What Funding Does NOT Mean
No Software Audit: Unfortunately the proposal has not been funded for the best part of the year and we'll not be able to move forward with the 3rd party "software audit" we had planned for this project.
I'm sorry I don't understand this. Are you saying that funding will not include a third party software audit? Can you explain the implications of this?
What Would Funding Do?
Compensate Past Work: Pay a key developer who worked passionately on Peak Vault without full funding
I'm not in favour of retrospective agreement to pay for work that has already been carried out. It's a dangerous principle and leaves Hive open to multiple claims for work that has been done with no prior approval.
I struggle with the business model for DApps. Are these private businesses with the intention to create wealth for their owners? If so, do they have a sustainable business model? Accounts voting for proposals are essentially investors: what are we investing in with DApps? How dependent are DApps on DHF funding and have they investigated alternative investment?
Many thanks.
The DHF proposal was originally published months ago and has not been funded for 6 months at this point. This means that some of the things originally planned will not be possible even if we get the funding for the remaining months.
Again ...the proposal has been there for months. So this post is mostly to understand the community feeling about a new Hive wallet. The likely outcome is that we'll just stop working on it if people don't see a value in the project.
Okay, thank you.
If you're asking about the implications of not having an audit... well I don't believe Keychain had a 3rd party paid audit either.
But... The peakvault software is all i use for PeakD.com and has been great.
I'm asking about the implications of not having an audit because you've included it in your information. You must have felt it was important to have included it in the first place, now you're saying it's not going to happen and I wondered what the consequences were, if any.