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RE: Script to create a CSV file with all financial transactions (i.e. for tax purposes)

in HiveDevs5 months ago (edited)

Nice one. People seem to be responding to this really well. I'm jelly compared to how hard it is to get eyes and project supporting upvotes on the things I am building and posting updates about. :P

Are you going to publish this on public facing tools site anywhere? My public free hive tools server is just a little vps with some php apps on it and my big server for is very purpose built for laravel, react and node, and is all tied up in being the rtmp streaming server so its not good for a tools site loading up the ram with big chain pulls either.

But this seems like something you could slap keychain on, ask for a username and spit out pretty PDFs for people without too much effort, and I am sure the community would love it if you did. Github, python and beem and APIs and RPCs and web services, are sort of an advanced class for the typical account holder around here after all, I bet the crowd would love an easy button for this.

Granted it, as you said, is load heavy, but it seems feasible to productize it. People who have big money tax concerns would probably pay a few hive for a pretty printing report too. maybe paywall it to cover the ram and cpu.

Just up from a day sleep after coding on my own projects for like 24 hours straight to solve and rush features out, and drinking coffee and spitballing here about ideas for this very useful tool you made.


Nice one. People seem to be responding to this really well. I'm jelly compared to how hard it is to get eyes and project supporting upvotes on the things I am building and posting updates about. :P

I'm a little surprised too, but even more that nobody did it before. How's everyone been keeping their books?

Your suggestion with the webinterface and pay to download was what I meant saying I thought about a paid service. But for now I got a long enough backlog with some missing wiki functions, and hiveinvite really needs a complete overhaul.
Selling stuff also comes with further complications like VAT and possible liabilities. Maybe at a later stage, if the community starts growing again at some point it might be worth it.
I wouldn't mind someone else sets that up in the meantime though.

I don't know python well and I am starting to immerse in my own pile of to-dos and user requests for what I am building already but I should know python, I started making money in the industy with Perl in 1990 or so, and did PHP for a couple decades now, and a couple other stacks I am at least basically literate in enough to get an app up, but never picked up Python for some reason. Probably because coming from PHP it didn't really offer me much more that I needed. I am not a data scientist and that's where python seems really strong, industry wise.

But I hear you on selling stuff. I have no idea how I am going to "sell" anything for HiveStreams.Live, or how I will fund it's operations. I am taking the "Uber" approach. Build a thing, figure out how to make money with it later, maybe, hopefully, somehow. Cause SirCork gets soo hungry when he's broke. :)

I'm coming from PHP too, imo it's harder to learn a new framework there than getting familiar with Python. At least for the basics. I would still opt for PHP for a bigger CRUD app, but for smaller projects not centered around an SQL database I really cherish the simplicity of Python.

As the script may need to run for hours it wouldn't be a problem to serve a frontend with another language and just call the script. Or migrate it, it's only a little more than 100 lines. I didn't intend to push you into doing it though :D

Oh I hear you, I didn't feel pushed, heck I was even a little shy to ask! If I can get some other priorities under control, I might look into hosting this though, with full credit back to you of course for it's existence. But don't hold your breath. There's whole lot of "luggage" to carry for me to "get other priorities under control" but I KNOW you get that, being 10X or more deeper into this place's code and app building than I've even begun to get to.

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