Vessel v1.0.3

in HiveDevs2 years ago


Vessel, the Hive Desktop Wallet for Mac, Windows & Linux has a new version - v1.0.3

Most importantly, this version adds the new Binance exchange address (@bdhivesteem) as an option and "deprecates" the old one. Please note that you need to generate a new deposit address memo on Binance.

If there are any problems or bugs, please let me know as a comment on this post or on Gitlab.

Please use this software at your own risk!

Changelogs for v1.0.3:

  • Added new Binance exchange address.
  • Removed Blocktrades exchange. 😢 (Much sad)
  • Added Hive Mirrornet display.


Repository - Releases - Binaries

How to build binaries yourself

# Install Wine if you want to build for windows
sudo dpkg --add-architecture i386
wget -nc
sudo apt-key add winehq.key
sudo add-apt-repository 'deb focal main'
sudo apt update
sudo apt install --install-recommends winehq-stable

# install dependencies if not done yet

# build files
yarn run build

# create binaries (m = mac / w = windows / l = linux)
# if you only need one of those, i.e. mac => run npx electron-builder -m
npx electron-builder -mwl

Thanks to @rishi556 for building the binaries once again


Thank you very much for your hard work and informative post. I wish you success.

very good update there. 😎🤙🙏🙏

This is super impressive!!

Thanks for sharing mate!

Oh wow. Very impressive work :)

Happy to have built it :) Hope people enjoy