Are you striving to succeed in business and have top notch performance in your career? Do you know how you can be the best version of you to make the world better too? Well let me tell you about two popular French icons that can show us the ropes!

Arms of the Kingdom of France before 1305 (left) | source & Coat of Arms of Domrémy-la-Pucelle (right) | source
Two Popular Medieval French Personalities Admired by People to This Day!
Have you ever heard of these French icons: St. King Louis IX and St. Joan of Arc? Can you guess what they both did in common? Yeah they're both from France and they did things frequently thus they became the best example of humanity to many!
🤴 Who is St. King Louis IX?
He was the King of France from 1226 until he died in 1270. His mother was a Spanish princess named Blanche who had a royal British mother! His father King Louis VIII was descended from the French Capetian dynasty or the House of Capet.
St. King Louis IX is known as an exemplary Christian ruler due to his being a very devout Catholic. He's the only French king who became a saint, all thanks to his mother for bringing up an exemplary pious person! She told him she would rather see him die than commit a mortal sin. And he did live up to his mother's words!
Some of his achievements include:
- the development and reformation of the justice system; he's known as a champion for justice and fairness in Europe
- led two crusades, defending Catholicism valiantly
- brought peace and prosperity to France and yet was always charitable and generous to his people, especially the poor and the sick
- an able peacemaker to many people, even other countries or religions
- an advocate of art and architecture thus had various hospitals, churches, monasteries and schools built.

St. King Louis IX | image source
Of course he had his faults and failures too and yet those were used to make himself better. Thus in turn, his entire country and its citizens flourished!
👧 Who is St. Joan of Arc?
She was an illiterate peasant teenager who made it possible for the heir to the throne to become the king of France. King Charles VII was able to reign from 1422 to 1461. He's a descendant of St. King Louis IX but definitely not pious like his ancestor.
Her signature name in French is Jehanne. She was also known as "La Pucelle" or "the Maiden/Virgin" out of a popular prophecy in her time. This simple girl won several battles during the 100 Years War of England and France. With her presence, the soldiers were inspired with each military action they engaged with. Without her help, the war would not have ended sooner and people would have suffered longer!
She is also known for her religiosity. St. Joan is quoted saying she'd rather die than commit any sin or go against God's will.

Miniature depicting Jeanne d'Arc from The Lives of Famous Women | image source
🤔 What Did They Do That Made Them Successful Leaders?
So, are you ready to know their "secrets" to being successful as a king and a war heroine? If you're familiar with their stories prior to reading this, then share your thoughts in the comments. 😁
🏆 The Saintly King's Secret to Being Internationally Recognized as an Exceptional Leader
- Confession, 2 to 3 times a week.
- Daily mass, TWICE a day!
- Never committed any mortal sin, according to his confessor
💪 The Peasant Girl's Secret to Winning War Battles
- Frequent confession
- Going to mass often, some say she went daily too
- Obedience to God thru His messengers: St. Michael the Archangel, St. Catherine and St. Margaret.
Do you think if they never did all of the above they would become the great persons they were? No no no! Look at how we all behave in this era and you'll know what's up.
What else do they have in common?
Naturally, out of their piety comes the usual things devout Catholics do. They both prayed a lot, spending time with the Lord, and were always helping the poor and needy by doing works of mercy.
They encouraged and propagated being model citizens through Catholicism wherever they went, like availing of confession frequently and avoiding mortal (plus venial) sins . St. Joan was able to curb the cussing or oath-swearing of her soldiers and followers. St. King Louis IX was strict in terms of curtailing blasphemies and also inspired relic veneration.

Because of such devout practices, both of them loved and served the Lord with all their heart. That's how they were able to help their fellowmen, not just the poor and sick but the entire country itself! They sacrificed many things, their time and energy or entire lives, for the sake of a better world. Surely through their shining example, they helped many people avoid going to hell too! (And they're still doing such to this day!)
Imagine a Wonderful Life Thanks to Two Notable French Icons
We all could use some guidance in living our lives. What better way than to emulate the lives of saints, right? Going to frequent confession doesn't mean people do it with the intent to sin again. That's WRONG and NOT taught by the Catholic Church at all! We must examine our conscience and confess our sins because we did evil things and are remorseful/repentant thus resolve to not treat ourselves and others wrongly ever again.
Imagine if all government officials (from top to bottom) and corporate leaders (from CEO/founder to team leaders) went to confession weekly and abhorred all kinds of sins, what a wonderful world we would live in! There won't be any corruption and greed ruining economies and ordinary citizens' lives! That's how St. King Louis IX diminished abusive leadership in his time.
If more lawyers, doctors and nurses, or even the police would also go to confession at least bi-monthly, there would be a lack of multiple murders happening like abortion and euthanasia. Extortion or perjury and criminals being set free instead of convicted would be unheard of too!
Citizens would be more keen on conserving natural resources and taking care of the environment if more people followed God's teachings. Abusing the planet and other people (including children) would not even happen if we were all living morally upright lives.
Verbal and physical abuse would not even exist if we are always careful not to commit sins. Even a poor Catholic who prays a lot and goes to confession and mass frequently plus helps their fellowmen often would definitely be richer in Heaven than you and me now!
Those are just some examples of what is possible if we all work together on it. Can you think of what else can happen when we emulate Jesus and the saints?

Modern-day Work Excellence According to St. Josemaria Escriva
If anyone does not go to confession often, rarely prays and avoids going to mass weekly, then let us not expect much good to come from it. Our lives will always be less than stellar and full of pain and anguish with no relief in sight. How can we be able to earn money the right way and offer the best products and services if we are evil?
Yeah, yeah, nobody thinks they are evil until they realize it. That's what the examination of conscience is for. We aren't 100% bad all the time. Only demons are like that and thus they corrupt every human being they can who aren't in a state of grace. Meaning all who aren't practicing Catholics who either chose to or are unaware they put themselves outside of God's protection.
Anyway here's a "modern" way to live like the two abovementioned saints: We should sanctify the work we do. What does that mean? It means we offer our best work to God, the way Abel did according to the Bible. Let's stop being like the murderous Cain and produce top quality work because we love the Lord. Just like the two French icons, we can follow the Lord's teachings and be world-renowned and successful too!
I myself am just coming to understand this concept. So let's try it step by step, bit by bit until we can do excellent work for the Lord all the time.
Watch this video entitled, The Heart of Work: St. Josemaria's Vision. (Turn on the English subtitle.):
We must work towards success together with God in order to help each other have an amazing life. Just like the model monarch and impressive young war heroine, we can be a great person too! You and I can even help our own townspeople have better life experiences if we do our best and follow what God taught us. 💪❤️
I know this is just the tip of the iceberg so feel free to share your thoughts in the comments! 😉