But i always loved the night photographs because it is a lot harder some times to get them right but at the same time it's easier to focus on the light and the thing you want to capture.
So sometime ago i was out testing my 200-600mm Sony lens and this is the result .
I could probably name that picture lights in the sea?
One more contest run by @galenkp this time #outdoorsandmore community. So i will try and participate since i believe i have some winning photos to post.
The photos i want to post is not the common #outdoorandmore because most of the photographs that being posted are in the day using the magic of daylight to give color and perspective.
Lights the beach house?
Dancing lights
This one city lights ?
And what is the thing that all of want to capture when taking photos in the night? The thing that screams nature more than nature it self ? The moon! Most people will never see moon from up close so that kind of photos can make us go as close as we can get and that lens really send us close enough.
Of course those photos has a story behind them and i will give you a taste of that story.
They were taken last year from Paralia katerinis when i went with some friends for a night barbeque in the beach and thought why not take the camera with me and take some moon photos and experiment with it. As you can imagine the night had a lot of meat , drinks and half the time we where inside the water!
I hope i am in the topic but even if i am not i hope you like the pictures !
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The moon shot is amazing. I haven't seen a moonshot from a digital camera, except for the ones I see on Samsung Galaxy. The outdoor events are amazing, those night shots on low light is more beautiful when taken with a decent lens.
Yes I love the moon shots I take some on every full moon
I love the moon shot. So jealous you have a zoom lens. Awesome.
Thanks I try to take as many as can in every full moon