Triumph track: My first trekking experience

Hello fellow hive travellers! Hows your weekend? I assume it was fantastic right? So, as for Today I'm gonna share my first ever trekking experience.

Do you like trekking? Does trekking help you take away your stress and problems? In my opinion trekking is when you walk through nature, exploring remote areas, and pushing personal limits. Last Saturday @naymhapz invited me to do trekking together with other hive friends. So to my curiousity I accepted the invitation. To challenge myself physically and mentally, and to enjoy the view we see along the way.

The beginning of our long journey



Upon arriving at Sab.a San remegio, we immediately started to set out for our long walk. We just bought food for our lunch and water. Our first destination was to arrive at 2nd battalion before 12 so that we can cook for our lunch.

Views along the way





Do you know what's fun about trekking? It's when u discover the undiscovered hidden spot located somewhere in the specific area. I found these landscapes very interesting where the sky and green field collide, Imagine living here away from noise and pollution. I didn't feel the hotness of the blazing sun because of the stories and laughters we shared from my friends along the way.

2nd battalion


Photo captured by @naymhapz

Finally we arrived at 2nd battalion. But our journey has yet to end because we still have to find a river for us to cook for our lunch. We rested there for a bit to buy some water because we ran out of water after that we went back to walking again.



Photo captured by @naymhapz

Photo captured by @naymhapz

We found the right spot to cook for our lunch. So without further Ado we started to light the fire and cooked the raw chicken that we bought . While cooking we take pictures of ourselves and unluckily I slipped on the rocks and fell into the river.

Photo captured by @naymhapz

Since the chicken was already cooked we immediately started to eat. In our place, we call this style of eating "BUDOL" where we used banana leaves to put our foods together and share it for everyone.

After satisfying our hunger, we resumed our trek, this time we traced the path alongside the river.

The rocky and slippery terrain








The most exciting part

Despite the weariness in my feet, the rhythmic splashing of the water brings a sense of calm, physically and mentally. I found the rugged stones amusing, I find the formation of rocks we encountered beautiful the way they are, And lastly I felt thrilled while leaping from rocks to rocks.


After hours of walking and leaping we felt tired and weary, so we decided to find locals in the area to buy some coconuts to quench our thirst, as our water supply had once again emptied.

After freshening ourselves we decided to go home because it's almost 4:00 and we still have a long way to go.

On our way home






We didn't use the same road upon going home



At last! We arrived at almost 6pm, safe and sound. My first ever trekking experience was a success! Despite the exhaustion felt by my body and feet, and the challenges of rocky and slippery slippery terrain we took, we preserved and reached our destination safely. I look forward to my next trekking adventure soon.

So that's all for today's blog, I hoped you enjoyed it. Till next time see you!

Thanks for reading!!


What a nice view,so relaxing. For the many adventures to come @ joushouang

Indeed it is, I felt relaxed despite the long walk we had. Thankyou for dropping by🫶🏻

Wow nice for mental and physical activity @joushouang 🥰.

Yes it is, I feel refreshed after the journey. Thanks for dropping by ma'am💗

Ohoo, what an amazing journey. My favorite part was with those tall trees, with that 2nd battalion part. It looks pretty in there, sarap tambayan, masaya din wari mag tayo ng tent somewhere there. And the kainan moment the best din, salo salo tapos nakakamay ano, ang gara.

It is indeed an amazing journey, you can feel the cold breeze in 2nd battalion due to those tall trees and Budols are the best when it comes to eating with friends. Thanks for dropping by💗

Our experience here was truly incredible. I love the bond that was shared and nature's majestic beauty is beyond compare. I hope we can have more adventures to unlock together.

My first trekking experience was fantastic! It's all because of you ma'am and for our friends who accompanied us, Thankyouu💗 I'm also looking forward for our next adventure soon💗

Looking forward for your next trekking experience @joushouang

You should come with us next time ai. You'll surely enjoy.

Wow! I wish I was part of this adventure. I just love that natural environment!

You should try trekking soon💗 thanks for dropping by

Yes oooh! 😁😁👍

Wow!! What a wonderful adventure