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RE: HiveSQL back to free for all developpers and users!

in HiveDevs4 years ago

Although I can understand the reasons for this unvote, I was unfortunately not warned beforehand. HiveSQL has therefore switched to subscription mode.

As soon as I understood what was happening, I made sure that it switched to free mode so as not to disrupt the proper functioning of the many applications that rely on it.

^ interesting to see banky things happening or behaviors, sorry you didn't get any warning nor some others apparently as that doesn't seem very "Community" oriented. It does seem very "bankster" and isn't this supposed to be about at least the illusion of a form of decentralization and not acting like the Iron Bank? js
take care


sorry you didn't get any warning nor some others apparently as that doesn't seem very "Community" oriented.

Let's be honest, there were (very few) talks about the idea of doing it on a MM channel and I didn't see them.
It's more a matter of good and appropriate communication than "banksterism".

Little to no communication on just yanking stuff with no warning isn't very professional but unfortunately it's reflecting in other things and perhaps some fresh 'blood' and better communication happens then people can chill on the floating around discords trying to sway people.

A lot of Hive users who don't show/have a lot or are feeling shaky on it are not stupid and should feel okay to just ask basic things without the ones who precarved some pie out coming in to sway others who disagree. People can be civil and it's a better look in the end but if "Greed is good" then the price would have mooned maybe? I like Hive to network, learn and create content on as a hobby when I have time and hope it doesn't get too "feudal" feeling.

I do hope smoother waters are ahead but most of us are diversified or don't want to get in deep here which also could be on purpose , it's the top and the bottom with no middle and that's not very supportive of even the top if the whole support columns just go "well I can stick it into doge cause it's more fun"
