up!