Amazing is His patience... His mercy unrestrained!
Awesome is such love...
That SOMEHOW has remained!
So VAST in mighty power...
So HOLY to behold!
From the never ever ending...
To before those days of old!
Like a fairy tale... but REAL...
He overwhelmingly forgives!
There's broken hearts that He can heal...
Because He forever lives!
He has compassion for the lonely.
For He's been there as well!
He'd have died to save me only...
From that wide path down to hell.
His LOVE endures without end...
His power is not bound.
Those sins that I could not defend...
My forgiveness was in Him found!
No greater purpose EVER...
Could I have chanced to find.
His gift is life forever...
And sight... for I was blind!
If not for such a love then I...
Would still be lost and unaware...
Of the enormity of His love for me...
That such an awesome God DOES care!
To dwell upon and realize...
This is the TRUE reality.
Jesus saved me from my lies...
When He died to set me free!
Was crippled but He that carries me.
Has already won this war...
More like Him each day to be...
That's ALL I'm living for!
Forgive me when you see my flaws...
His grace... it covers us!
His love fulfills ALL those laws.
And His word we CHOOSE to trust!
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