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RE: Good guy (or girl) with a gun stories are always ignored by the media

No offense taken as this is a world wide issue. Some countries have more rights than others, some are required to perform military service and own firearms. This is a culture issue to a degree which is ignored by prohibition proponents because there are countries with high firearms ownership and low gun crime that are often ignored.

It is scary here in the last few years in Canada as the veil has been lifted and the pubic has been show that this isn't much of a democracy. The government that has taken power with a minority of actual votes is able to suspend our constitutional rights and impose dictates/mandates without any real process through parliament.

There is a massive disconnect between those that have some ability to think for themselves and recognize that something is deeply wrong as our rights are stripped away and those that lap up without question everything the government funded main stream media presents to them.

The sick part about it is that the government is more concerned with virtue signaling and pretending they are doing something about gun violence to the msm crowd of ignorant supporters than actually doing anything that will reduce crime and violence but this is where we are at in Canada.


The sick part about it is that the government is more concerned with virtue signaling and pretending they are doing something

I recall an interview or a Q and A with Trudeau where he stopped someone mid question to correct them because they said "mankind." Trudeau insisted the word to use there was "person-kind" or something weird like that. The crowd cheered when he said this too. Afterwards I think he just danced around the actual question and didn't answer it at all anyway.