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RE: Shooting a whole load

in Outdoors and more3 years ago

This is a good question.

In my State here in Australia a rifle (any firearm) must be stored in an appropriate safe and there are regulations around which safe is required for the different types of firearms. A shotgun or rifle typically has a lesser requirement than a handgun for instance.

Because I have rifles, shotguns and hand guns I have multiple safes to store them, all meeting the legal requirements of course. This also includes security systems for the area in which the safes are stored which becomes a requirement when over a certain number of firearms are owned. (I never disclose how many I have so can't comment on the level of security I'm required to have. This link may help you understand a little better if you have the time though.

As for bolting (affixing) them to the wall...This is not generally a legal way for an operational firearm to be stored and whilst permission could be sought from Firearms Branch, it is usually denied as there is no good reason for it.

A decommissioned/inoperable firearm may be kept in such condition, again, there's regulations around that which can be quite complicated.

The laws around firearms differ from State to State in Australia, and certainly around the world, so I'd not be willing to comment about what may be possible outside of my home State. I do not have any non-operational firearms and so that area of law is outside of my knowledge other than that above.

I hope this helps.


Cheers thank you for the information.
I will have to keep reading.

Again thank you.