Perception: You idiot

in Outdoors and more3 years ago (edited)

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Because one believes in oneself, one doesn't try to convince others. Because one is content with oneself, one doesn't need others' approval. Because one accepts oneself, the whole world accepts him or her.

Lao Tzu

Idiot isn't high on the list of adjectives I'd use to describe myself; sure it's on the list, in fact it's probably been on everyone's list or will be if they're truthful, because humans do idiotic things. That's just part of our nature I think. But no, I'd not go as far as calling myself an idiot in general. However I was called that recently.

As a gun owner and operator over the last thirty-plus years I've been called all sorts of things. Mostly I ignore it because I know what I am and have no need to clarify it to someone who has already pre-judged me. I'm happy to be who I am and let others have their perception; their reality. But sometimes, just sometimes, someone pokes me in the wrong spot and I get annoyed. I don't like it when it happens as it empowers that person and breathes life into their perception, even just within my own mind, but it happens.

A little while ago someone I've known for about five years found out I have guns and decided to call me out on it. He's one of those entitled types who feels their opinion is the only viable one and that everyone needs to hear it. He began to have the anti-gun conversation with me, which I refuse to have, and the more I avoided it the more he pursued it. Typical progressive modus operandi.

Of course most of the dialogue was based around information garnered from the mainstream media propaganda machine and was America-focused. A lot of it riled me up but I didn't let that show, rather, I nodded and added a few, I guess we're all entitled to our own opinions, at opportune moments which made it worse for the poor sod. The fellow was looking for a fight, or at least the ability to continue his diatribe and the validation he clearly thought he would subsequently receive I suppose.

I never have that conversation; the pro or anti gun conversation. I used to but realised the drama that often ensues isn't worth it. Drama and I don't get along so well. The thing is that it's not possible for someone else to change my stance on the matter. It's like a vegan person trying to prevent me from eating meat; no matter how much they scream at me it's not going to happen. Only I can change my position on something, my thought. It's happened too, but only after I've done my own research and listened to my own intuition on the matter. Ranting at me about anti-gun sentiment isn't going to win me over.

The short story is that chap, a mid-fifties person who has never held or fired a firearm in his life, didn't get any satisfaction and resorted to the only possible secondary protocol possible. Name calling.

Moron and idiot featured prominently but there were others. I accepted it all of course and even dropped a couple more, I guess we're all entitled to our own opinions, lines then moved on and went on with life. I think the chap wasn't able to do so, but that's his burden to carry. Again, I know what and who I am and that's what matters to me and those special people who see and accept it.

My mother once set a rule for me: No guns, motorbikes or tattoos. I ended up getting all three and she accepted it. Indeed, she went out of her way to understand it although I never managed to get her to operate a firearm. She could not bring herself to do it. I respected mum for that, the attempt she made to understand and accept rather than repel it.

None of those three things say anything about me individually. I'm not one particular thing, it's the sum and total that has to be taken into consideration and whilst it sounds easy in theory people often find it so difficult to do in practice. Not just with me I mean, with anybody.

I'm pretty confident that most firearms owners in my country have similar stories although most I know will take the bait and rise up in defence. I just don't see the point because mostly the other person's opinion is so deeply ingrained, right or wrong, that it ends up being like two positive ends of a magnet trying to come together; a total disconnect and not worth the energy to attempt.

It won't be the last time someone attempts to dissuade me from firearms and it certainly won't be the last time someone calls me an idiot; I'm sure at some stage I'll even be worthy of the accolade. Perception is unavoidable and it's ok; we all do it. I guess I work hard to add in some research and stay ready to pivot away to a new perception if required; be flexible and open to the information. Our progressive-ranter above clearly is not and I think it would be a terrible way to live. That's just my opinion though.

Have you had a similar situation? I know not many here have firearms but maybe you've had the situation arise in some other way? What happened and how did you deal with it? Were you on the giving or receiving end? Drop a comment if you like as I'd love to hear from you.

Design and create your ideal life, don't live it by default - Tomorrow isn't promised so be humble and kind

Discord: galenkp#9209

The image is mine


Great article G-Dog. Sorry that the fellow felt the need to make it that personal. I think it's a bit immature to be honest - my opinion. Here in South Africa the for vs anti gun debate goes on constantly and unfortunately the situation here has recently got to the point where government is trying their absolute utmost to completely ban personal fire arms.

For me, I never went through the paperwork required to obtain the license when I should have and I'm kicking myself now, however when I was working in conservation and had been appointed as a Peace Officer, the opportunity was available to carry a work-issued firearm both off and on duty. I went through the necessary training to qualify for this, but after much thought and introspection, I decided to not get one for one simple reason:

I am small of stature, 1.54m. I used to work solo in the field a lot of the time doing vegetation, law enforcement, fence and general assessments. I chose to do this solo as having few distractions allowed me to catalogue items needing attention with a higher level of efficiency and attention to detail.

Working on the Cape Flats is generally ill advised and there is always a chance that you will run into someone that has nefarious intentions. I came across them often and through many of the situations I felt that had I been armed with a hand gun, I probably would have been targeted for it. The statistics here in South Africa of how many guns (mostly hand guns) are stolen from police and various forms of law enforcement are staggeringly high. These are then often trafficked on the black market and used in criminal acts. After completing the Tueller drill training I realized that having a hand gun up against the average Cape Flats teenage gangster would probably not do me too well and I passed over the opportunity. It may seem a bit backwards, but being painted as a target for your firearm here is a harsh reality.

At the time I don't think I was called an idiot for my decision, but there were some people that thought I had come to that decision poorly and I do remember them shaking their heads at me, however it was a personal decision that I took based on a lot of thought and analyzing my previous experiences with the nefarious types I previously mentioned. In retrospect, I am actually amazed that I worked in field for a decade and I wasn't killed. Others were not so fortunate.

The gun debate is probably going to be one that sticks around for as long as humans are here and unfortunately it is going to be fueled on both sides by human nature - the fact that some people will use these tools for good (self defense, hunting, etc) and some people will use these tools for ill (violence). I think that everyone should be able to choose whether they would personally have a gun as long as they are mentally fit to do so and have the necessary training to use, store, clean etc said fire-arms, or not to have a firearm - however I don't think that it's right to expect anyone else to change their own behaviour based on another person's views and that ultimately is one of the largest issues that we (as a "civilized society") are facing right now. Until we can mend the growing divide and start acting in the interest of community over personal arrogance and agenda, this kind of division will continue. That's my opinion anyway and anyone is entitled to disagree with my opinion, but I'm not going to change it simply to placate them.

Sorry about this long story.

Have a good one.

Ranger Andy

A South African expat I know was taking about how her husband carried a firearm in his car when they still lived there. The one time he might have used it, had it been in reach, was when he was held up by some armed assailants. It was in the glove box, though and they concluded that if it had been seen on him or he had reached for it, the likelihood is he would have been shot before he could use it.

Hi @minismallholding

Firstly I am very relieved for your friend and her husband that the worst case scenario didn't happen in that instance but unfortunately this kind of thing is very common here and it's a very difficult decision to have to weigh up the pros and cons. I'm happy with the decision I chose back then in those circumstances, but to be honest I really would prefer having a fire arm at home now for self defense in case of a home invasion.

Thanks for the comment, have a lovely day.


I think when you're in a situation where both have a gun, the one with theirs out and willing to use it is going to be the victor. Having a gun for home invasion, on the other hand, should give the home owner the advantage because you usually have been alerted to them coming. That's assuming you can have the gun to hand.

In Australia and the UK your guns have to be locked up in a safe, separate to your ammunition, so they aren't really accessible. It's illegal to have a gun for the purposes of self defense anyway. In Australia you aren't even allowed pepper spray as self defense. Only the police can use it.

That is similar here, we also have to have them in a safe. Pepperspray is allowed here as are many things that are banned in other countries. I know that in places like Canada you aren't allowed knives or knuckle dusters even if they are just as collector or show pieces, they are considered weapons.

If that was implemented here, it would simply mean that all the guns, knives and other miscellaneous weapons would belong to the criminals because they certainly aren't going to surrender their weapons and then crime would literally take over in a very short space of time. It's the wild west out here in South Africa.

got to the point where government is trying their absolute utmost to completely ban personal fire arms

This isn't going to end well for many.

Don't be sorry about the long story, in fact I'd like to see you write it in my gun community if you have the time, about your choice not to carry.

I understand it of course; being dispossessed of one's weapon by an aggressor will normally not go so well. I also assume that drawing and using it is likely to go poorly for a person and so...Well, maybe best not to have it.

I think it takes great courage to deny such means of personal protection as moving about armed gives a certain feeling of security. In your line of work, small of stature and solitary...Courage and confidence.

The Celtic meaning of Andrastia is invincible which sort of seems fitting.

Nice comment Ranger Andy, now...Please consider a post around it in The Pew community if you have the time and volition.

Thanks for the reply Galen.

I would gladly put a post together on it for The Pew. Looking back now, I still feel that I made the right choice and I'm grateful that I made it out of those years of work alive on the other side. Perhaps I inherited some of my mothers traits that helped me in this regard, I like to think so anyway.

In terms of now, I would very happily have a fire arm at home for self defense as I feel that is a different ball game, I suppose one answer doesn't fit all scenarios.

Have a good evening


Your mum must have been a warrior.

I'll look out for your post.

I went to a board meeting as an invited speaker at Church, because they were discussing banning concealed carry. With the current evil running our government, churches are a target from weak minded sheeple! I pointed out that Oklahoma had passed a Law that allows all Citizens here to carry concealed. Then I told them that CC weapons are Defensive only, and we need as many as possible. Sadly we have some ignorant board members, and I was trying to educate them. Then I explained that there is no way to tell if a person is CC, as they can't see a concealed weapon.

To prove my point, I then placed a 380, a 9mm, ten spare magazines, a stinger collapsible batton, and a can of mace on the table in front of me! I asked them if anyone had seen them, and they agreed they had not. I told them they hadn't seen my class 2 body armor either....

The ignorant ones were stunned, as I'm a Deacon there; and they never knew I was armed! Then I told them that when I came in a suit coat I also carry a 45 ACP in a shoulder holster with mags.

I then invited the entire board to come to the gun club, and see how to properly use a Defensive firearm.

I am happy to say that after I left the discussion got Second Amendment Teeth. Sadly the ignorant were adamant, but very much in the minority. BUT, I'm still working on them, and May still educate them....

My Mother didn't approve of guns either, but she sure enjoyed the venison I brought her, LOL 😂

Don't let the sheeple get to you, they are ignorant by choice!


This is a good story and an indication of how ignorant more people can be. I guess, to some degree, it is not their fault as most feed themselves media-lies on the six o'clock news. I was talking to someone this afternoon about the fact people have lost their ability to be themselves, with themselves, meaning most seek externally. It's the same with information, most are happy to be spoon fed as it's far too difficult to seek the truth. [sigh]

True, too damn many sheeple these days.

BTW, no ban on CC at church. I'll post the first draft of the Church security document I wrote. Might help someone....


Oh great, that's a win for you on the church CC. Nice work.

Now, at their request, we have multiple Deacons armed and covering the facility. I have added radios for faster response, and electric door locks. We plan to let the building fight them until the Police arrive. We also invite these Police to our cookouts at Church, so they will know exactly where it is!


Just wondering, what's the police response time? Here? Hmm, unlikely they'll arrive in time to help me so I have a plan to help myself, to the detriment of protagonists.

The police are three miles away (east office), and since they get free eats there, they know us. We asked them to do a walk through, and look over our plans. They recommended a roll up sash with security on it, to put on when they arrive. I added guns down when they have control, to avoid any possible confusion.

The facility is sturdy, and with the locking system; will be a significant delay. When triggered, it locks the sanctuary too, and those doors are steel fire doors. The Deacons on patrol will be a significant delay too, I carry three pistols and about 150 rounds, with a long gun in the car. I also wear body armor, which no one noticed because I am 6'2" and 250 pounds. I always have several others backing me up from prepared positions. But if the building does as well as it looks like it will, we won't need to engage.

Still working on improving the hardware on the plan, but we have full security cameras in place now.


Strangely enough I've been wondering recently why it is that some seem to think getting nasty and aggressive with others will convert them to their own point of view. I don't mind a debate, if it's a debate where both parties are willing to keep an open mind and hear each other out. I'm open to having my mind changed on something if someone can give me good reason to. If they can't, then getting more forceful isn't really going to help, but rather make me more firm.

I don't see being opinionated as a bad thing, unless that leads to them not allowing others to have opinions that differ.

Respectful discourse is suitable indeed; it's when people get nasty and refuse to concede others' point of view when I shut off. I'm not one to like drama and it seems a waste of my time debating with a person who is closed off and ignorant of anything but their own perspective.

It seems there's more and more of those sorts now.

There does seem to be more of them. I wonder what's creating that. Maybe the online echo chambers help them to feel more justified or just generally more brainwashed.

As someone one said, opinions are like bottoms, everybody has one. Doesn't mean we should all have the same one. 😉

I think the rise of social media is largely to blame. It's not all bad, but it's far from all good. I was talking to someone yesterday who cancelled her FB account not so long ago and felt so good about it, refreshed and positive. More should turn off.

I think that kind of reaction is much more rare in the States, even amongst anti-gun people. Might have something to do with the right to bear arms being in the highest law of the land. Or it might be something to do with more people owning guns and thus more exposure.

Personally I have been met with skepticism but nothing like that. A die-hard liberal sort of person I know was even open to go shooting with me. Never did though.

I struggle to understand the root logic of hassling you for responsibly owning firearms. Does this same person hassle the police or military? Do people have no concept of how a government, with near exclusive access to effective arms, can turn on them for arbitrary unjust reason X, Y, or Z?

Would that reaction have been seen as completely surprising before the Australian government started disarming its populace?

I actually expected that Stateside it wasn't as prevalent but I wasn't sure so didn't say it. Here most people don't know someone with guns, let alone have any experience with firearms at all, other than seeing one on a cops duty belt. Even cops mostly have no clue to be quite honest; a fact confirmed by the mates I have who do the job.

I think people get involved for a few different reasons, the need to be heard amongst them I guess. Maybe this chap's wife never listens to him so he feels the need to blurt things out to others, right or wrong. I don't know. This chap is the sort who thinks the only people that should have firearms is the police and military. He doesn't even think it should be an Olympic sport. There's so many use-cases for firearms here but it's just not worth starting that conversation with people as I know where it'll end up...With them calling me an idiot because I don't hold the same opinions.

Before the Port Arthur massacre (1996) people didn't have the same ethos about firearms, certainly not to the same degree as now. They were more tolerant and it rarely came up in conversation. But since then, the rise and rise of social media and the way information flies around so quickly, let's call it propaganda, thigs have accelerated exponentially. The really interesting (sad and pathetic) thing is most people have got literally zero information based around Australia - It's all US based. So...They know nothing.

We'll never get our semi-auto rifles back and at some stage I imagine they'll make a grab at our semi-handguns also...For now...Well, we make do with what we have. I'm happy to have long-range platforms and my handguns and make do with my straight-pull rifles despite the fact they aren't semi. I can still operate.

Thanks for your comment and support.

(after everything else is banned) "What do you need your smoothbore blackpowder muskets for? They're useless you fool. Friggen gun nuts."

Swords and axes mate; I'll take it there. Capitulate isn't in the G-dog's vocabulary.

Friggen axe nuts


One thing I don't do is trophy hunting.
I have a cousin and he and his sons are experts in it with both rifle and cross bow.
They have tried to pursuade me over the years to join them in their sport, but I have always refused.
I heard from his father (my cousin) that the one son called me an idiot, but the father sorted him out as he knows about my wild young days and he has even kept the newspaper that I was in, An article about my progress in the boxing ring.

So maybe that guy that called you an idiot will be told by someone else that know you that he is an idiot.
Life has many turns mate and I believe that if one calls someone else an idiot, then he is in fact the idiot himself.

When a person resorts to derogatory name-calling it's time for me to check out. I mean, I don't have the gun debate as I said, but I'm happy to debate a point of view, discourse on various things; I enjoy it. But when things degenerate like that, well man, the old G-dog is done with it.

An article about my progress in the boxing ring.

I reckon you would have been a bit of a wild man.

I rather step away and if someone insits then I laugh at them. Works for me.
Especialy if I twirl my fingers around my ears signifying madness as I walk away hahaha.

Mostly unhappy with my life as I was married very young and still stupid mate.

Btw. Leaving now for for the 12 o"clock appointment with the doctor to do the intraveneous drip feed.

I hope all is as well as can be with mate. Go get your treatment and be well.

Thank you for the care and yes, all went well.

Great to hear.

I don't object to trophies, as long as the animal is processed and eaten. Shooting just for the trophy is not hunting, and is disgusting!


Thankfully they eat the meat, but I see no sense in shooting a lion or a cheetah, leopard, crocodile or an elephant my friend.
I don't act holy when I say that we don't kill anything, but I understand culling needs and I don't understand lion farms where the caged animals are shot by some "hunter" just for their heads and skin. And of course the fame photo of the hunter kneeling with his rifle behind a dead lion that was taken out of it's cage and placed in open area that looks like the bush.
What a scam.

Agreed, that is abomination! The culled elephants are supposed to be given to local villages for food, and the money is used for elephant preservation, BUT that is only the legal, government controlled hunts.

Poachers need to be shot, and have their heads mounted as a warning.

Shooting a caged animal is disgusting! On the other side, hunted meat is better quality than anything you can buy. I had to go to a slaughterhouse floor for work one, and it was a place of nightmares! 30 years later I can still smell and hear that place....

Hunting is much more humane, with the exception of the twisted individuals who think they are macho for cage shooting! Hopefully, we will outgrow this abomination.


Our country is overun with poachers as people are desperate and they don't have jobs.
So annually about 300 Rhinos are killed and only their horns are taken. International syndicates buy the horns and trade with them. Money other species such as the Pangolin are also in demand on the black market.

Money talks here and anyone can be bought to look the other way. So the country is slowly being stripped of its wildlife. Same as it is with the illegal gold and diamond mining.

We have stopped eating venison a long time ago in support of those that are fighting this scourge.


Poachers should be shot on sight! What they need is work to feed their families. Setting up manufacturing is difficult, and with the idiots we have in charge; we won't be able to manage this any time soon!

Here we have the reverse problem, the deer population is exploding. When I started hunting, we were able to take 2 deer a year; now the legal take is up to ten. They are damaging a lot of cars here now.

I wonder what industry would be a good fit over there? What resources could be value added there?

A different way to feed their families is the solution to this problem. Combined this with a serious policing of the horns etc; will shut down this terrible trade!


I think that we hold the record here with unemployment figures and as a charity we have skills training projects in an effort to get school leavers employable. But jobs are very scarce.
To overcome this we also encourage small own business attempts.

Many of the poachers have large families to feed and they are ideal targets for the syndicates, quick money rules and we have a real problem on our hands.

Ah if only we can sit with the animal population exploding it would be such a pleasure, but our stocks are dwindling by the day.
I suppose you have many guys culling over there ?

Now that is not easy, as it is difficult to become established here and the government has not made things any easier with all of the laws, rules and red tape. People are complaining by saying that they should open the economy to new players, but I cannot see this happening.
In the meantime we have what they call a brain drain, as many of the top minds are emigrating.

We have all of that with the new government grant for food and the poacher arrests are also successful, but yet the poaching continues to grow. It really is a very difficult situation, as when one poacher gets arrested 10 others are ready to take his place.

Such is life my friend.

Hey @smithlabs, here is a little bit of BEER from @papilloncharity for you. Enjoy it!

Did you know that you can use BEER at dCity game to **buy dCity NFT cards** to rule the world.

Interesting, beer that doesn't make me drunk....


I have shot a few rifles in my much younger days, mostly at gophers that were damaging a relatives cattle pasture. My father did hunt, for food probably before I was born or very young. He never continued the practice. I do have a number of cousins that hunt regularly, but I was never really interested, I am middle of the line when it comes to gun ownership. I understand the need for proper safety, handling and storage of rifles for hunting purposes. I have never really understood the need for hand guns.

I have a brother in law who used to try and one up me in technical knowledge related to electronics and computers. I just never really talked with him much, like you say no point in getting upset. We all have our opinions and an argument is no place to learn and grow our knowledge.

Most arguments just don't seem worth the effort to me these days; maybe an age thing? I just tend to let things go as going to war with people doesn't value-add my life. People will think whatever they will irrespective of what I think or say.

Some people have to be right all the time as it gives them a sense of superiority, validity or relevance; something like that I guess. I'd rather enjoy life a little and let people think whatever they think, right or wrong.

The battle of right of possession of firearms is something I am honestly not familiar with seeing as I have neither had the need for one nor felt the urge to own or handle one.
I have been accosted at an ATM before and although I don't know if having a small hand gun would have helped or anything but perhaps it would have given me a sense of safety.
Although I understand everyone is entitled to his or her opinion, the name calling was definitely uncalled for. Perhaps he has had a personal or close experience with its effects or what not for him to act that way?

Who knows why that chap said what he said, but the fact that's all he really had at the end, insults, indicates all I need to know. It doesn't bother me; I've been called far worse, by far better than he.

I agree.
Perhaps if he had presented his facts or opinions in a clear concise and precise manner, it would have been easier to see things from his perspective rather than blow up like that

Yeah, I think you're right.

I am trying to change my life I was born in poverty but dying in it is my choice and I will not die like this I will work hard to make my own and my future generation life easy

I like your conviction, the passion you show towards your goal of bettering your life and that of your progeny. Ownership, responsibility, discipline and action. They're the vehicle that'll carry you forward.

Get after it.

I am with full speed ahead

Very few if anyone knows I C.C.

I would rather it that way.

What most of the progs (libtards in the U.S.) fail to realize is that what I have, not only would I use it to save my own life in a horrible situation. I would attempt to save them too.

Fear and ignorance, amplified by the anti propaganda, makes the progs act in nonsensical mentally challenged ways. So I avoid pretty much all human contact and conversation.

I guess that makes me an Anti also..?


(insert giphy here)

Haha, nice gif-restraint.

I can fault what you say, quite logical really. And anti-social? Yep, no problem with that.

 3 years ago  Reveal Comment

You pretty much say it all here. It takes all kinds of people I guess and he, and other like him, are entitled to their opinion. As am I.

Thanks for your comment.

I can't do it; have the discussion with them it always escalates and they're simply incapable of conceding a point no matter how factual it may be. My life is too short for that shit and my aversion to drama keeps them at bay. Let them be clueless.