
I took these screen shots before my test post. I did the test after I saw this. So they explanation respectfully doesn’t add up. It’s just weird to me especially because I don’t think I’ve ever posted here



With all due respect geneeveret, NO ONE is muted in the community.

Your comments are muted on that post you're commenting to because I muted that post by ganjafarmer so all comments there will be muted because the post is. NOT YOU. Were I to comment on that post it would auto-mute my own comment as well.


You can make your apology, with all due respect, any time from now.

Apology? For just asking about it? I appreciate the fast reply and you taking the time 👍. Honestly was kinda bummed about it so wanted to find out. That makes sense and I very much appreciate you taking the time to explain. I’m glad to hear this and thankful for you taking the time to look at this. Much respect 👍

I'm Australian and sarcasm is my thing, as with many Australians, hence the comment about an apology. Had you made one I would have told you it was not at all required.

You have your clarification and understand how the blockchain works just a little better. Seems like a good result.

Cheers 🍻