Buying brand name guns is usually the way to go, but you never know when you might get a dud. I like how light it is, and how many accessories are made for it. Though being my first purchase of this brand it did not sit well with me when I started having problems with it. A new gun should not act up unless abused, by not cleaning it, storing it well or by using bad ammo. Though this gun had none of those issues, so it was very strange it would not be reliable.
Bought brand new gun a few years back, and start having issues with it immediately. It would jam randomly, sometimes after a single shot, other times after many. I never took it apart so was not sure what was wrong with. I actually got a completely different carry pistol since this one was so unreliable. When I would tell people my brand new Glock jams they were all taken a back, I guess this is not common. We thought maybe I was using bad ammo, or something else was going on with it.
His good pistol on the left, mine on the right.
A good friend of mine needed some work, so I paid him to clean all my guns. @lost.ryulincoln will be making posts about my guns he cleaned soon enough. I am helping him get started on Hive. While he was taking apart my 9mm Glock Gen 4 he noticed something a miss. He has one too though it shoots a larger round than mine. But the design is mostly the same, so he removed his slide and compared it to mine and we saw a big difference right away. Seems there is a rod on the pistol that is bent. Mine is on the right and his is on the left.
We are unsure of what this part does, but it could explain its jamming issues.
Looks like I will be taking a trip to the Glock factory in Smyrna, or possibly just mailing it in. Hoping I can get it all fixed so it will be a good carry pistol. Though my .357 King Cobra will do great until then.
If you are into gun cleaning videos, hunting and other outdoor related content follow @lost.ryulincoln as he will be releasing more content very soon. He cleaned all my pistols and rifles, recorded himself while cleaning and talks about them. Should make for some great videos when he gets around to editing them all.
EDIT: thank you to everyone that pointed out what that part is called. I googled bent ejector and sure enough it's part of the design. I greatly appreciate the replies and for @papacrusher pointing out that it could be normal to have that bend in the ejector.
That might not be the issue. I believe that certain generations of Glock had that piece bent as shown, but I could be mistaken. Wouldn't hurt to get Glock to check it out. And that is the ejector.
I had no idea what part it was. I googled bent ejector glock and sure enough you are correct!
Thanks alot for letting me know.. going to edit my post and mention you.
lol no need to do that. I'm a Glock armorer and we had this issue come up with a couple of my bosses who were convinced our guns were "broke" lol There could be several reasons it's not working as it should. I'd find a Glock armorer and let him/her go through it thoroughly. Glock is really good about offering free upgraded parts. Good luck!
@papacrusher knows his stuff.
Man he sure does! Really appreicate the feedback.
Thanks for using my community for your post, I hope many more to come. No pressure though. 😊
You got it!
My friend @lost.ryulincoln will be posting too soon enough. Poor guy is editing videos on his hand me down laptop right now. But he will have a bunch of gun breakdown videos to show in this community.
Sounds great, I look forward to it.
I worked for Ruger for a number of years. Our guns had a lifetime warranty on many of the parts and people could ship them to us for repair. It was a bit of a hassle for the owner since it had to be shipped to and from a dealer with a Federal Firearms License and it was a 30-60 day turnaround. The design on that Glock is very similar to the Ruger but that particular part is not one you want to try and replace yourself if you have no repair experience. They might be willing to send you the part if it is covered then you could find a local gunsmith to repair it. If I remember right that part on the Ruger is called an "Ejector". You just happened to get a faulty part, the tensile strength was probably off from what it should be. I own the same gun as well as a Ruger SR9 full size and I've put well over 1000 rounds through both of them and NEVER had either one jam. I did get some bad ammo once and had a few squib rounds but no jams. Just bad luck on that one.
Oh that's cool you worked there, I own two .22s made my Ruger. They are excellent guns.
Yeah I may need to goto my local gun shop and see if they need to ship it out. Might not be able to directly mail them or even go to their factory in person.
.22 pistols or rifles? I worked in the range mostly as a final inspector but I worked for a brief period of time on the Mk III .22 pistol. The rifles are made in the east coast factory. Prescott, Arizona where I worked is where all the semi-auto pistols are made. Revolvers are made in Connecticut. If you have a local gunsmith that does repairs you can email that picture of the bad ejector to Glock and they might just send you one for free. Would be a lot faster than shipping it back and forth.
Glock Customer Service
Ah thanks for a link. Will look into getting it looked at by them.
My Rugers is a 10-22 takedown rifle and and a mark 4 pistol. I got the lighter aluminum body. Both are fitted with quick attach silencers.
That takedown is the ultimate survival tool, I have one myself. The Mk IV was just starting production when I retired, never got a chance to shoot that one but I love the MK III!
It sure is! I love my .22's
Isn't that the ejector? Slide racks back and that pops the shell out? Part #35
yes, definitely part of the Ejector.
Nice.. thanks alot I had no idea what that part was called.
Hehehe... I have my guns cleaned by someone too!
Shameful Silv.
I just know how to use them!
Hehehe 😊
Haha nice, I would clean mine in a pinch. But since my friend is really knowledge about them, I figured if hes in need of money might as well pay him to clean them.
How often do you have your guns cleaned?
I have two big guns, and I have not fired them... it's going on for four years now!
They are just sitting in the gun safe, for now!
At least I got to shot will my revolvers last year.
It depends how often I shoot them, if not often I wait 5-10 years but if I shoot them alot then almost every year if not more.
Nice, I love shooting my revolver.
Oh... 5 to 10 years!!!
Huh, that long!!!
yep, it all depends on how often you shoot them.. Otherwise I keep them in gun cases.
I don't think I can touch a gun. it looks so scary to me. A relative of my husband is a security guard and he had his gun with him when he came to us. I was really worried because there was a gun in my house that night.
It's the human that's unsafe, not the firearm.
Well with care they are safe. It's just like operating a car, you have to take extra care when operating one.
Though it all depends on the operator of the firearm. And you must trust them otherwise it can be concerning.
I have a Glock 26 9mm with the same bend in the ejector.
It's only jammed a few times but that was because of cheap ammo.
Ah.. good to know. Well glad you pointed it out cause it did not look right.
Definitely unusual to have issues with Glock. The saying around here is that "Glocks just go bang", meaning they are one of the most reliable semi-auto's out there. If you are having frequent "jam" issues, there's certainly something amiss. I own a few and have shot MANY. The other good news is that they are also simple to work on, simple to replace any of the internal parts that may have issues. My personal quick favorite is the Ghost trigger connector that allows you to take the stock 5-6lb trigger to a crisper 3.5lb pull in less than 5 minutes by just replacing the trigger connector. It's worth getting checked out for sure.
Yeah I was quite shocked when I started having problems with it, will need to have it looked at further to figure out what is wrong with it.
Oh cool, I have never modified the trigger but sounds like something that may be interesting to try out.
Be sure you've tried other magazines, these type things usually are the result of bent lips on the magazine. If you've tried that, then definitely have it looked at. These may be ugly, but they are typically extremely reliable.
Oh good idea! I do not think I have any other magazines for it.. Just the single one it came with. Worth a try, I will buy another and try.
Wild stuff! I initially thought something was amiss but think I as well learned a thing or two from the comments. Love that! I don't know if that's the gen my dad owns but I'll have to ask him.
Sucks you have jamming issues! Hopefully they can get it squared away without too much hassle, that would certainly bother me with a new purchase.
Hah yeah, pretty cool that was pointed out.
Thanks, when I figure out what is wrong I will do another update.
I just checked my clock 9 mm gen 4.. it has the same bend as yours. Have not had any jam troubles but have not used it in awhile. why not take it to a gun smith and get his opinion. Ammo is very important with autos. cheap stuff can cause jams.
Ah okay well damn I guess that is not the problem. Thanks for letting me know.
I doubt it was dirty ammo as the jamming happened right away. Not like I shot 1000s of rounds and then it started jamming like it got gunked up or something.
Yep sure is, yeah that is why everyone is shocked when I tell them mine has problems.