Money Can Buy Happiness, but It Has Its Limits 💸

Inspired by Freecompliment’s Money Sure Doesn’t Buy Happiness

Hello once again, Hivieans. You can check the link above, the inspiration I got from it may be contagious, and you’ll find some points to write about just like I did.

There are quite a number of things I wanted as a kid but couldn’t get my hands on. Either because I wasn’t old enough to have purchasing power or because my parents thought it wouldn’t be right to get such for me at that point in time.

As I grow older, I begin to grow from expecting to get to buying for myself and, of course, to buying for others.

I have realized that getting what I desire brings me joy, especially those things I couldn’t afford in times past.


This is where the limit comes in because after getting those things for myself and even my loved ones, there are things I can’t pay my way through.

Relationships, conversations, health matters, etc. It is from these that some unpleasant, joy-draining events can occur.

You’ll be surprised that money can buy good health, although the perfection of one’s health is another topic entirely.

For example, if a person were to have a surgery, the payment for the service will have to be made, but afterwards matters like recovery from the pains and aches cannot be bought. Don't forget we can't pay to not die!

In all, I am grateful for the things money can buy and the things money can’t buy at my disposal while I expect to access the ones I desire.

One thing is sure, money can buy happiness, and as for me, as long as what I have can buy what I need, I go for it, and when it can’t, I wait till it can.

We all have our differences, but I doubt if anyone won’t want more money.

In case you are in that category of people who don’t want more money, I can help you out with the excess at your disposal, let’s do some community giveaways.