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RE: "Why am I being downvoted by @hive-defender and its trail?? 😑 😠 🀬"

in HiveDevs β€’ 3 years ago

Since you wanna be that guy, here's a screenshot to the original comment:


Considering the amount of time you spend on dpos blockchains I had to point out how dumb it is to regard downvotes as censorship, which you've often liked to do.



Sort: Β 

My apologies sir.... thought you were still on Steemit.


Shouldn't you only be there?


Β 3 years agoΒ (edited)Β 

Why .???? ..... you are on Steemit too... making $1,600 a month no less.


What's your point? At least I'm not the one keeping their stake on a centralized database.

My point is that you are there too. At least I tell the truth.

I’m glad we can have a civil discussion here.

You make way more money on Steemit than Leo or Hive too... glad we agree,

I don't and I'm agreeing on you agreeing that it's idiotic to behave the way you do regarding downvotes, especially when you were farming autovotes on your spam and how you cried over transisto downvoting you for reward disagreement.

Have fun. πŸ‘‹

Β 3 years agoΒ (edited)Β 

Agreed. However I am not agreeing with you agreeing.

You're the one who cried censorship and ninja edited the comment after being called out on how flawed that thinking is, mate. Go spam someone else now.

Β 3 years agoΒ (edited)Β 

It was more censureship. Nobody can be censored on Hive bro.


Also... I never ever downvote.

That was my point, you see it as someone stealing money from others or censorship, which is idiotic.

@acidyo @pfunk I see manual legitimate downvotes of shit content as a positive thing, including spam, plagiarism and abuse such as $500 posts of nonsense. It is demonetizing it, and silencing it, which is the very point of downvoting that shit content.

Likewise, when it accidentally does the same thing to non-spam, original, non-abusive content; it's still demonetizing and silencing. It is.

The definition doesn't change based on WHO it does it to, and people will naturally feel discouraged (as the spammers would and should feel if it was done accurately.)

It's more like, oops, we demonetized and silenced you accidentally with best intentions for everyone- which is 100% fair. If it was my downvote, I'd just own the hiccup.

It's perfectly normal for people to feel upset. It's not just about the money for everyone.

  • On Peaked, the heart, turns into a "broken heart" emoji. I could get into the psychology of that.
  • It looks bad for the witnesses on the trail.
  • Other platforms don't have this problem.

Also, @acidyo I don't have any issue with you using Steem to kick Tron in the balls! Milk that bitch. I'm powering down over there but I def am getting what rewards it offers to buy more HIVE.

@pfunk is there a running list of whos accounts got dicked over on Steem? Because I want to emphasize them in as far as support here.

It's nice to see sensible people coming back hopefully flushing out the crazies we've had to deal with here. :D

I'm so excited to meet the crazies. (sarcasm) >_<

Exactly my point.

If you don't like theft or censorship, face it, you're a hypocrite if you're still using Steem.

Β 3 years agoΒ (edited)Β 

Agreed. But I see some big Hive whales over there every day...

Β 3 years agoΒ (edited)Β 

Bit of a deflection. If you agree, then exit Steem.

And if you see those whales, you can say the same to them. I can't think of one whale that didn't power down or didn't have their entire stake in Steem stolen from them though.

I see minnows and dolphins get wiped out for posting or curating on Steemit, yet many Hive whales and Witnesses are there.... all day long. It just seems kind of weird,

Deflection ???? But It’s kind of hypocritical don’t you think ? There are plenty there....

I will send you a comprehensive list if you like... many alts.

It’s very weird.... I see more Hive people on Steemit than I see on Hive....

Glad we agree then.

I’m glad too.