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RE: I'm still alive-not ready to return

For profit health care is the worst. However, this is a global problem. Folks with my illness clusters all over the world are treated this way. No treatments. Doctors dismiss and gaslight patients. There is no place in the world that takes these illnesses seriously.

I do appreciate your question what can you do to help -I don't think there is anything unless you know a physician who is willing to treat me. Or you are connected to congress and can get some sort of emergency action from the government to help the millions of people like me. This is not sarcasm. I really don't know any other way to get help for myself and the millions of others suffering the same fate.

I can't even get basic symptom management. Doctors do not care that I faint and have fainted for decades. My heart rate and blood pressure numbers are dangerously high with even just a little orthostatic stress (sitting upright for a few minutes).

My autonomic nervous system is failing and it doesn't matter to anyone in the medical field. These are things doctors can "see" and confirm with tests. This is an objective observation but it doesn't matter.

That is just one issue I am dealing with. Crippling fatigue , intense pain, immune dysfunction ,cognitive impairment and so much more. All connected to an illness and cluster of illnesses that are not rare and not new. But they mostly affect women so societies do not care. These illnesses are underfunded worldwide and have been for decades.

I need a doctor willing to treat me. .This shouldn't be like asking for a miracle but it really is. I think I will have better luck finding a living, breathing unicorn. 🦄

We are the millions missing and we all need help.

I really do appreciate your kind words and support. I means a lot to me. ❤️


Female Medical Bias is a real problem that I am only just becoming aware of!

this yesterday about an inquiry happening in a state of the nation I live. Doesn't help you at all but I still wanted to share.@bunny11 sent me

I know you're not being sarcastic. I don't know a single physician personally and I don't have congress connections. All I can offer is a URL to something totally irrelevant to you and... connection.

Your illness sounds really complex. Is there a medical name for it? I don't say this lightly, but have you tried medicinal cannabis for symptom management? Possibly you have, but I don't know. Everybody is different and I know that my body responds well to cannabis when I have medical problems.

Still fighting and surviving! Commendable! 😄


Oh and yeah I use cannabis daily. It helps a little but does not get to the root cause of my illnesses. It does make life slightly more enjoyable and sometimes helps with pain and cognitive function.