I've no idea what this is sorry, thanks for any help!
OH I think i figured it out, I have to specify it in a previous step, but i can't seem to be able to do that like it is in the video, I dropped details in the DLUX Discord, cheers!
i AM...
Step 5/8 : COPY ["./.env", "./config.js", "./dao.js", "./discord.js", "./docker-start.js", "./edb.js", "./enforce.js", "./getPathObj.js", "./helpers.js", "./hive.js", "./index.js", "./ipfsSaveState.js", "./lil_ops.js", "./msa.js", "./pathwise.js", "./processor.js", "./report.js", "./rtrades.js", "./state.js", "./tally.js", "./voter.js", "./"]
ERROR: Service 'honeycomb' failed to build: COPY failed: file not found in build context or excluded by .dockerignore: stat .env: file does not exist
ubuntu @ revisespk [ ~/honeycomb-spkcc ] $
32:15 Writing the .env file (Skip to here for BYO Server)
nano .env
account="hiveaccount" active=5JactivePrivateKey msowner=5KadditionalPrivateKey mspublic=STMpublickey domain=https://api.yourdomain.com```
Oh so I just carry on with the later steps of the install even though the previous ones haven't finished and it should all be fine?
(Apologies I have never done anything like this before BTW!)
With the last line...?
How do I know what my domain name is?
I've no idea what this is sorry, thanks for any help!
OH I think i figured it out, I have to specify it in a previous step, but i can't seem to be able to do that like it is in the video, I dropped details in the DLUX Discord, cheers!