

Most people nowadays have hidden under the umbrella of religion to do all such atrocious things.
They use the name of God to deceive others, manipulate others, and enslave people.

We must know that -where the spirit of God is, there is liberty but this liberty can only be explained in context.
The spirit of God does not do everything and not everything one does in the name of God is led by the spirit of God.
God is all-powerful but not powerful in evil. Thus, any evil done in the name of God is to tempt the personality of the all-loving God.

The righteousness of God is forever and to every generation.
Christ is the anointed one of God, and whenever God wants to do what He has to do, He sends His anointing to a Man willing to do what He wants to do.

When the Bible says -

You can do all things through Christ who strengthens you:

He is not telling you to do everything- yes, you can do anything, but you can't do everything.
He is not saying that: whatever you feel like doing, do it.

It is not through you- which is your soul, which is your emotions but it is through Christ, which is your spirit, Which is God.
There is a source where you must do from not just any source.
If it's not from that source then it's not from him; he can't do that one.
Your emotions have the same power (because you have it and it live with you) as your spirit to strengthen you to do what he wants.
God has the power because He owns you, and he also lives in you to strengthen you to do what he wants.

So when planning to do anything, check well to know the source of the strength before you conclude.


I once watched a movie- where a pastor's wife pushed her daughter to have an affair with one of her members' husbands, that she was jealous of and thought that her daughter deserved that kind of husband and not the present wife of the man.
She lies to the man that the Holy Spirit wants the man to run an errand for her, and in the process, she pushes her daughter to the man; then, in the process, the two folks start adultering and fornicating, all in the name of God.

In the end, the young man lost his life leaving his wife to suffer with two kids, while the daughter of the pastor ended up marrying another man.
At the end of every action, we will always tell the source who strengthens the doer of the action- God by his spirit or Satan by our emotions.


There was a time when one of my close friends came to seek advice on a particular thing he decided to do, and as he was disclosing everything to him I had a sharp warning in my spirit that this thing was not from God nor inspired by the spirit of God but I couldn't kick against what he told me- He said God has already told him to do that and I needed to allow him to have his way but the result of my friends action cause him almost everything he had if not that God came through for him, he could have lost his life in the process.

Don't serve God in a twisted way- that's wickedness.
Don't be anointed to do evil- it's a disservice to God and humanity.
Never allow your emotions to replace the voice of God; instead, let emotion empower you to carry out God's instructions.
Spiritism and emotionalism are not the real definition of spirituality.
God works by his spirit to your spirit - is the real definition of spirituality.