I love this story so much. I wish I could somehow work as a virtual /webcam SP. I would even volunteer to do it if it were a thing. ❤️🦄
Reynauds-there is a test using a microscope that can detect if there is vascular damage. I can't get anyone to run the test even vascular specialists. Like FFS just give me a microscope with a camera and some nail oil and I'll do it myself. In general primary reynauds is reynauds without an underlying condition .Drs in general don't test for underlying conditions and I have yet to meet a person with reynauds, even in exclusive reynauds groups who do not have an underlying condition. Most say the condition was dx years in some cases decades after(..
There is also new evidence Reynauds is a separate autoimmune condition itself....
I am not sure how it's taught in schools but drs seem to think Reynuads tends to happen after another dx like MS or something, or is a stand alone condition. In reality it's usually the first sign BEFORE the patient is diagnosed or even before the patient has many if any neuro/inflammatory sx. With most Reynauds patients being female and female patients less likely to even get the testing for other diseases(because drs do not believe us in general) it's kinda a clusterfuck.
And FFS stop saying (general not you personally lol )mottling and/or cyanosis is because women are cold in the middle of a heat wave in the summer. Yes my limbs are cold but that's because my blood is not flowing not because I am cold. I have never had this trigger being cold, only orthostatic stress.