I'm quitting

in Outdoors and more3 years ago (edited)

I think it's time to leave this place. To quit it and find greener pastures and new horizons. That's how I'm feeling anyway - I'll make it happen too!

It's coming on to almost a month since I quit my job to do nothing whatever I wanted to do. I've crossed out nothing because I've actually been busy with things. You know: Hiking, shooting, reading, writing for hive also off the blockchain, meeting friends for coffees and lunches, sleeping in, staying up late, doing odd-jobs around the house and my workshop I've neglected...That sort of thing. It's been great!

I've also looked around to see what actual jobs might be out there and there's a few I'd officially say are on the go currently however at this stage I've committed to nothing and that's ok by me, there's no rush; I need the right situation to move into.

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I've been doing a lot of thinking also; I guess I've found it easier to do so without having the intrusion of work intruding all the time and it's been good to find that space. It's brought better clarity of thought to some of the scenarios and I've even managed to draw a line beneath some things, and people, and set them aside once and for all. It's been really valuable.

One thing I've been thinking about a lot is escaping; I mean getting away and going somewhere remote for a while. The more I think on it the more I want to make it happen. You know, quitting society for a bit.

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I'm fortunate to live in a place where I can reach some really great spots like coastal areas, mountains, arid lands, desert, lakes, creaks, rivers and such. Most are within three hours but go five hours and I'd be guaranteed of not running into other people. Perfect.

I'm also fortunate to have a four wheel drive and the skills and ability to use it properly plus the other essential equipment to do so safely and confidently. I also have a serious off-road camper trailer which means I'm self-contained when in remote areas; Power, water, refrigeration and so on. That means I can stay remote for longer periods and a lot further from civilisation and other people. I value that distance.

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Getting into remote areas requires planning of course, especially here in Australia. Many skills plus the equipment I mentioned above. There's really a lot of gear required to do it safely although in truth, back in the old days, people did it with much less. We like creature-comforts these days I guess and so we have more things.

An essential item for me is my four wheel drive and good ones cost a lot of money plus additional money to accessorise them up to do the job as the manufacturers never do it properly. It's costly but means I can head into remote places knowing I'll be safe, self-sufficient and able to get myself home. It also means I can reach places those without do not have and it's those places that are often the best.

I've also spent thirty years building up skills which make a big difference to my comfort-level when out in the wilderness; sure, there's always more to learn, but I know a lot so feel comfortable and confident to take myself farther away and further off the beaten track and it's those more distant places in which I feel better, more at peace.


The above collage shows a few places I've been, all in Australia, and it's places like this I yearn for right now; the peace and quiet, the solitude.

I know what usually happens when I begin to feel this way; I disappear for a time. It's what I feel I need right now and the more I think about it the more likely it will happen. With the weather improving it's a great time for it and as it's a little warmer now I'd probably end up somewhere near water so I could drop my kayak in and paddle around.

Nights by the fire, cooking meals and brewing coffee on it, and waking up to nothing but the crisp fresh air and sounds of nature waking up for the day seems too attractive to turn down right? Add the lack of computers and phones and...Sounds bloody perfect!

If you're interested in joining me let me know, I'm sure we could work something out, or you could just live vicariously through me; it won't be as fun though, trust me.

You coming with?

Design and create your ideal life, don't live it by default - Tomorrow isn't promised so be humble and kind

Discord: galenkp#9209

All images are mine

There are 2 pages

If you're interested in joining me let me know, I'm sure we could work something out, or you could just live vicariously through me;

It would be a lot of fun joining you but I think I'll go with living vicariously through you 😁. You've actually visited a lot of my dream lands. Those images alone make me think of them. I really want to see a creek, visit the ocean, climb mountains and do lots of cool stuff. It's always been my dream and I'll fulfill them one day. I know

Posted via proofofbrain.io

I'm not sure where you live but I hope there's a few places you can reach that make you feel as I do about the places in these images. I always feel so energised but relaxed at the same time. I feel at home in the wilderness. 😄

Wow! Interesting,😁

I am well past those sleeping bag nights, but you are fit and at the right age to get those last few grasp of remote life in. I always had a good time away from all the hustle and bustle, and am enjoying the comforts now of retired life. My body is well past the stage of just going for it, but I would love to be able to do it one more time. So when you leave and then come back to tell us all about it I'll be reading and remembering those days of walking away and camping in the wild. Freeze dried foods taste a lot better than they did 20 years ago.

I'm seriously considering buying a trailer with my yet to be bought Gold Wing. That way I can do 'big camping'. A tent and a cot and a sleeping bag :) Should be room for a propane burner or two, also.

Those trailers must hold a pretty good amount of gear, at least enough for three people, I have seen several small groups over the summer where at least one or two in the group have a trailer.

I still use my swag on trips but my camper trailer has a queen sized mattress so there's no sleeping bag nights when I take that with me.

I'll be honest and say that I still really enjoy the more basic trips but it's also good to have creature comforts.

And they make it so easy for creature comforts now-a-days, with solar collectors, generators, and all the other comforts available, even the dehydrated food is pretty tasty compared to yesteryear.

Yeah, I've had some pretty good dehydrated food although my camper has an on-board fridge/freezer, as does my 4x4, so It's fresh food all the way. Lol.


Yes, please!
If only..... I would love to see all those places.

i'm coming too @melinda010100 - hehehe can't wait to see you there in my dreems. LOL

I'll pick you up on my way past! 🤗

yayyyy i have a ride too???? hehehehehe love it!!!

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You're in! 😁

beautifu place and photos @galenkp

Thank you, I'm fortunate to live somewhere that provides places like this and more.

exactly hope i can visit your place someday

It's a wondrous place. I hope you get to see it.

You quit your super-cool job? You better not end up in an office somewhere. I can relate to wanting to get out into the countryside though. I made a mistake when I moved to a relative metropolis. I thought it would be fun but mostly it is just noisy and well, of course Covid makes life even worse in a big city.

Some pretty awesome shots you got up there buddy. It brings me back to my 4x4 days in Thailand where I went to lots of places that other people couldn't go and man were those some great times.

Yeah, finished up a month ago. I'll work again at some stage but for now I'm enjoying myself too much. I'm lucky to live here and have so many good options all within my own State. I'm going to be making good use of them.

What was the "super-cool" job?

I was an executive in the property industry for 20 years, had my own development company for several of those, but for most of the 20 years worked for a large international property group. I was fortunate to be good at what I did, or maybe I should say, fortunate to be the man who worked hard to be good at what I did.

New horizons though...I was hoping for a getaway but...Three solid roles are on the table and I'm working through them. If none work out I'll be off to the wilderness for a bit. If they do...Well, back to that fortunate man who works hard to be good at what he does. I should know over the next week I guess.

works hard to be good at what he does

Forgive my saying so, but a man does not get where you are by JUST working hard. If that were the case, most of us in this room would be enjoying the same level of accomplishment and freedom you are. Might I suggest, and this is me without knowing much about you, but you have not just put in the hard work, but INSPIRED hard work, INTELLIGENT hard work, FOCUSED hard work, and CONFIDENT hard work. And if we could bottle THAT stuff, then it might go for a very pretty price.

Ok, well I agree completely. I just don't like to push it in people's faces you know? I mean yeah, inspired, intelligent, focused and confident are all things I've been from time to time but also: Knucklehead, jealous, vindictive, brutal, petty, mean, ridiculous and a million other not so valuable things. I guess for me life has been a journey of experience and enlightenment. I've succeeded a lot and failed more. I guess I'm just me, G-dog, and it works sometimes, and doesn't work at others.

Thank you though.

Awww. Well, keep it up. The NOT being a knucklehead too much of the time seems to be working for you. And I'm impressed you organically built up this whole deal you've got here, without investing, on top of the busy work schedule you have. We've been here the same amount of time, but I've been off and on. Mostly off. Life, I guess? And you don't even upvote yourself. It's insane. You're one to follow, in more ways than one.

You totally wrote the start of this post like a rage quitting post - so clickbaity hahaha, but I really enjoyed the scenery and the fact that you're not actually quitting lol.

You should totally go outbacking if it's calling you!

Ah yes, I know you to be a connoisseur of all things legit Ranger Andy and so the fact you mentioned my clickbaity title leaves me with the thought you think it's legit. I'll take the compliment. [G-dog takes a bow, and on this occasion his rickety old bones don't seize up completely.]

Me quit hive? Lol, yeah, that's just crazy-talk. Not going to happen. 😀

When the wilderness calls, it calls. I'll find a cave, light a fire and keep a watch out for a cavegirl.

Legit? Yes, of course G-dog.

Obviously everyone here is rooting for you to get your camping time and escapism and everyone seems eager to read about it afterwards - most definitely legit.

I hope you do get the opportunity and that it gives you the reprieve you need after the last while, it will be good for you (and your so-called creaky bones - at least you can still put on your own shoes 🤪 so it ain't all bad)

My creaky bones sometimes make themselves known to me, but mostly I rock it like a Titan. 😉

I call shotgun!

The expression means something totally different in the USA than what it sounds like. Meaning

And heck yes, definitely count me in for some adventurous Outback traveling! 🦘🇦🇺🦘

Congratulations on the retirement and new chapter in your life @galenkp

Lol, yeah I know what calling shot gun means and you called it so the role is yours. I'll be bringing one of my shotguns too so you'll have to nurse it for me and keep a sharp look out.

Oh, also it's not retirement, more withdrawal from work for a bit. I'll be back to it eventually. Thanks for your message.

I really need to disappear for a while and away from all this stress ...
May I ask what do you mean by doing weird things at home?

I think it's a valuable thing to retreat from society at times, to get away from the noise of it and get slower to nature, the planet. I do this by camping and hiking, kayaking and simple being with nature. I prefer to do this in far away places where people can't reach me. I'm fortunate to have the skills to do so and feel comfortable in remote places, and the equipment to get me there so it's something I greatly value. The time away.

Society has lost its way, people have. They put importance on things that shouldn't be so important and they have forgotten what is truly important: Manners, generosity, kindness, the planet, working with their hands, courtesy...I don't see it coming back any time soon...So I escape it at times.

Thanks for your comment. I appreciate it.

I agree 100%!
This retreat is very enjoyable and relaxing
I'm a girl of extroversion, and you may not believe it, but sometimes I like not to see any people for a while, and even their voices bother me...

Among the good qualities of the people you mentioned, kindness has diminished the most because they no longer trust each other ...

It's great to have these skills
How nice it would be if I could come with you once and learn more about nature.

My question is, how did you learn these skills?
And did this equipment cost you a lot?

Great questions.

I've had an interest in the outdoors for a long time, since I was a kid, and over the years gained a little knowledge here and there mostly by trial and error. Making mistakes is a good way to learn. Now, well I still do that same but with the skills I have I make less mistakes.

As for the cost? Yes, it's costly. I'm not one to buy sub-standard things and prefer the buy once cry once ethos meaning I buy the right thing first time even if it costs a little extra so that I'll not have to buy the same thing again.

Thanks for your comments.

How great
It shows that you are free and free inside
I love your shopping model
In the words of the British: I have not yet become rich enough to buy cheap goods (having to buy good goods again)
Stay happy, healthy and rich

I like that saying you quote, I've not heard it before actually so thanks for putting it on my radar.

you're welcome

The unbelievable synchronicity of how I ended up reading this post...is a post in and of itself. Yesterday @dreemsteem commented on a post I made and in that comment she mentioned you and this particular post...I thought from the title it meant you were leaving the platform- that's important to this little story.

So here I am on the porch talking to my husband about what we want to do with our future. We're at a crossroads, the business we've run for years is winding down and he's been comsid starting up another, but it would be a commitment. We'd be stuck for at least five years, and the thing is we've always wanted to just drop out and travel. Our youngest turned 18 this year, so whatever decision we make it's no longer about stability for our kids as they are moving on with their lives.

He, my husband, knows how to paint a picture, also if he puts his mind to something it generally works out. So were he to start this new business I have no doubt it would be lucrative. But we promised ourselves years ago that when we no longer had to be stuck in one place, we wouldn't be.

Still, it's a leap of faith, as much of the money we would be using for travel comes from crypto investments that are making passive income- and it could go either way- could increase exponentially, could run right down to nothing.

So we're talking and he gets a phone call and I think "oh yeah,meant to check out that recommended post". And what is your post about? Haha, oh serendipity. Especially as you're doing this in Australia which based on the news would seem like an impossibility (not that I trust the news) and then there's your very last line. "You coming with?" Is literally my husband's staple line, and I know no one else who phrases it that way. Until now.

So, as I'm a big believer in signs, I'm taking this as a great big flashing neon one. Thank you much!!

Decision time huh? Well, let's just say evaluation and consideration time. You and hubs have a lot to think about it seems but...Hmm, how do I say this...No time like the present. Nope. How about, life is too short. Nah. Umm...Oh yeah, I know! The phrase I end my posts with; my life ethos.

Design and create your ideal life, don't live it by default - Tomorrow isn't promised.

It's not an answer but in understanding what y'all's ideal life looks like will help you reach one.

This is the first time you've commented on a post of mine I think. Welcome, I'm the G-dog, the local knucklehead. Pleased to meet you. 😊

My life ethos...I like that! Though the other two also fit, it is certainly a temporary journey for us immortal living spirits having an earthly experience :)

Have you ever heard of Earl Shoaff? He was an inspirational speaker in the 50's, he basically says the same thing about living your ideal life- here's one of his recordings:

Don't let the title put you off, it's not just about money ;)

Thank you for the warm welcome G dog, I will definitely be following your free and awesome nature oriented lifestyle!

I've heard of this chap but don't know much about him or what he has to say, until now.

I think, if we were to look back and consider the words of all of these sorts of people, we would find they all offer a similar message; it's up to us to hear, determine how it may fit our own lives, then make it happen, or not.

That is so freaking cool!!!! Well now I'm dying to see what happens for you guys too! Adventures abound!!!

<3 How did the evac go? Are you guys somewh safe?

yes! we are safe and sound... and for the FIRST time ever - we are FINALLY making it to Yosemite! LOL of all times?!?!?!

we have tried for 4 years to make it up here - and of course it takes us getting evacuated 15 minutes from Yosemite before it can actually happen.

tomorrow we are supposed to get snow possibly - which will turn to rain by the fires - and that would be INCREDIBLE!!!

so hopefully??? we can maybe go home soon?? but first - YOSEMITE!

ill be sure to share pics! hehehe @galenkp maybe i'll get a 24 hour adventure there! hehehehe

That's how you make lemonade from lemons! I've been wanting to see Yosemite ever since I watched the Alex Honnold free climb documentary, definitely share pictures!

hehehehe i'll share my pics this week for #wednesdaywalk! :)

it was so awe-inspiring... I've been to the Grand Canyon too - but for me... that was just TOO BIG to take in. know what i mean? i couldn't really grasp the vastness of it.. because my mind just wouldn't wrap around the expanse... so it was SO beautiful. but also...so... beyond my grasp. just no other word for it hahahaha

but this... seemed different to me.
it was broken up into sections almost hahaha
so that you could like - piece it together in your mind.. like whooooooooooa this is amazing. and then you go here - and WHOOOOOOOOA THIS IS AMAZING.
and you' like wowwwwwwwwww they are connected.. ahahaha and my brain seemed to be able to like - "get it" better

now... i will say this... i think maybe if i was able to descend down into the Grand Canyon - like on the burro treks.. maybe that would have helped???? i don't know. but i loved Yosemite hehehee

Glad to hear your safe DS and yep, get on that Yosemite adventure!

hehehehe will show all my pics for my #wednesdaywalk post!!! I can't wait!

and i'm back home now!! yayyyyyyyy

You're glad to be back I'm sure!

Coming fresh from a few bag nights by the Grand Canyon, I say time is ripe. Grand Canyon is no way as remote as the great Australian outback. But you still feel it at night by the campfire and when we slept under the milky way…

Go for it mate!


Amazing man! I've wanted to go there all my life, just haven't made it happen yet! I knew you were headed there and figured you'd do some posts. Now you've gone and made me jealous! 😁

That looks pretty remote... :D

There's probably a massive visitor centre ten metres behind where he is taking the shot. 10,000 people and all.

Not quite 10K but close :) and you got the idea. I will write about it as soon as I find time.

Thing is though, most people in Grand Canyon concentrate on the South Rim. Even if that, like you mentioned, close to the visitor center. Even on the south rim if you travel a bit away from the popular points on the rim trail, it's easy to find solitude. North rim is far less crowded, further away from the main highways. And from either rims if you just walk a mile down you can virtually have the whole canyon to yourself.

But that said it's no outback when you can order a pizza and beer while you read a book. Still there is a magic that can be felt as the crowd leaves by sunset. Moonlight or during new moon, you don't need a flashlight it's so bright! It's is told that you can read a book by the light of Venus! I haven't tried it though! But I can tell you its pretty bright.

I'd want to feel the solitude, to get lost in the beauty of the natural wonder that the GC is so it'd be the north rim for me. Having said that, I think it'd be cool to sit around with your family and order pizzas, share a beer and tell lies. Also, reading a book by the light of Venus? Yep, I want to do that!

This beach goes for a hundred miles, so come on up, LOL!
I have a canoe, a sunfish sailboat, a pontoon boat, and I can borrow a kayak from my Son for you...and there's no alligators or sharks.

And, it's deer season....

No alligators and sharks...Seems legit! I reckon I could handle some floating around out there for sure!

Only 500,000 surface acres, so you'd have to pace yourself, LOL! There are some large fish in there too, in case you get hungry.

There are enough black bears for a Very short hunting season here now. The first one harvested was by a high school cheerleader, with a bow. She went bear hunting with a stick, LOL! There are supposed to be cougars, but I've never seen that animal or even it's tracks.

My John Deere Gator isn't as fancy as your 4 wheel drive for certain, but it will allow you to access that hundreds of miles of beach!

I just posted on my 'neighbors'....


Jeez, only 500,000? 😀

Bear hunting with a stick? I want to meet this cheerleader, I reckon she'd be a hoot! I'd also be keen to see her wrestle a cougar.

Well, the 'stick' was an arrow, LOL; but she was cute! Her Daddy raised her right....
One of the local teams is called the cougars, so cheerleaders may have wrestled them, ROFLOL. Cougars are no longer considered endangered here, even with no season yet; so if you need to, you can shoot them.

Yes, Keystone lake is a hydroelectric dam, so the Corp of Engineers likes to see her full. It is also considered a Recreation lake, so the 500,000 acres is the recreation level.

Both my kids are natural shots because they both had their own rifle when the turned 7 years old ( single shot 22) which Momma didn't like! My Son is now a CLEET guard, and my Daughter carries a S&W 40 semi-auto; so I don't have to worry about either one.

Come, and we'll have a fish fry on the beach!


All sounds too good to refuse!

Rough trip, but you can hunt rabbits with my 300 win mag....

Kills , cleans ,and cooks them at the same time; if you can find anything, LOL 😆

There are 50 to 100 pound fish in there, fun on a rod! I'd love to come down under, but they won't let me CC, so I'd walk in circles....

I could send you home with a bruised shoulder for sure!

This is a mile from the water:
In case you get tired. It will be tied into water and septic soon, and has solar and propane already. 😁🤠💙

You have no idea how all that you are saying is resonating with me... especially with this past month from illness to wildfires - living like a nomad... chaos is all around me.

And I am SO right there with you. Lately, I've been having the EXACT same thoughts as you. I don't think we are the only ones either. I've cut out some relationships lately too - you know there is something about when chaos comes and is followed by silence.... it does allow you all this time to think and breathe and analyze and wonder and break free.

I've been so focused on this one idea I have... and trying to figure out HOW to get there. and I just can't right now. so i have to be ok to just wait, day by day, until the time is right. but in the meantime.... what to do in the waiting?

I just want to lift out of this existence and float above it all hahahaha

and I can't... so I would LOVE to live vicariously through you and enjoy all the beauty and peace that you soak in. Share it with us all who can't join you just yet??? :)

and don't go away for too long? :)

I just want to lift out of this existence and float above

I understand. There's a way to make it happen, want to know? Make it happen. That's the way...To make it happen. 😀

But if you can't then you can go virtual camping through me. Warning, I'm a caveman so living vicariously through a caveman may lead to a new way of thinking. Just saying.

Well...you're a caveman with comforts...right. hahahha

Cuz I am not about #ThatTentLife.

Hehehhee but I'll sleep on the couch in your trailer 😂😂😂

As far as making it happen, I'm trying .. but this idea will cost a pretty penny, and that will take time or ingenuity to save/raise. Hehehe

But I do my best to make it happen always

I hope I get to show you that I DID just that by my next birthday hehehe

Step it forward little by little and you'll get closer to it.

That's the plan, man!!!!!

I have some smaller little ideas and maybe they will help creep closer.

I'm also not stressing... You know?
I'm normally so impatient and so READY to jump... But I really only want it if it's right.

And sometimes the only way to check that is if it goes slow.

So....I wait.

So when do you leave on your adventure?!?

The adventure may need to wait a little, I have a few things on the go so should know in the next 5-7 days if and when an adventure is possible.

Well... A new kind of adventure might await you then ...hehehe

Ahhhhh, can only dream of such a getaway right now. But I know I will enjoy my own memories of those times through your upcoming pics. Take lots!

I did finally finish the last closet shelf building, Got the safe in and filled, and unpacked the last of the house boxes. Now just some garage stuff and tools left. That means some outdoor time this coming weekend.

Maybe I'd just holiday at your place instead. Would be just as legit huh?

Good work on getting that shelf done, safe in and the house unpacked. That's enough to earn outdoors time.

There's a few good campsites here, and plenty of down trees that need a cutting. Even a warm spot by the fireplace and a spare bed if you want out of the rain. Always welcome here, would be cool for you (and the wife) to make a trip. And yes, I would loan you some Bear protection :)

Lol, bear protection is a must.

This sounds - all together - like the best sort of holiday!

I love holidays, travel overseas and within Australia, but camping is something else again. I find deep satisfaction from being isolated and having to do most things manually, with my hands. Being self-reliant is almost a forgotten art these days but for me it brings great enjoyment and a degree of comfort. 😊

Definitely more like a forgotten art. It is tragic although I see, on our side, that more people are longing for that ancient lifestyle

Nights by the fire, cooking meals and brewing coffee on it, and waking up to nothing but the crisp fresh air and sounds of nature waking up for the day seems too attractive to turn down right? Add the lack of computers and phones and...Sounds bloody perfect!

Go for it!

P.S. I found this post of yours, while reading a novel called 'Blue Highways', written by a man who did exactly this in the mid 80s, driving his van across the USA. The novel describes this trip and apparently became a bestseller.

This was of course at a time before Internet
but hey, escaping to nature is in our blood ;<)

Escaping is a legitimate thing to do but so hard to do for most people. I guess we tie ourselves to things, creature-comforts, and are loathe to leave them behind for a more simpler life. I've been on a journey of letting go of much of those things over the last few years and tend to only focus on things that provide what I see as a more fulfilled life. My 4x4, kayak, hiking boots, off-road camper and so on. I'm happier.

Thanks for your great comment, I appreciate it.

Honestly, I would definitely come if I was at a reasonable distance. I guess I will have to live it through you this time, but hopefully, I can make it in the near future!
Living in a remote area for a few weeks is something I'd love to, sometimes It comes to my mind The Last Alaskans and I feel like joining one of these guys for a season :)

It'd be cool to get y'all hivers together for a camp with the G-dog! Imagine a big group of us around the fire talking and having fun. We'd let it burn low then sit back to watch the stars and moon...And hope hive gets there! 😆


That's a plan! but even if hive doesn't get there is a good plan! :)

Wow @galenkp - what an offer - wish I was at least 30 years younger. I'm sure you'll be inundated with people wanting to go with you.
Your photographs are magnificent. You need to make a photographic book and with your skill of writing some descriptive passages. This might be a really worthwhile thing to do when you go away.
I have a friend on hive - not sure if you've connected with him - @samstonehill - he has a spot in the South of France where he is completely self-sufficient and I love reading his posts about him and his lovely lady, Sabrina, and his two children Luna and Esteban. He has also made an offer for people to join him and it sounds so idyllic.
My life, and what's left of it revolves around my children. Jack and Les are now happy in their new home and I'll be visiting next week for a week. Eden is working way too hard and sounds pretty exhausted - she will only come to Cyprus the second week of Nov now. Lee will probably come at the same time and make some serious decisions. BAE was #17 on Saturday - looking forward to the results next week. She is being interviewed today. Will try to get a clip of the interview.

Yeah, I think there'll be no shortage of people wanting to come. I'm pretty choosey though, high standards and all. Eden is working way too hard but I think she doesn't know any other way to do it huh? I get it though, I mean if one does the right things, works hard at them, good things happen as Eden is proving. :)

Yeah - she has risen to #17 on the top forty and next week she should definitely go into the top ten. She was interviewed today for the radio station - so that's a good sign.
How are you going to pick? Candidates required to fill in a questionaire?

Top ten sounds like exactly where she belongs. Let's go top three. ✅

They're interviewing her on the station tomorrow - so let's see where this leads her

Lift anchor and do it now while you can Galen.
Free time is a gift that cannot be wasted so go and fetch yerself a pocket full of peace for the heart and the soul.
I am too old to go with you and my left knee is buggered, but my spirit will go with you.

I was only whinging about my knees the other day as someone mentioned it on my #weekend-engagement post, something about telling one's younger self to take better care of them. Lol. I could have used that advice as a twenty year old. I'll do the camping trip and you can live vicariously through me.

Thank you me and me better half will journey along with you , as she will not let me go anywhere on my own. So you will have to cook for a crowd every day as I am sure that many others are also coming along. Maybe I should charge everyone a joining fee of say $25, as it will be expensive to cook for so many? :D

Only the left knee on my bad leg that was damaged in the bike accident long ago (1980).
The doctors wanted to amputate the leg, but I refused and I am still walking on it.
So yeah, be very careful with all of your joints mate.

Maybe I should charge everyone a joining fee of say $25, as it will be expensive to cook for so many?

I'll source the food from Australian bush foods...It'll be cheap. Bugs, worms, roots, leaves, kangaroos and koalas and so on.

Look after that knee mate, you'll need it.

Hahaha, makes me wonder how many takers you will get.
Always easy to talk from behind a pc or a camera, but when it comes to real thing ...

Looks like it is going to have to be replaced and booked for X-Rays next week.
Sad, as it has lasted so long, but now wakes me all hours of the night.
You also take care mate.

Get a bionic one! Knee I mean.

Hahaha, anything that can replace the pain that wakes me about 4 times at night mate.
A painful knee is not very pleasant.

I traveled 3 months in Australia in 2010 and loved every minute.We started with a camper (East) and then a Landcruiser (Perth to Darwin) Now retired early in the Netherlands (57) and planning to live in Spain when the wife quits job too.
Have fun!

You've done a lot of the country. You would have come through my State I'd say, South Australia. It's all good though and you've seen some great parts of it! All the best with the Spain move. A new adventure!

I see you spent your Monday well. It's good to get out and do something different. It will be about ten more years before I can leave the kids for long enough to visit Australia but I think it looks great. Thanks for the open invitation knucklehead. I should really take you up on it some day.

From one knucklehead to another, you need to get yourself down here. It's amazing! 😆

Thank you



This is the exact location I am locked up in. I have a few more years in this place.







@galenkp, you've been given LUV from @mineopoly.

Check the LUV in your H-E wallet. (1/10)

Hmm, I prefer my view right now. I'm out shooting.


That's what I'm talking about. You are blessed to be there. I still have a lot of work.

Yep, I am indeed. Although, I shot a few things that weren't happy about me being there. But they don't need to worry about it now.

I shot a few things that weren't happy about me being there

I had wanted to visit that place since the 80s but I've never been south of Thailand on that side of the world. Did you shoot your dinner or just shoot the cook?

Posted via proofofbrain.io

Ummm.. I'm not ready to leave yet. Still in training. lol. Is Faith coming with ya? Sounds like you are getting closer to making this a reality. With so much beauty within reach, sounds like a wonderful plan. Best of luck with pulling all of the thoughts and plans together into reality. If anyone can do it, I know that your the man! 😁

I'm trying to make it a reality but people keep putting jobs in front of me for consideration!

I've been off work now for about a month in total and it's been great. I spoke to a recruiter a few weeks back to get the lay of the land, and he's been throwing jobs my way since. Good ones. Really good ones.

It's thrown a spanner in the works (buggered stuff up) as far as plans to disappear for a while as I need to follow it through and see what's up. I don't have the ability to not work indefinitely, I'd figured until the end of January, but I also don't want to miss out on a potentially great opportunity either.

So...I'm seeing how it shakes out over the next week or so and will know a little more then...I am, after all, a very responsible dude.

Oh. Wow. Well then. That's huge! But do it. DO IT! You will regret not doing it.

Yes, I totally want to go along! So virtually take me and others who want to enjoy hearing about your journey. Or don't. If you really really need a break from society and being plugged in, then maybe you should completely unplug, if only for a little while. Then maybe you'll get lonely and want to reconnect with us, your adoring fans! :-)

I really think I need the trip. I'm thinking a week but it may not be that long. 4-5 days of being unplugged would probably work too. I've just heard from a couple of those job opportunities and they want to schedule more meetings so...Well, I'm not sure what that means from a time perspective but it may mean I have little free time left. I might have to get something underway or lose the chance!

I'll, of course, do some hive posts so if you can make in person you can take a look. 😁

Oh whew! I thought you were talking about many months. Ha ha. A week is a really nice amount of time to break away. I've been thinking about doing the same, and doing a retreat at our family cabin, which is quite remote, with no Internet or phone. I would be forced to unplug and use my to write!

Lol, if only, months!

I just feel the desire to be away from the noises of society. I feel better there.

Uuuuh this is so cool G.! There was a saying: when you work too much you no longer have time to think. Clarity needs time off. If you feel good inside then this is all that matters. A job which no longer makes you feel fulfilled is not ok. If I were in Australia I would have totally joined a society escape move.

Yeah, there's a lot to be said for leaving society behind, being self-reliant and having skills that extend a little further than ordering Chinese food on UberEats.

I really love those offgrid living life stories, it's so awesome to be able to provide for yourself. If you have a big enough property one can easily make their dream life there

We were supposed to be camping when I was in Australia last year but ended up in lockdown in Tasmania. Envying you for camping with a mattress!

I love Tasmania, although being in lockdown wouldn't be so good. I never knew you'd been to Australia actually. Good on you. Great spot.

Escaping like that sounds like heaven right now. I've been having the same feeling lately. It's been almost two years since I've really traveled and I'm itching to get back into the world again. Best of luck to you and I can't wait to hear about your adventures once you get started!

It's been an odd time, 2020/21 I mean. Not travelling for me is tantamount to being imprisoned and it has made me feel somewhat trapped.

The pandemic has made me reevaluate, the job situation and other things. It's been good from that perspective.

I hope you get to travel soon. 😉

It's been such and odd and challenging time on so many levels. I feel the same way. What's been so difficult for my wife and I is we were just getting to the point where we could travel internationally. We got a small taste of it for a year then all hell broke loose and our wings were clipped.

I'm glad something positive came out of it for you! I think that's been the case for many. All of these open jobs aren't because people don't want to work. I think the pause that the pandemic sparked gave people enough distance from their usual routines to determine the lives they were leading didn't make sense.

Thank you man! I hope so too! I wish you well on your journey. Enjoy your time away!

The collage is great!
Judging by your appearance, you are a good athlete!

Thanks mate! Yeah, I've been to some places that make it easy to get good photos indeed.

And thank you, I try to look after myself, be fit and healthy.


You minded me of this day! I love to swim. I was coming back from farm house that we rented for a day when I took this image. My problem is even if I love to swim I don't feel comfortable with people around and I can't afford a private swimming pool! One day I will and will post on Hive! :)

I hope you get your private swimming pool someday! Maybe if the hive price goes up it will happen? Good luck with that goal!

It is true that I want a swimming pool but here in my country, I don't have privacy or freedom

It seems you face a few challenges. I hope you are able to bring it all together, to achieve your goals and make the life you wish for.

Indeed i will not give up. Freedom. I will not live the life by default, just like you said in your caption!

That's the way, stand tall, move things forward little by little and refuse to stay down when you're knocked down.


duplicate comment

There is something to be said for 'Retirement' I spend most of last year not working and even with lockdowns it was still relaxing and enjoyable to just work on yourself and think about what is important. Even now that I have going back to working I find that I'm more tolerant, relaxed and patient

Yep, you get it, I can tell. It's a choice made for oneself and allows space enough to revisit internally without the pressures of work. Its probably a difficult thing for many to facilitate but it's valuable to ones life ultimately. 😊

Very nice idea! I hope you find your peace and happyness!

I think it's highly likely that'll happen.

Awesome I hope you can get out into the great beyond for some time away from crazy world.

It's crazy for sure and yeah, me too, looking forward to a little escape. ☺️

I will come any day, but I am not at a stage where I can do nothing yet!!! I almost thought you were in South Africa, some of the places looks so similar.

Some parts of Australia are remarkably similar to South Africa. I often say this when I see snaps from South Africa. We were connected at some stage a while back so it makes sense.

Gosh, I love this sort of trip. With the equipment you have to make it a comfortable escape, I'll go with you virtually! I hope you have a relaxing time.

Will we get to read from you during this period? 😊

We'll, I haven't decided when I'll go get, but if I do I may only have intermittent cell coverage so the blockchain might have to continue on without the old G-dog for a little while.

... so the blockchain might have to continue on without the old G-dog for a little while.

😳 What?! Unacceptable. 😁

Well, if Oprah says stay I'll have to stay!

i like the view and the mountains in australia. I like the caption state as "Tomorrow isn't promised so be humble and kind."

Australia bis a diverse country and has many different climates and scenery, mountains are just one of them. It's a pretty cool place and I feel glad to have been born here and to call it home.

Most are within three hours but go five hours and I'd be guaranteed of not running into other people. Perfect.

😄 This is so funny...I am finding out I am so much like this. I love being alone.

I've spent 2 months indoors these days only occasional market and restaurant visits here and there.

In addition to your ability to sustain yourself in those environments is your amazing photography skill. I suck at taking good pictures

It's always a good time to get into the wilderness and away from people, for me at least. I can think better when I'm in some far away place. Thanks for your kind words on my photography skills. Much appreciated.

You are welcome...and I totally agree with what you said about thinking better away from people.

waking up to nothing but the crisp fresh air and sounds of nature waking up for the day seems too attractive to turn down

I would have loved to come with - this will definitely be refreshing. I am feeling the same way - going somewhere and spend some quiet time. Covid has spoiled us literally and we need a recharge.

Yep, a recharge is well and truly needed for sure! I hope you get one.

Everyone agrees to go for it. It’s hard to do things you don’t love but things will work out when you find your passions.

My passion was quitting my job, so I did. Now it's going camping, as per this post.

I so much love the pictures of Australia you snapped and also I will retire someday too and find the coolest abode to spend the remaining years of my old age.

Australia is a great place to take photos. No matter what one points the camera at it s great snap! Everything is Awesome in Australia. I hope you get to find some remote places in your country and enjoy some time away from civilisation.

Your place looks so awesome! I could only wish to live in a place so serene, and close to beaches, and hills alike. Good luck on your society break!

It's pretty cool right?

I guess you are having a good time with your vacation sir. Thanks for feeding us with this beauty. You simply look good.

I am, thank you. 😀

Wow, what beautiful places you posted there !! My zodiac sign is the crab, so you can imagine how I like the beach. I would accompany you, but I don't have a visa hahaha. I will accompany you with my thoughts and I will miss you very much during the time it takes to publish. Much success in your spiritual retreat.

Beaches are great although sand gets everywhere and I don't like that. Still, I've spent a goodly amount of time on or near beaches.

Oh yeah, no VISA no entry. Maybe one day huh?

The great Australian outdoors. What a beautiful country.

It sure is. I feel so fortunate to have been born here and to have travelled it extensively. It truly is a beautiful country. 😊

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Yes, we are ready to flew with you

You'll not regret it. 😊

Thanks for the invitation, thought wont be that much fun, i will live through you on this journey.

Posted via proofofbrain.io

You don't think it'll be fun? Clearly you've not been camping with me. It's loads of fun. Oh well, I'll go without you and you can read the post I do.

I'd come, but can't. Enjoy!

Maybe next time huh? 😊

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No phones or computers!?! What will we do??

Sounds like an awesome plan. Enjoy the freedom! I hear it's hard to come by that in Aussie land these days..

No phones or computers!?! What will we do??

Make fire with sticks, practice navigation, survival and bush skills...You know, all those things that keep people alive when SHTF. 😜

Enjoy the freedom!


I hear it's hard to come by that in Aussie land these days.

The assfuckery is mindboggling. 😩

SHTF.. uh oh, now you sound like a prepper.. (as if the other comments about your experience offroading and staying safe in remote locations, while being able to not get stuck in those locations want already am indication)🤣

👍👍 keep on living life to the fullest, sir! You give us all something to strive for 🍻

Lol...Yeah, crazy kooky prepper.

I'll own it. 😀

Life is full of abundance, a walk to breathe fresh air in the wild, is more fun than spending time with useless things. :)

beautiful landscapes

Thank you so much. 😀

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