That’s an awesome amount of stuff and knowledge you’ve got here! It takes a while to gain it but it’s some of the most important stuff for sure! I’m actually looking to get a book or two, probably to the chagrin of my wife, on this stuff. Not the Hollywood crap but the real stuff. I’m pretty good at some of the skills but plants and wild ones are where I’m severely lacking!
I wonder if we’ve got nettle around us, I know that we have plantain everywhere. Can you eat plantain raw or do you cook it? I’d like to try it! I know it’s edible and see it often I just forget what it is. I keep thinking it’s dandelion lol.
Oh it's worth learning and your boy might love the whole bushcraft thing too.
Plantain you can chew raw but it's a bit grassy lol. The broadleaf one is good to put in stews and both can be eaten cooked. It's FANTASTIC wild medicine, you must educate yourself about it!!