This is my December recap of all the times I went out, mingled, etc.
I got out more this month than normal.
I stopped by Dunkin for a sandwich and sparkling water. I like flavored sparkling water, and I don't like unflavored water.
I made a cooking video for vlogmas.
I stopped for a burger before getting my hair done.
Another Dunkin run. I got out more than normal due to all of my grandma and mom's appointments. I have zero patience to sit in the office forever so I'd drop my folks off and go somewhere close like a coffee shop.
I went to a smoothie place for breakfast. I was going to type some blog posts, but the wifi wasn't working. I wasn't close enough to Panera to use their wifi
waiting for a train to film.
Early morning run. I am NOT a morning person. My grandma is. She scheduled her follow-up appointment so damn early.
I caught a stomach bug, possibly the Norovirus, a week before Christmas. Sick of both ends. It was God awful the worst 48 hours of my life.
I tried the nachos at a place my uncle told my grandpa about.
That concludes December. My lunch/coffee runs. I may include runs where I get my hair done for 2025.