Maya Angelou's Quote on Life Itself


This quote from Maya Angelou has me thinking a lot. Everything we have ever seen, heard, eaten, smelled, been told or forgotten is part of who we are. It’s true. Every single thing that happens to us sticks with us whether we notice it or not.

When she said that everything affects us I felt that. The things you’ve been through in life shape who you are as a person; the people you meet and the places you go all leave an impact on your life. That’s why I think it’s important for most of our experiences to be positive ones.

I, like all others, have experienced my own highs and lows. Sometimes it’s been fantastic; other times, not so much. However, I’m grateful for the not-so-much because it taught me something — it shaped me into being who I am today.

Another thing that I’ve learned is how important the individuals around you are to your life. Throughout my life, I’ve had some amazing friends and family members who have never left my side. They were always there when I needed them most: loving and supporting me unconditionally. Without them, I honestly don’t know where or what would’ve become of me.

However, it is not just the people in our lives who have an effect on us; it is also our daily experiences. For example, have you ever smelled something that reminded you of a certain memory? Or heard a song that made you think of a particular event? It’s amazing how much our senses can do to recall things.

And then there are the things we forget. The stuff we don’t remember still makes up who we are, sometimes without our knowledge. As Maya Angelou said, it’s all there even if we can’t recall it.

So yeah, I try my best to keep everything positive. I mean why wouldn’t you want to? You never know when life is gonna end so don’t spend too much time dwelling on bad things. Note: It’s still important to acknowledge them but like… deal with it differently or something

I attempt to concentrate on the positives in life, those things which bring me joy. Be it being with friends and family, following my hobbies or simply appreciating small delights of life, I believe that one should find happiness wherever possible.

Ultimately, life is about perception. Yes, there will be difficult moments but they are often accompanied by great beauty and joy too. So why not choose to focus on this? As Maya Angelou suggests – everything affects us somehow; therefore why don’t we let most of them be positive?

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