
It probably makes me look like a kooky loony bird, and not in a good way. We all know how desirable being a kooky loony bird is but a prepared kooky loony bird who is able to react to adversity, emergencies and crisis?

Who would want to be prepared to mitigate risk, nutralise threats and have the skills to protect and sustain those he loves?

Forgive my heavy sarcasm, I'm Australian.

Yeah, I have some degree of readiness. I know what happens when stuff happens, how people react or don't react, and I don't feel comfortable feeling like I have not prepared for at least some of the possibilities.

People have forgotten that bad stuff happens. Maybe it's just delusion, or that it's easier to think one is safe despite it not actually being the case. I'm not that dude. I have a protective nature and will stand in front of the people I love until I cannot do so any longer. This is one element of that. Call me kooky for it; I'll wear the label with pride.

Thanks for your comment Jayne. Always.