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RE: Catchin' Crawdads

in Outdoors and more • 2 years ago

At first I couldn't figure out why you were that worried about a lure and then it occurred to me that you were probably fly fishing 🤣

Crawdads are the shit. We had a creek running through our property growing up and we were always catching them or at least getting pinched by'em. Couple of times we took a seine to the creek and caught enough to make gumbo. Lol, you leave'em in the bucket long enough and they'll kill each other. It's wild to watch, you can have a bucketful and they won't get out because the ones closest to the top get cut to pieces by the ones below them.

Do yall have crawdad holes too or do they mostly muck about in pond mud?


We weren't fly fishing but the damn lure I bought was 4$! I am not about to let that 4$ get away from us lol.

I've got no idea about anything crawdad! Lol I only know what they are and I know we will be catching more that's for sure but this was my first time.

We were flipping rocks to catch them and I'm sure we could find more but I'm not sure other spots to get them, as these were not under every single rock that we had. I didn’t even realize that we had them in the lake here until we found a dead one a few weeks back and decided to try and find one. Found more than we thought!

It’s similar to ocean crabs then it seems lol. We catch a bucket full of them and the ones at the top get killed by the ones at the bottom which is funny.

Lol, there were always too many ways to snag a line for us to use a $4 lure. Mostly just live bait and cheap rooster tails.

They were all over the place where I grew up. You ever hear the song? They make these holes in the ground and pile up mud around it.


I've mostly seen them in running water, was a bit surprised y'all pulled one out of a lake. We just flipped rocks to find'em, tried digging out those holes but that never worked out.

Yep! Once on a boy scout canoeing trip our 'adult supervision' wandered off and while they were gone I showed the younger kids how to catch crawdads and we put'em all in their canoes. By the time they wandered back the bottoms of the canoes were covered in crawdad blood. We were entertained, they were not.