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RE: A design for a DIY tool to safely remove ticks.

They just take the medical money out before you see it...the cost is always higher when the professional thieves get control of anything!

But I'm glad you have an option. I'd get it done so it doesn't interrupt your garden season!

Be safe, pulling for you!!!!



What do you mean they take the medical money out before I see it?

Last time I looked, over 60% of the total taxes collected in Canada, pays for medical costs. So 2/3rds of your taxes pays for the free medical fees!


That is not quite true. All social spending, including education, social security, child tax credit. and a host of other stuff makes up 3/5ths of total expenditures.
Social Spending for 2019

Health care costs about 4 to 6k per capita per year depending what province we live in. Our tax dollars cover that, and we are covered for everything no matter if we managed to pay that much in taxes or not. The govt also pays less per capita on healthcare than the USA does, Canada per capita =6k ish and USA = 13k ish. We also spend less of our GDP on healthcare than you guys do. Canada 10.8% and USA 16.8%

Per capita health spending

Your next comment might be OH you must pay a LOT of taxes! US and CDN taxes are similar. We pay about the same, depending on what province we live in. Lower income CDN people seem to pay less income tax than lower income people in the US. I was surprised about that last bit of info because I always assumed that Americans paid a lot less in taxes.

Making things easier on young families is the child tax credit which is a max benefit of about $6800 per year per child. Lower income parents get more, and upper income parents get less or even nothing if they are wealthy.

So really, the issue is not how much of our tax dollars are spent on healthcare, but how much are we getting in return for the taxes that we pay? And I know you have heard a lot of propaganda about how "terrible" Canada's healthcare system is. That simply is not true. It is actually pretty good. I wouldn't lie.

I wish you had the same system as it would make life easier for many people--like for the homeless people that I know you care very deeply about. It would also cost less for your govt than what they are doing now. Every other "1st world" nation pays almost half of what the US is paying for healthcare per capita.

The benefits of universal healthcare are huge, as well. A healthy population is better able to work and grow the economy.

The villains in all of this are the politicians that are getting kickbacks from medical insurance corporations that are making a killing off selling private medical insurance. Every single bureaucrat and politician worth their salt are fully aware of the economic and social benefits of universal healthcare, but they would rather let people suffer for---what reason?

Anyway, it is okay if you disagree with me, but I am relaying this info with 💗.

Not a problem, you have centered the blame on the politicians, they are insatiable for power and money!

What I do know about Canadian healthcare from supplying their devices:

I had to design a sensor to be used on a gurney, because they had people on a gurney, In the hallway with cloth dividers. Normal sensors would be damaged by the gurney edges, so we had to shorten the design for that market. We sold thousands of these sensors through the Canadian distributor.

He is the one who was bragging that the medical costs had dropped below 2/3rds of the collected taxes. Canada was fighting to reduce medical costs at the time, maybe they managed; this was 2007. But they still offer the gurney sensor, so there is still a demand.

I'm no longer in that business, but this is what I had to deal with then.

And I will Never have a problem with you! It is Always good to hear from you. I'm not a liberal, so I support free speech; and value differing opinions!

But the bottom line is, I hope you get to a doctor for that splinter out!


The splinter is out!! I wrote a post about it on that other site. :-D

Everyone is always trying to reduce costs and improve efficiency. Every dollar saved in healthcare or education is a dollar the politicians can give to their corporate buddies in subsidies.

What kind of sensor?--what was it sensing?

These gurneys in a hallway sound like an emergency room situation. In general, however, all emergency rooms have privacy curtains around the beds.

Sometimes they get overwhelmed--like right now due to successive waves of covid. There was a recent news story about a hospital that had so many covid patients that they moved beds into the coffee shop. Stuff like that is always good fodder for the insurance company lobbyists to try and cause trouble.

The worst thing that happened here is that our Premier made some really bad Covid policy decisions and it resulted in the need to airlift 27 severely ill covid patients to Ontario. So many people were severely ill and required ICU care that we ran out of medical staff to take care of them all. That was a month from hell. Everything is ok now though--in terms of hospital space.

I'm so glad it's out! My wife almost lose a toe this week. It was shrinking, and turning brown, and I was scared! I put a fomentation of comfrey on it, and three days later it is pink and healing. The doctor would have cut it off I'm sure.

The gurneys were being used in hallways, because they were adding some RF nurse call stations out there for surge. Those sensors were to detect presence or absence for fall risk patients. They are still selling them today.

Socialized medicine just doesn't work, when times get tough, access begins to be limited, and expensive procedures are denied. Your Premier came here in the last decade for heart surgery that couldn't be scheduled in a truly manner, which is common in a government program. They have done this to veterans here at the VA hospitals, which is disgusting!

My Brother had to be his wife's OR nurse at the Indian hospital, to deliver his own Son; from poor funding. Politicians are no able to do a good job on anything they touch!

Any time politicians control anything, they steal! Then they begin making uninformed decisions that kill people.

They cut the payments so low that people were denied equipment that the doctors wanted to use, because of costs.

I was making a monitor to mitigate pressure ulcers. We had it in field testing, and it looked like the prototype could save 5000 people a month. Production would do better, but that was July of 2008; and when socialized medicine was 'passed', they stopped the development! So for 168 months, 5000 people have died each month of systemic septicemia! That is a terrible way to die, for 840,000 innocent people....

That is only one project, in one small company; but all medical R&D stopped in July of 2008, across the entire USA! Only GOD himself knows how many innocent people they murdered with socialized medicine.

That was the final push to move me to herbals, and away from western medicine! This is after four decades of making medical equipment, and several dozen patents in my name; but wholesale murder for political power was too much!

I'm thrilled it's working for you, and you're happy with it; but for me, they will Always have innocent blood on their hands. AND I'm happy that splinter is out!!!!

