Out there

in Outdoors and more3 months ago


I was talking to a mate of mine a couple weeks ago and told him I was looking forward to some time off work over the Christmas/new year period when I'll have a couple weeks to do nothing, or everything, but only what I want to do. He suggested we go to a huge property he knows of over the New South Wales/Queensland border due north from a place called Bourke. They run cattle on the property and need some shooting done to keep feral populations of pigs, goats and camels down. We'd have the run of the place and they'd also provide a vehicle for us when there so we'd not have to fuck up our own four wheel drives on what will be very rough, or non-existent, tracks. I liked the idea.

We'd be about here, 28°37'21.4"S 145°30'41.8"E, or there abouts as I'm not keen to give the exact location; suffice it to say it's a long way out there being some 1,327km (824mi) from home which is about the distance from the south of the UK to the very north (Penzance, Cornwall to Duncansby Head Lighthouse, Wick).


I'm not sure if I'll do it yet, it'll mean being away from home yet again and for six days all up.

The good thing is there's not much to impede one's progress on the way there so the drive will be an easy run at 120kph with intermittent fuel and food stops. We figure it'll give us three and a half to four days of shooting and fuck load of driving so it'll be a pretty full on trip.

There's not a lot of time to plan so I have to get organised if I'm to make it happen although being a pretty organised fellow means it's pretty much just making some selections on the appropriate guns to take, throwing some load out into the four wheel drive and heading off. Ok, it's way more complicated then that but I've got it covered. The main things is, do I really want to go?

Yes is the answer, but I really need some time at home, to recharge, after what has been a full on year and going on this shooting trip won't be a relaxing time, it'll be work, a lot of it. Having said that, the chance to shoot in a new location, meet some new property owners and open relationships is a good opportunity. I'll have to think on it for a few days I guess, but I'm leaning towards yes.

The Australian outback is tough and unforgiving country where mistakes bite hard; get it wrong out there and a world of pain will follow. I love that about it though, the need for specialised skills, self reliance and the right equipment which makes for a challenging experience. I thrive in those environments.

Design and create your ideal life, tomorrow isn't promised - galenkp

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I'll meet you there...


Sounds like it's right up your alley! I can understand your desire and reluctance all at the same time...decisions, decisions. If you're more in the mood for adventire, you'll go and if you're more in the mood for relaxation, you'll pass. Maybe you can stuff it all in, go halvsies lolol.

Yeah, I like me a good adventure now and then...as often as possible. I'm leaning towards making the trip with a final decision needing to be made this weekend. Probably a hard yes.

Lots of hunting to be done, new landowner to meet as you say...would be hard to pass up, plus you will still have a bit of time to spend with your lady at home. Sounds like a good way to spend your off time.

I reckon it's a win win. You've convinced me! 😉

As if you needed any persuasion lol. Enjoy your time off to the max!!

Hey, just a quick message to let you know I have added that topic we were talking about a little while ago. I have credited you for the topic which will come out in a couple weeks, the last for 2024. 😊

I'll give that some attention then lol


Useless fact: the island of Great Britain (209,331 km^2/80,823 sq mi) is smaller in total area than just the state of Idaho (216,444 km^2/83,570 sq mi) here in the Pacific Northwest. A lot of our region is still wilderness, especially Idaho and Montana in the Rocky Mountains. One must likewise travel into the backcountry only with the proper vehicle, preparation, and knowledge. As for distance comparisons, US-2 across Montana is about 666.6 miles (ominous!) or 1,072.8 km. That was a long drive at 70 MPH, so you're definitely in for a trek! People outside Australia and the US just don't comprehend distance the way we do.

Yep, the States is a massive country and with so much space comes wide open and wilderness places just like here in Australia where about 95% of the population live on only 5% of the land. I like it that way though, and the diversity of climate and terrain we have here as well.


I'm sure it will be a great challenge and you'll love going, but don't forget to rest, it's been a year of hard work. That's what I tell myself.
I'm sure there will be some incredible landscapes!

The need for some sustained rest is one of the reasons I may not go and the other is the desire to spend that time with my partner. I'm leaning towards going though and my partner says I should; she knows how much benefit I get from trips like this.

It's a new place, a challenge and I'm sure that internally you want to go... I think you should do it, it's a self-improvement and an opportunity, you don't always get the chance.

Hmm, not so much self-improvement, more a rediscovery of myself as I give a lot away during the year. I find a lot of peace in remote places away from general society.

Then it's a yes, go for it!


Guau pig wild ehhhh here the jabali was extinct because people catch it all.
I hear Australia has a big wild regions, I have a question to you, how do you transport it, the animal you catching, or only shoot to fear animals, and do not kill them.
Well I think could be a hard experience, and a great opportunity to kill and carry big quantity of food for people near to you.
I think this kind of activities should do with more people to uses the food.
By the way it could be a nice experience, be carefully by the way nothing is more dangerous than an animal with pain, It would be wild.

When we shoot the feral animals we shoot to kill and they stay where they die. Usually we'll cut them open at the gut and the other animals clean them up pretty quickly, wild pigs like eating their own kind actually (filthy creatures) usually the carcases are virtually gone within a week. We're not shooting for food but to eradicate the feral animals.

Ahhh ok, the nature it is so very cruel to eat between them, yeah I know the pig wild eat all kind of food including themselves.
Would be nice take advantage of this big quantity of food, but the cost of it would be inviability to do.
Good catch Sr.
Enjoy the wild nature.

It is more enjoyable to go to such places with powerful vehicles. It continues on its way without any obstacles such as water, stones, etc. Beautiful places. There are no animals. Did they run away when they saw you?

There are no animals. Did they run away when they saw you?

Well, no not really. This trip hasn't happened yet which is what the whole post is actually about.


May as well give it ago as long as the lady is okay with you being gone over the holidays. Like they say, you can sleep when you're dead! I get it for sure. Even when I go on my trips that are only a couple of days long, it is always nice to finally be home.


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