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RE: [ENG/DEU] You Have Earned It! Okay... 6 HSBI. But only for the post from yesterday (I think)! Read On & WIN!

in FreeCompliments2 months ago

Yeah, I agree: sometimes things can be overwhelming... I know what you are talking about. LOL

Michael, you are very welcome!

P.S.: Your post about HSBI was great! I already saw it a day ago. Cool stuff! When you do research this deep, why not make a post collection (and pin it to your profile) out of and offer it like "things you could like to know about Hive" or something this style... Just an idea I had. Would be great to see more of this kind of content & have it in a way where Hivians can find it. People will say "Go over to Michael, he has a great collection there for ..."

Hive a great day! You do great!


Why not? Because it hadn't occurred to me! Thanks for the suggestion. I also only just learned that I can edit my posts (I'd assumed blockchain meant they were immutable) so I'm thinking about putting together a couple compilation posts, that stitch together my writing about Hive in a way that explains why I'm writing so much about Hive. (I want it to be the hub my family's new land project uses to share info about itself.)