Have you considered DigitalOcean, Linode or Vultr? No free tier, but for $5 you get a modest Virtual Private Server, and Vultr has $2.50/mo (IP6 only) or $3.50/mo if you can run everything on 0.5 GB RAM. No, I don't work for them or have any association, just a long LONG time user of all 3.
The reason I suggest these over Railway, was I didn't see in Railway a way to choose your base Operating System (Debian, Ubuntu, Ricky, Kali, Slackware, etc) which, if you're so inclined, can customize for security, special services.. etc and get the most performance. Plus, easy to map as many domains and sub-domains as you like onto one instance.
Sounds like a pitch here, not my intent. Just like to find other techies with a passion for full stack and beyond.
But, I'd be very interested in hearing the stability and uptime as you progress. Railway's Zero 9's (99%) uptime doesn't sound all that good. 3 or 4 9's (99.999% or 99.9999%) uptime should be more a target for rarely noticing unavailability.
These are great suggestions. Thank you. I am sure I will try these as well once I complete the project. I just needed something that could get me started quickly with databases.