Peak Open Projects Proposal #2 (Team of 9 building Open Source tools)

in HiveDevslast year


Dear Hive Community,

Vote for the proposal here:

We are excited to present our proposal for the next year of funding for Peak Open Projects. Over the past ~12 months, your support has allowed our team of 9 to accomplish significant milestones and deliver valuable open-source tools to the Hive community. We're proud of our achievements and are eager to continue our mission to develop innovative solutions for the Hive Blockchain and expand our project.

We're gonna share what we've done, what we're planning, and how we plan to increase our productivity with only a bit more funding this year. One key element is the team is gonna grow and those on the team are planning on increasing their hours.

Our Accomplishments So Far

Thanks to your generous support, our team of 9 part time contributors has successfully completed several key projects:

  1. Hive Block Explorer ( - A modern, user-friendly block explorer with second-layer transaction validation and UX improvements
  2. New Hive Internal Marketplace UI ( - The first modern, intuitive and visually appealing market interface for the decentralized HIVE/HBD marketplace
  3. Hive Stats ( - A comprehensive stats dashboard for the Hive community, featuring 24 stat pages for Hive and community-specific stats
  4. "Sting" a Hive Encrypted Chat (Beta) ( - A decentralized encrypted chat system that integrates with Hive communities and allows encrypted DMs and private channels
  5. Peak Notification System - A configurable system to receive notification from Hive, Hive Engine and dApps. Currently in internal test phase
  6. HAF TOOLS - Technically we haven't done a post about this project so this is somewhat an announcement, but we have already released our first HAF tool
  7. Node Beacon ( - Updated to support Hive Engine nodes
  8. Other smaller tools - Governance page, Multi-Sig Tool.
HiveHub ExplorerSting Chat
Market - limit order feature and chartHive Stats Internal Market Volume

Source code for all projects listed above available at

ALSO... Started work on:

  • A new Open Source Hive wallet "Peak Vault"
  • 2 new open source websites we'll introduce below

The projects from the last 12 months have already made a significant impact on the Hive community, with positive feedback and increased usage across various platforms.

Our Plans for the Future

We are committed to building on our success and expanding our team and projects. In the upcoming year, we plan to:

  1. Expand on development of Sting Chat and Notifications
  2. Integrate Sting Chat into various 3rd party Hive projects.
    (At the very least,, and Peak Vault)
  3. Add more stats to Hive Stats
  4. Keep the market interface and the block explorer up to date.
  5. Develop more tools with HAF
  6. Start several more projects (We are announcing 3 in this post)
  7. Encourage more developers to contribute to our open-source repositories on GitLab.
  8. Increase our team size and hours


In addition to ongoing work on Hive Stats, Sting Chat, and Peak Vault we have ALREADY started work on the following new projects (They are already well under way with dozens of hours of work behind them). We wanted to wait to announce them when they were ready for launch, but it seems like now is the best time to at least wet your appetite.

Expect larger announcements in later posts

  1. Open Genie - A platform for developers and community members to submit work Bounties "wishes" such as development, design, writing work and then include a proposed bounty payments for their completion. In addition to being a cool website for users this can lead to more community-driven coding and collaboration among developers.
  2. Token Routes - A tool to simplify the process of routing tokens between accounts, platforms, and exchanges. This will enhance user experience and efficiency within the Hive ecosystem. We'll focus heavily on Hive and Hive-Engine tokens to start with.
  3. HAF Tools - Already launched a HAF server finished the first HAF tool and are helping fund Node operators that are running HAF nodes. We're going to continue to create A set of utilities and resources designed to help developers build and manage HAF (Hive Application Framework) applications more effectively, promoting Hive's growth and adoption.


Note: We hope to use Open Genie to incentivize work projects to benefit all of Hive and our open source projects.


To achieve these goals and increase our productivity we are going to increase the size of our team, increase the hours of our team members and make some changes to our proposal strategy. (increased funding split in two proposals)

This proposal will be the main proposal and will fund work on 7+ projects and only at 700hbd/day (up from 600) all while planning to increase wages and bring another person to the team.

We will have a second proposal which will be much smaller and will be used to help pay for increased development on the new wallet software that will help applications not be centralized on one wallet only. Keep an eye out for that proposal separately. We plan on using funds to do an audit of that sensitive software.

RECAP OF 700hbd/day
What we've been doing at 600/day plus the following...

  1. Hire additional team members and bring existing part-time team members to full-time status.
  2. Recruit a coordinator as a team manager to enhance team productivity and coordination with other Hive Projects.
  3. Reward contributions to our open-source repositories and integrations with other Hive projects.
    (For example using Open Genie to promote work on side projects)
  4. Some additional expenses for servers, databases, and other software tools.

Note: We do expect that since the proposal is almost over and we have just launched this one there will be a period of no funding and that's why it's been a solid strategy to keep some funds handy to continue to pay the team members until the new post gets funded.

Transparency and Accountability

We have written 15+ updates about over the last 12 months and will continue to update everyone about our progress. Additionally we are dedicated to maintaining the highest level of transparency and accountability in our work. All payments are made via HBD from the account, ensuring complete transparency to anyone using the Hive blockchain. We will continue sharing regular updates on our progress and invite the
community to provide feedback and suggestions.


Your support has made Peak Open Projects a success, and we are incredibly grateful for the trust you have placed in us. With your continued support, we can further expand our team, tackle more ambitious projects, and deliver even greater value to the Hive community. Together, we can build a stronger and more vibrant Hive ecosystem.

Please consider voting for our proposal to help us continue our mission of creating innovative open-source solutions for the Hive Blockchain.


In response to community interest, we have prepared a list of frequently asked questions to provide further information about Peak Open Projects and our proposal for the next year of funding. We hope these answers will address any concerns and encourage support for our proposal.

How does Peak Open Projects benefit the overall Hive ecosystem?

Peak Open Projects develops open-source tools and applications that enhance user experience, improve efficiency, and promote the growth and adoption of the Hive Blockchain. Our projects, such as the Hive Block Explorer, Hive Stats, and Sting Encrypted Chat, are designed to benefit all Hive users and developers.

What is your plan to encourage more developers to contribute to your open-source projects?

We will share updates and links to our repositories, provide incentives for contributions and bug bounties, and reach out to developers one-on-one. Our Open Genie project will also feature "wishes" for development work with proposed payments, encouraging more community-driven coding and collaboration.

How do you ensure the efficient use of funds received from the Hive community?

We have adopted a pay-per-hour model, ensuring that funds are only used to cover work done. Once developers have established a consistent track record, recurring transfers may be set up. We also maintain a net positive balance to cover expenses in case of funding gaps.

How do you maintain transparency with the community?

All payments are made via HBD from the account, ensuring complete transparency. We have published 15+ updates in the past 12 months and will continue to share regular progress updates and invite community feedback. We publish the proposal from @peakd to help it get seen but the funds and organization is directed by Peak Open Projects and

How do you manage and coordinate your development team?

We use a well-organized Discord server for team communication and ensure minimal overlapping of developer responsibilities. Our main developer answers questions and helps overcome roadblocks, while administrative team members check in to keep everyone motivated. We are moving toward a team member that will focus more on coordination with just these projects and also with developers of other Hive Apps.

What will the increased funding be used for?

The increased funding will be used to hire additional developers, recruit a coordinator as a team manager, cover increased expenses for servers, databases, and other tools and incentivize contributions to our open-source projects.

What specific milestones do you hope to achieve with the next year of funding?

We aim to complete development on Open Genie, Token Routes, and Sting Chat, integrate Sting Chat into various third-party Hive projects, launch Peak Vault as a fully functional wallet software, and start multiple new projects.

How will you measure the success of your projects?

Success will be measured by increased developer hours, the amount of code written, more integrations of our tools into various sites, and tackling bigger projects in terms of scope and complexity.

How do you ensure the security and reliability of your projects?

Our development team follows industry-standard practices to ensure the security and reliability of our projects. We also plan another proposal which will fund a third-party software audit of the new Hive Wallet to ensure the highest level of security.

How can the community provide feedback and suggestions?

We welcome feedback and suggestions from the community through comments on our updates, direct messages on Hive, or joining our Discord server. Your insights and ideas are invaluable in helping us improve our projects and better serve the Hive community.

Are you going to be ok with a gap in funding for some time?

We will have at least a 7 day gap between proposals and we are set up to still pay all our team members during that time. We make sure to have some leeway in our wallet.

We hope these answers help clarify our goals and intentions for Peak Open Projects. Please consider voting for our proposal to help us continue our mission of creating innovative open-source solutions for the Hive Blockchain.


The Peak Open Projects Team



I supported this because of the Open Genie idea. I want a place for sportsbetting in HIVE/HBD/TOKEN format that is easy to use

was made before, failed, not enough interested users

Really? What was it called? I've certainly never heard anything about it

We hope to be one of the biggest users of that new site to make wishes (bounties) for the projects we work on.

curious, how many hive apps contacted you about using the Sting Chat. It is an cool option to have but it needs to be implemented on, well probably, all apps on hive.

We would sure love it. A few have expressed interest but only the PeakD team is working on it with sufficient effort.

We will probably need users and ourselves to start reaching out to those sites to get them motivated. We have recently expressed that we are willing to help compensate or motivate with a bit of DAO funds because they're building for the Hive community. Specially if they're adding to the open source code for the chat widget etc.

Supported :)


It's great that you still continue to shape this decentralized environment. The Open Genie part seems to be quite complex - I can't wait for the moment when it will be available to express my extravagant desire on that future platform. Cheers 🍺😊🍻 !PGM !PIZZA

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We have supported your proposal, we like using Peakd

Well, got my vote @peakd!

PeakD wins on having the best usability when it comes to interfaces and understanding how people who are not technologists, developers and blockchainiacs use the web. And that's a huge plus, when it comes to approaching the every-present question of "how to we attract more outside people as Hive users?"

Sometime, in your "copious spare time," I would love to see you take on something like the old app from "Hive 1.0" which was by far the most full-featured and intuitive individual account analysis tool out there. Sure, we have versions for Hive, but they are mostly a bit awkward/clumsy, OR they are too oriented towards developers or those really into the technical end of things.

A second feature (possibly essential for larger scale adoption) is a utility (possibly inside the PeakD interface) to pull user uploaded images from posts into organizable "Photo Albums" so already uploaded images can more readily be accessed, organized and potentially re-used.

The analytics stuff is what we're trying to tackle with Hive Stats part of the project... the API is available for any website but presently we have a bunch on we can keep expanding beyond cord blockchain stats and beyond the new community stats and perhaps move to account stats. I think that tackles a lof of what did but it will be an open API and open source created unlike was.

As for the suggestion this isn't funding itself but all the tools created can help any interface. If a developer wants to consider an open source project for pictures we're happy to talk to them.

really fantastic work!

@tipu curate

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Great work guys. Tested the AI integration today. Awesome.

Using PeakD in our Justice Campaign project www.ScamBuster.TV

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