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RE: I'm quitting

in Outdoors and more3 years ago

The unbelievable synchronicity of how I ended up reading this a post in and of itself. Yesterday @dreemsteem commented on a post I made and in that comment she mentioned you and this particular post...I thought from the title it meant you were leaving the platform- that's important to this little story.

So here I am on the porch talking to my husband about what we want to do with our future. We're at a crossroads, the business we've run for years is winding down and he's been comsid starting up another, but it would be a commitment. We'd be stuck for at least five years, and the thing is we've always wanted to just drop out and travel. Our youngest turned 18 this year, so whatever decision we make it's no longer about stability for our kids as they are moving on with their lives.

He, my husband, knows how to paint a picture, also if he puts his mind to something it generally works out. So were he to start this new business I have no doubt it would be lucrative. But we promised ourselves years ago that when we no longer had to be stuck in one place, we wouldn't be.

Still, it's a leap of faith, as much of the money we would be using for travel comes from crypto investments that are making passive income- and it could go either way- could increase exponentially, could run right down to nothing.

So we're talking and he gets a phone call and I think "oh yeah,meant to check out that recommended post". And what is your post about? Haha, oh serendipity. Especially as you're doing this in Australia which based on the news would seem like an impossibility (not that I trust the news) and then there's your very last line. "You coming with?" Is literally my husband's staple line, and I know no one else who phrases it that way. Until now.

So, as I'm a big believer in signs, I'm taking this as a great big flashing neon one. Thank you much!!


Decision time huh? Well, let's just say evaluation and consideration time. You and hubs have a lot to think about it seems but...Hmm, how do I say this...No time like the present. Nope. How about, life is too short. Nah. Umm...Oh yeah, I know! The phrase I end my posts with; my life ethos.

Design and create your ideal life, don't live it by default - Tomorrow isn't promised.

It's not an answer but in understanding what y'all's ideal life looks like will help you reach one.

This is the first time you've commented on a post of mine I think. Welcome, I'm the G-dog, the local knucklehead. Pleased to meet you. 😊

My life ethos...I like that! Though the other two also fit, it is certainly a temporary journey for us immortal living spirits having an earthly experience :)

Have you ever heard of Earl Shoaff? He was an inspirational speaker in the 50's, he basically says the same thing about living your ideal life- here's one of his recordings:

Don't let the title put you off, it's not just about money ;)

Thank you for the warm welcome G dog, I will definitely be following your free and awesome nature oriented lifestyle!

I've heard of this chap but don't know much about him or what he has to say, until now.

I think, if we were to look back and consider the words of all of these sorts of people, we would find they all offer a similar message; it's up to us to hear, determine how it may fit our own lives, then make it happen, or not.

That is so freaking cool!!!! Well now I'm dying to see what happens for you guys too! Adventures abound!!!

<3 How did the evac go? Are you guys somewh safe?

yes! we are safe and sound... and for the FIRST time ever - we are FINALLY making it to Yosemite! LOL of all times?!?!?!

we have tried for 4 years to make it up here - and of course it takes us getting evacuated 15 minutes from Yosemite before it can actually happen.

tomorrow we are supposed to get snow possibly - which will turn to rain by the fires - and that would be INCREDIBLE!!!

so hopefully??? we can maybe go home soon?? but first - YOSEMITE!

ill be sure to share pics! hehehe @galenkp maybe i'll get a 24 hour adventure there! hehehehe

That's how you make lemonade from lemons! I've been wanting to see Yosemite ever since I watched the Alex Honnold free climb documentary, definitely share pictures!

hehehehe i'll share my pics this week for #wednesdaywalk! :)

it was so awe-inspiring... I've been to the Grand Canyon too - but for me... that was just TOO BIG to take in. know what i mean? i couldn't really grasp the vastness of it.. because my mind just wouldn't wrap around the expanse... so it was SO beautiful. but beyond my grasp. just no other word for it hahahaha

but this... seemed different to me.
it was broken up into sections almost hahaha
so that you could like - piece it together in your mind.. like whooooooooooa this is amazing. and then you go here - and WHOOOOOOOOA THIS IS AMAZING.
and you' like wowwwwwwwwww they are connected.. ahahaha and my brain seemed to be able to like - "get it" better

now... i will say this... i think maybe if i was able to descend down into the Grand Canyon - like on the burro treks.. maybe that would have helped???? i don't know. but i loved Yosemite hehehee

Glad to hear your safe DS and yep, get on that Yosemite adventure!

hehehehe will show all my pics for my #wednesdaywalk post!!! I can't wait!

and i'm back home now!! yayyyyyyyy

You're glad to be back I'm sure!


i have written about 50 comments today so far LOLOL

and now i'm running out to do a video! hehehehehe