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RE: Open sourcing BeeChat Client And Developer Documentation

in HiveDevs4 years ago

At its core BeeChat is not a user facing service, it is built to help other Hive developers and service administrators to integrate a communication feature in their apps if there is a need.

For example, in NFT Showroom and similar Hive based websites we are building, we needed a simple chat service where buyers and sellers can communicate without hopping into another app, so we have decided to decouple the chat module and release it for everyone other websites we might need this.


Yeah I see. So it's not able to exist outside of the Hive system?

That's crazy that it wasn't until NFTshowroom came into existence that developers got that light bulb thought "we need chat." I remember when I joined steemit and realized that to chat to people one needed another service to do it outside of the system so I automatically concluded that blockchain was nowhere near a product ready for market. 3 years on, that assessment hasn't really changed.

I'm not critiquing you personally but what I find foolish here is that people want to onboard masses (hoping token price will benefit) but don't at all want to discuss that the product is too basic. Expecting people to leave the "evil mainstream platforms" without actually having a better service is just never going to be a reality.