So I'm assuming that the coffee and cake came sensibly and safely packed in thermoses and boxes to reach you guys safely but my mental image of the girls expertly riding with coffee in mugs and cakes on plates with little forks balanced precariously on trays which they were carrying butler/waiter style while hooning on on the quads was much more amusing.

ps glad your friend is going okay
pps I only just noticed this in my feed and I always find stuff like this amusing and have to wonder if it was somehow done deliberately XD

Well, the Flinders Ranges is north of where I live, so north is the way to get there which means when I go there I go north. Makes sense to me. When I'm not going there I go in different directions, sometimes north, but other times not north, and when I'm going home from north I'm going south...and there's the link! (Funny they're both in your feed consecutively - We'll see if we can do it again with east and west.)
Hmm, coffee mug carrying on quad bikes...I'm not quite sure they're that expert although maybe Evil Knievel might have been able to do it but I'm not sure what he might have looked like in short shorts. Fortunately the gals are sensible and put the coffee in a thermos and the cake is in one of those Tupperware cake thingys so it made it to the fence line intact...It didn't stay intact for long once me and my mate smashed it down - A lovely carrot cake...mmm, so good.
I think they hooned on the way back to the house...those quads will never be the same again.
Nice outdoor photos.
Btw, if you are an outdoor lover, you should love this free app which pays you to walk ==> or we call it sweatcoin.