I classify myself as a generous man. I'm giving of myself: Time, knowledge, wisdom and skills plus tend to be generous by nature with material things and financially. This doesn't mean I give blindly or indiscriminately, just that I have a generosity-ethos and quite enjoy it. This does not extend to my firearms though. They don't get loaned out. Ever. Like, never. Ever. Never ever. Ever.
Got it?
But there was that one time
In my country firearms laws vary State by State and here where I live firearms can be loaned to others provided they hold the appropriate licensing and can meet the legislative requirements for storage. So, I'd not loan one of my handguns to a person who did not have an H-class license like I do for instance.
There's a time limit for the loan, paper-scribbling and signatures, firearms license numbers and all, but the process is remarkably easy. Naturally one would not loan a firearm to someone once didn't know very well. Like I said, I never do it.
Not too long ago though a person I know asked to borrow a firearm of mine, as seen above, as they had a specific use-case for such a firearm but not the firearm itself.
He asked quite timidly knowing I'd say dafuq, are you mad bro?
Not one to let him down, that's exactly what I said. We talked it over though and before long I was bagging up one of my favourite rifle-systems, scribbling on paper and handing it over for the prescribed and legislated allowable period. I handed him a heap of ammunition too - He's a good mate and I wanted to help him out.
That was a few weeks ago and yesterday my baby came back home - Not my mate, the rifle! He unzipped the bag and pulled it out to show me, clearing it and showing me it was clear before he handed it to me of course. I checked it over and found it to be in the same pristine condition I handed it to him in; this means the same scratches, nicks and dents that were on it when he took it. I was satisfied, he was grateful and that was that.
I believe when we show generosity, no matter how large or small it sticks with us. It's like an investment as such and the more we put in the more we get out.
I'll be honest and say I was worried about my rifle, it's a very expensive system and I'm not rich or anything - Replacing it would be problematic. But helping this guy out like I did, sending my rifle away with him, felt good and that outweighed the worry I held about the rifle itself, a material item after all. Replaceable, if with great difficulty.
People who know me know I don't keep score of favours and generosity like this; I give without expectation of receiving in kind but in truth something always comes back somewhere along the line. For me generosity is a strength and it's those who have the strength of character to be generous, no matter what form it takes, are happier than those who do not; sure one may get used and abused for it at times, but the benefits far outweigh the negatives. Comment below if you agree or disagree or your own story of giving or receiving generosity.
Design and create your ideal life, don't live it by default - Tomorrow isn't promised so be humble and kind
Discord: galenkp#9209
Giving is something I really enjoy. My earlier years I worked with a company called RAK events (Random Acts of Kindness) and those were very happy years. We provided meals for those in need and held events which I videographed of the people cooking and handing out meals to children, old people and those in dire need.
I miss those times but I have so many happy memories from those days.
A really nice example of how easy giving can be, and how rewarding. There's rarely a loser.
Sometimes it's the most simple acts that can mean the most and not always does something tangible have to exchange...Often a smile, kind word or gesture is enough to zap someone else, and ourselves in turn.
Nice work on the RAK thing, it sounds like a worth effort. And thank you for your comment Eden.
Yes, I couldn't agree more. A smile so often does the trick. The Rak was such a huge part of my life when I lived in South Africa. Always keen to replicate in Europe one of these days.
A few people out there replicating work like that would be useful; there'd be more happier people around the place I'd say, on both sides.
So...Here's today's smile 😀 an emoji one which is infinitely better than my real version. Lol.
Have a nice Wednesday Eden.
Thank you Galen - the smile made me smile - and I'm sure its not better than the real version. You too, have a blessed and wonderful Wednesday and a blessed 1st of the new month.
First day of spring. Gotta love it...And the hike I took. Enjoy yours too! 😁
Thank you - so far so good - keeping very busy and meeting lots of interesting people. Good to hike on the first day of Spring.
I loved this post! I really did. I am not going to sit here and justify how good I am, or not, but, let's just say that I don't keep score. If people keep a scratch my back, and, I'll scratch your attitude, I walk away. Giving should be from the heart, not the pocket.
Yes! That. I adore you for that. It always comes back. Always. Just ask @ksteem. He knows the Wiccan words. :)
Hey Denise, thanks for taking a read and your nice comments.
I've done things really badly in life, made many mistakes and paid heftily for them, taken when I should not have and have been the worst version of myself. But there's some good in me and I like to show it as often as possible. my giving moments don't negate the rest as above, but it makes me feel good.
Honestly? You are hard on yourself. Everyone makes mistakes in life. At what point is forgiveness allowed?
Of course, not knowing your personal life, I can only say that while you cannot make up for the wrongs, nobody can take the rights from you.
I've always been rather hard on myself I guess; keeps me sharp. I've forgiven myself at times too, maybe others will also.
I like your last; so true. I've done a lot, most of which I'll not mention here, good I mean. I'd say more than bad for sure. Most of the recipients know, some do not. I know though.
That is all that is important. I don't care if I do something and it is not known, it is usually a need and not a do-gooder thing. A baby without formula, a mother without diapers... no need to go in and lay claim when all I really want to do is fill a need.
If they know, fine. But, if they don't, fine too.
Giving without the expectation of receiving is the way to go. (I've never given diapers though. ☺️)
Very generous indeed. I hope that it comes back you multifold. Imagine what a wonderful world we would be in if we all lived by the Wiccan rule of nines..
"Mind the Wiccan rede you should,
Three times bad and three times good.
What do you comes back to thee, not just once,
but Three Times Three".
Blessed be.
Nice quote!
You know I'd loan you a firearm right? You're that sort of dude. I know it. It's a big thing to loan a rifle or handgun. Trust-factor is needs to be up there. I mean loan not let someone use it when you're standing beside them. It was essentially his rifle for a month. Trust.
Well, that's just cause you know I have some juicy ones to reclaim... lol. Kidding. Seriously, that means a lot for you to say and thanks. Same here, there's only two others, and one is my brother... others can shoot in my presence or buy their own..
Lol...Yeah I'd not as but...
Same ethos here.
I have given my car, bike and money countless times to my friends but I never expected anything in return. Or ever asked for a favor from someone.
Maybe, I am not made that way, but I am really uncomfortable asking for money even from my family when I need it.
I loaned a friend $3000 in 2017 to start his business. He still owes me $1000 plus. After every couple of months he would send me $50 or $100😂
I kind of believe that I should help someone if I can, and then move on. Forgetting that I helped someone. Not keeping it in mind that I should get something out of it in future, from the person I helped, or from the universe because I did something good.
But, one of the hard lessons I learned way too late is to say no when people ask me for favors.
I have done things that I regretted later, lost money, and ashamed myself in front of people just because I couldn't say no when someone asked me for something.
Now, I say no a lot more. Some people feel bad about it, some understand but I feel good standing my ground and doing favors that I am happy about.
This I've never done. Not because I've always had enough, just because I cannot bring myself to do so.
I agree with your saying no thing also. That's what I mean by saying I'm not indiscriminate with my generosity. I say no too. It is wise.
I don't know if I trust anyone enough to lend them a firearm, licenses or not.
I guess it depends on the person. The one I loaned my rifle to is a chap I've known for 30 years and have been through a few things with. I felt comfortable. I was still concerned about my rifle though.
"For me generosity is a strength and it's those who have the strength of character to be generous, no matter what form it takes, are happier than those who do not" - I totally agree with you. It seems to me, unfortunately, that more and more people in today's world are losing that power and finding happiness in avarice..
I agree with you in turn. Society seems to have forgotten the very things that helped create it; Ego, hubris, greed and avarice have taken their place. Not all, but with many. Quite sad indeed.
Thanks for your comment. It's much appreciated.
Generally, in the UK, when guns are loaned, it's for use in a robbery. 😱
The UK has some interesting [read: irresponsible] gun owners then. Loans gun to someone to use in a robbery? Not legit.
Actually, given that nobody has a legal gun in the UK, our police don't seem to mind handing back shotguns to unstable people. https://metro.co.uk/2021/08/13/plymouth-shooting-gunman-used-pump-action-shotgun-and-had-licence-15085692/
I don't know the laws there, but didn't think pump action shotguns were permitted.
Everyone has the perception that the rules are stringent, which probably helps as the majority cannot be bothered to find out. Every time something happens involving guns, it becomes more apparent that all you need is to belong to a gun club, some fool willing to put their name on an application form saying how they know you, and you wouldn't hurt a fly. And as long as you're not dribbling on the carpets when you hand the form in, you can pretty much guarantee you'll have a licence within a fortnight.
Interesting. It's a nine month process here for rifle, longer for handguns, and government run courses are a requirement, carpet-dribbler or not.
Seriously, if you live somewhere semi-rural and turn up at the cop shop and say, "I've got a smallholding and need a shotgun license to control vermin", they pretty much process your application on a wink and nod. Never mind that your 'smallholding' is, in fact, your back garden in a mid-terraced house.
Sure. But does G-dog loan out pizza?😜interesting laws. Still I would like the idea of loaning out a firearm even less than loaning out money or books. Seems to be far too scary and risky.
It's not as scary as it sounds as the person loaning the firearm needs the correct licensing anyway; it's not like it can be loaned to someone who does not meet the requirements.
The loaning of a firearm is rare though. It's only done for a few of reasons and not many would ever do it. I've been shooting for thirty years and I've done it once.
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