¿How should i feel?

in FreeCompliments3 months ago

The last days of this year 2024 snd i still don't know how to feel.


To make context i'm going to resume my life in one line, after years of street life and bad habbits i find the perfect lady to build a life amd 8 years later after having 2 daughters and build a home in another country we broke up, i fall again to streets and "stuffs" that make me lose my mind, part of my soul and my family.

A year after that i took intensive care to clean myself, started new relation and ended because no truth on her, last year i went christmast to see my daughters and it was heaven experience, for work and many other personal issues i travel bavk Venezuela where i been stocked all the year.

Now, is 24/12/25 and i'm here in my uncle house with my mom (thanks life for keep my mind on place and my family healthy) sharing another christmast togethers but sadly my mind soul body and spirit is not here rightnow, i only can think on my daughters and how much i need them, i need them more then i could imagine.

Thats my mom, i love her guys the 90% of reason to be here is she but know need someone opinion, who need me more?
My mom or my daughters?
Its impossible to choose, my option was take mom out of this &$#@!! Country...

...and be all togethers.

This call was 10mins ago, its impossible to describe this with words.

Can i use the;


Maybe that describe the feeling, but i'm confused and this hurt a lot.

For now onmy can keep them close to me with video calls, but thats not enought!!!


Sorry to hear that life gave you so many difficult challenges buddy. I wish the best for you. It just sucks when you invest so much into something and it all falls apart.

But can't give up!!

2 princess waiting for me 🥰🥰

Happy-New-Year 🍻⚡⚡⚡