Keychain operates in browsers, which themselves run javascript - so you can't get around using Javascript in the browser.
I don't use Python myself but I imagine you would be able to run Python on your server to process the server side component of the process described here. There are tutorials for Python on the Hive developer website, but you might need to dig around to find the correct functions to use for the keychain authentication process.
a few functions in Beem that might do what you need, but I have no experience with it - I imagine if you ask in the Hive developer Discord area you will get the answers you need.The library 'Beem' is promoted for Python with Hive but I think that the author, @holger80, no longer maintains it. I can see
Oh yeah I am fully aware of Beem and Hive-engine libraries . In fact I had my own site up ad running but only part where I struggled was connecting to Keychain .
I see, ok - well, the code for the verify function in dHive may exist in beem somewhere, but otherwise you can go and trace the verify code to it's parent project and then maybe recreate it in Python. Personally, I would ask other developers who use Python or maybe @holger80 which functions to use in Beem to do the verification.
Keychain operates in browsers, which themselves run javascript - so you can't get around using Javascript in the browser.
I don't use Python myself but I imagine you would be able to run Python on your server to process the server side component of the process described here. There are tutorials for Python on the Hive developer website, but you might need to dig around to find the correct functions to use for the keychain authentication process.
a few functions in Beem that might do what you need, but I have no experience with it - I imagine if you ask in the Hive developer Discord area you will get the answers you need.The library 'Beem' is promoted for Python with Hive but I think that the author, @holger80, no longer maintains it. I can see
Oh yeah I am fully aware of Beem and Hive-engine libraries . In fact I had my own site up ad running but only part where I struggled was connecting to Keychain .
Thanks for the reply :)
I see, ok - well, the code for the verify function in dHive may exist in beem somewhere, but otherwise you can go and trace the verify code to it's parent project and then maybe recreate it in Python. Personally, I would ask other developers who use Python or maybe @holger80 which functions to use in Beem to do the verification.