I Want To Go Back To Florida

in FreeCompliments3 months ago

In the summer of 200, my aunt arranged the trip for me. It's been a while, I think I went to Orlando. It was the first time I went on an adventure.
We flew, therefore making it my first time flying.

This will be a recap of some of my favorite moments.


The photo is from Universal Studios
On the first day there, I went to Disney World. I accidentally erased the footage because I didn't know how to use the camera, my mom bought. The Disney World there didn't have rides like the one in Cali though. I was going to get on a balloon that goes in the air, unfortunately, they had to close the ride down due to high winds.

On Monday we drove to Miami to go to the Kennedy Space Center. I didn't like the space center that much, it was a nice attraction to visit. I'm not a space fan. I mean I'm not an enthusiast with space the same way I am with trains.
I enjoyed the commute.


I enjoyed breakfast outside. the patio had a screen to keep bugs away. There were a lot of lizards where I was. I'd see them hanging out on the screen. I wasn't used to them coming from the Midwest.


Universal Studios was my favorite. I got on a roller coaster. There was a bench near the ride. My grandma claimed she heard me screaming over everyone else on the ride lmao.
I wish I had photos, I went on a Spiderman simulator ride.
I got on a water slide and was soaked. The sign said you would get wet, but I was soaked. Why are we stating the obvious? If a ride involves water, you will get splashed.
The trip was rained out. It rained every day I was there. Due to the rain, I only got to go swimming twice out of the entire week I was there.

I went to Disney, and I deleted the footage by accident because I didn't know how to work the camera. Thank goodness today's tech backs up your photos and videos to the cloud. This experience is the reason I have it set up where my photos back up to my Google Cloud when I take them.

Another draft since I've had this painful flare since Sunday.