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RE: Perception: You idiot

Our country is overun with poachers as people are desperate and they don't have jobs.
So annually about 300 Rhinos are killed and only their horns are taken. International syndicates buy the horns and trade with them. Money other species such as the Pangolin are also in demand on the black market.

Money talks here and anyone can be bought to look the other way. So the country is slowly being stripped of its wildlife. Same as it is with the illegal gold and diamond mining.

We have stopped eating venison a long time ago in support of those that are fighting this scourge.



Poachers should be shot on sight! What they need is work to feed their families. Setting up manufacturing is difficult, and with the idiots we have in charge; we won't be able to manage this any time soon!

Here we have the reverse problem, the deer population is exploding. When I started hunting, we were able to take 2 deer a year; now the legal take is up to ten. They are damaging a lot of cars here now.

I wonder what industry would be a good fit over there? What resources could be value added there?

A different way to feed their families is the solution to this problem. Combined this with a serious policing of the horns etc; will shut down this terrible trade!


I think that we hold the record here with unemployment figures and as a charity we have skills training projects in an effort to get school leavers employable. But jobs are very scarce.
To overcome this we also encourage small own business attempts.

Many of the poachers have large families to feed and they are ideal targets for the syndicates, quick money rules and we have a real problem on our hands.

Ah if only we can sit with the animal population exploding it would be such a pleasure, but our stocks are dwindling by the day.
I suppose you have many guys culling over there ?

Now that is not easy, as it is difficult to become established here and the government has not made things any easier with all of the laws, rules and red tape. People are complaining by saying that they should open the economy to new players, but I cannot see this happening.
In the meantime we have what they call a brain drain, as many of the top minds are emigrating.

We have all of that with the new government grant for food and the poacher arrests are also successful, but yet the poaching continues to grow. It really is a very difficult situation, as when one poacher gets arrested 10 others are ready to take his place.

Such is life my friend.

We feed the homeless here, so I understand the increase! We have been feeding for the last decade, and despite spending on a record scale; those in need continue to climb.

They need to be able to feed their families, to begin to reduce this problem! I financed a Lady in Ethiopa for making clothes by buying her a sewing machine. She now has dozens including some that are electric. She employs most of her village, and put in a generator station that feeds the town. Sometimes a cottage industry can really grow!

With proper management, including full control of poaching; the wildlife can grow into a real asset.

Without work that pays a decent salary, the brain drain is unavoidable, SMH! But they also need to be able to feed their families....

Opening the economy to development is important, because most industry is expensive to startup.

Schooling is good, but there must be a job for those so trained.

One country in Africa was hiring poachers to hunt poachers, and doing some real good. Stopping the trade is the most important part of stopping this plague of evil!


We partner with two feeding schemes here and I am working on a bakery project that will be launced in 5 months time, as we have to wait for the premises to become available. Two experienced bakers will train the locals in the bakery and it will also offer job opprtunities.

Then we also partner with the Police victim support unit and the local Rape Crisis center. Apart from this we have a free Trauma training for child workers project that we started in 2015 and it is still running very well. Finally we also partner with a big Non-Profit that educates poor school children and it is here that we launched the free coding training project.

You did well with the lady in Ethiopa and I am glad to see the growth.

Oh yes, we also have specially trained anti poaching units, but they face impossible odds against the syndicates. Even our railway stations are being stripped, cast iron drain covers in the roads are stolen and anything metal gets stolen and exported.

It will take a long time before the strict rules will be ralaxed for free trade and I don't think that it will happen in my lifetime.

That is why the correct skills training is vitally importnat. As it is senseless to train with no job prospects. I am particularly excited about the coding training as computers are the future.
I will soon do a post about it, as it has now been running for two weeks and the kids can already make their own websites in SEO language.

I'm not doing anywhere near that stuff, but it is good to hear that progress!

It is only part time for me, I must focus on healing my Wife right now.

That said, I do have a school in Kenya that I support, and I even put a computer lab in it. The cash has allowed them to build a new concrete school building, and they have about 160 students. A third are orphans, because my friend has a burden for them! I hope to find enough cash for him to build them a dormitory. They are beautiful children, and they warm my heart.

We are rebuilding a storm damaged Church about 70 miles west of here, that is mostly older members. Been working for 4 months, and we have another one left. But it's looking real good already.

Making new industry happen will cure that local economy, and provide a lot of jobs! I pray that happens soon.


Anyone can do what we do Tobie, all that it takes is a solid decision.

Healing you wife? If she needs prayer send me her name and I will add it to our prayer list.

Before we moved down here to the Cape, back up north we had 1500 orphans. A difficult story, but we managed.
Some crook using an official government letterhead conned us out of 55 computers, as we also ran a refurbished computer project in a partnership with Microsoft.
Great work that you are doing part time for the poor and also at that church.

Oh yes, this country needs much prayer, as there are many ills and evils playing out here.


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It takes time to help people, but it is time well spent. They are good people in a bad spot, who just needs a little help.

My wife Debbie, is fighting pressure ulcers she aquired at the hospital. She came home with five, she has two remaining. One ulcer exposed her spine, nine months ago; but she is healing.

I have to work to support the 50 plus at the school in Kenya, so WOW on 1500! The new school building is s really coming along, they will have classes in there this fall. I only managed to place ten computers in their lab so far, I'd like to double that. Sorry someone stole the kids computers, what a bunch of low lives!

I will pray that GOD guides and directs those in charge in your country!