The article in Japanese is in the second half.★日本語の記事は後半に。
I spent my childhood without playing games at all, and I grew up without the habit of playing games, but I would like to introduce the games that I have enjoyed so far that can be purchased on Apple Arcade, “games that can be played on iPhone and iPad”.
The content will be “puzzle games” and “mystery solving games” that I like.
I will be posting about the games I enjoyed playing at home over the summer and at the end of last year, and again this summer, in a series of articles.
Click here to read the previous article.
Game #1 Creaks, which even I was able to clear on my iPad/ゲーム #1 iPadで私でもクリアできたCreaks(クリークス)[ENG/JPN]
I never thought I'd be writing about video games.
I will introduce games that people who have grown up without playing games can enjoy.
The game I will introduce is called Very Little Nightmares.
Very Little Nightmares” is a game classified as a ‘puzzle adventure game,’ in which the goal is to solve a riddle and escape from a mansion where you are being held captive.
I downloaded, played and cleared the game for iPad.
As many of you know, there is a series of this game, the first one “Little Nightmares” was released in 2017, “Little Nightmares 2” was released in 2021, and “Little Nightmares 3” will be released this year in 2024. Little Nightmares 3” will be released this year in 2024.
Very Little Nightmares was released in 2019.
Both the first and second Very Little Nightmares are horror games.
The first and second games are really quite scary and have a CERO rating of “15 and older” due to the violence and expressions of terror.
I auditioned the first and second games on YouTube played by game players, and they were indeed quite full of dark atmosphere.
*The first and second games are available for iPhone and not for iPad.
In comparison, “Very Little Nightmares” was developed for the iPhone and iPad, and the expressions are quite cute, and the creepy aspects are expressed, but there is little brutality. (The target age range is 9 and up.)
The gameplay screen looks like this, played with the iPad in portrait mode.
You will always be looking down on the main character from an angle.
We, the players, always proceed through the game from this perspective and cannot arbitrarily move the viewpoint.
At first, I was not consciously aware of this screen and proceeded through the game naturally, but halfway through the game I noticed something.
For example, if you enter the room you are in from the front left of the screen, the area displayed on the iPad screen is large and the door frame is clearly visible, making it easy to understand.
However, in the right front, although the wall that is supposed to be there is represented by a transparent wall, it is unexpectedly difficult to locate the entrance and exit, and I got lost in one of the rooms twice.
The controls are very simple as the game is designed to be played on the iPhone and iPad.
Tap once to make the main character walk toward the location.
Tap twice to make the main character run toward that location.
There are some places where you will be downed if you don't run away because there are enemies chasing you or objects approaching.
This is an area where the game has just started.
There are a number of tin locker-like objects piled up, and at this point, you have no idea where to go.
As I explained earlier, the viewpoint cannot be changed except to look down at the protagonist from an angle, and the protagonist must be moved in order to see what lies ahead.
In this scene, you can see that there is a board that leads to the upper right corner, but you cannot see what is beyond that point unless you take the protagonist to that location.
You will see a small square exit.
The small protagonist heads to the next room through this passageway to find a place to escape.
As you can see, there is no direct route leading to the square exit.
Sometimes a route is created by knocking down thin sticks like this and crossing over them.
This is the scene where one goes to get the key needed to enter the next room.
Thus, shelves, grids, and certain places can be climbed up and down as ladders.
The room the protagonist is now in has doors on both the left and right sides, both of which cannot be opened without some ingenuity.
Yes, it is not simply a matter of taking this key to open the door.
The riddle is a combination of several, requiring the use of tools and the help of other characters, and may require several steps in the process.
It is really nice to be able to take the time to enjoy the puzzle solving itself.
I really like this kind of thing because I enjoy trial and error.
Not only in “Very Little Nightmares,” but also in almost all of the iPhone and iPad games we have introduced so far, there are only one-finger controls such as tapping, double-tapping, flicking, and dragging.
We, the players, cannot intentionally manipulate the main character to “lift things” or “carry things”.
In the case of this game, when the main character approaches an object that can be touched (interacted with), the object is “framed in white.
When he touches the object with a white border, he can only perform the specified operation.
It is very clear and friendly.
The Little Nightmares series was created by Tarsier Studios, an independent game development studio based in Malmö, Sweden.
(Distributed by Namco Bandai Entertainment).
The company logo used to be the one on the far right, which I am familiar with, but it seems that the logo has been updated and the font on the left and in the middle is now used by Instagram.
The company used to be a subsidiary of a group of Swedish game companies, but now it seems to be completely independent and is developing unique activities while receiving investments.
Tarsier Studios is famous for its “Little Nightmares” series of games, which are often thought of as strange, weird, and eerie puzzle games, but they also have bright and funny games that are completely different.
I know it must be tough to create games in different genres while also continuing to produce a series of games that are highly acclaimed around the world, but I hope that you will continue to create wonderful games.
■diary with a few words
After the intense heat of July and August, September has brought a tremendous influx of work to finish what we could not do during the hot summer or because of the typhoon.
It is crazy busy and every day flies by.
ほぼ全くゲームをせずに子ども時代を過ごし、ゲームをする習慣がないまま大人になった私が、Apple Arcadeで購入できるゲームでこれまでとても楽しめた「iPhoneとiPadでできるゲーム」をご紹介しています。
Game #1 Creaks, which even I was able to clear on my iPad/ゲーム #1 iPadで私でもクリアできたCreaks(クリークス)[ENG/JPN]
今回ご紹介するのは「Very Little Nightmares(ベリーリトルナイトメア)」というゲームです。
「Very Little Nightmares(ベリーリトルナイトメア)」は「パズルアドベンチャーゲーム」に分類されるゲームで、謎解きを進め、捕えられている屋敷からの脱出を目指すゲームです。
知っておられる方も多いと思いますが、このゲームにはシリーズがあって、2017年に第1作目の「Little Nightmares(リトルナイトメア)」が発売され、2021年に「Little Nightmares 2(リトルナイトメア2)」が発売されて、今年2024年に「Little Nightmares 3(リトルナイトメア3)」が発売されるそうです。
「Very Little Nightmares(ベリーリトルナイトメア)」は2019年に発売されました。
1作目も2作目もホラーゲームで、この「Very Little Nightmares(ベリーリトルナイトメア)」も、ちょっとしたホラーゲームです。
それと比較して「Very Little Nightmares(ベリーリトルナイトメア)」はiPhone用、iPad用に開発されたもので、表現はかなり可愛い感じになっており、不気味な様子は表現されていますが、残虐なものはほとんどありません。(対象年齢は9歳以上となっています)
この「Very Little Nightmares(ベリーリトルナイトメア)」に限らず、これまでに紹介したほぼ全てのiPhone、iPad用のゲームがそうですが、タップ、ダブルタップ、フリック、ドラッグといった指1本の操作しか出来ることがありません。
「Little Nightmares(リトルナイトメア)」シリーズは、スウェーデンのマルメに拠点を置く「Tarsier Studios(ターシア スタジオ)」という独立系ゲーム開発スタジオによって制作されました。
Tarsier Studios(ターシア スタジオ)さんのゲームは「Little Nightmares(リトルナイトメア)」シリーズが有名で、不思議で奇妙で不気味なパズルゲームというイメージが強いのですが、全く異なる明るくて愉快なゲームもあります。
Google Translate & DeepL, thank you as always.
I am glad that you read it :-)
Sending Love and Ecency Curation Vote!

thank you!!